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2023-09-28 14:46:10 +00:00
abstract: 'In the last decades, the East Asian region has experienced important
economic transformations that have led to important growth and economic
development. A crucial part of this growth has been due to the
contribution of the foreign sector, and more specifically the trade in
manufactures, establishing a model of economic growth based largely on
exports of this type of goods.
The Spanish foreign sector has also undergone important changes in
recent decades, although the need to expand foreign markets and the
improvement of the technological intensity of manufactured exports are
two pending tasks to be able to compete more efficiently in the
international markets. The Spanish authorities have emphasised these
needs and have been defined as objectives to be achieved in the
different internationalisation strategies for the Spanish economy
designed in recent years, and although improvements have been made,
there is still ample scope to deepen the reforms needed to achieve a
more efficient pattern of manufacturing specialisation. In most cases,
the analysis of these deficiencies has been confined to the country,
without paying special attention to the study of the regional aspect,
and to the high regional geographic concentration in the Spanish
production of manufactures with a higher technological content,
highlighting the unavoidable need to implement economic policy tools to
improve the supply of new products with high technological content.
This article analyses the technological intensity of manufactures
exported by the Spanish autonomous communities to the world and the main
territories of East Asia: China, Japan, Korea, ASEAN, Hong Kong and
Taiwan, for the period 2000 to 2016. As we mentioned before, this choice
is based on the importance that these territories have achieved in the
international markets of manufactures in general, and of manufactures
with high technological intensity in particular, and also based on the
low presence in the economic literature in Spain.
This analysis fills a crucial gap in the economic literature regarding
the technological intensity of manufactures exported by Spanish regions,
and it is for this reason that our study aims to provide scientific
evidence for the case of the technological intensity of manufactures
exported by Spanish autonomous communities to the world and to the East
Asian region. Therefore, it could serve as an important tool on the
assessment of economic policy measures implemented to increase regional
exports of manufactures with a higher technological content. This work
can also be a good tool for Spanish companies that wish to
internationalise their processes in the countries of the study,
identifying market niches and difficulties in internationalising their
processes in East Asian countries. Likewise, it can serve the Spanish
authorities at national and regional level in charge of designing
policies aimed at favouring these processes of business
internationalisation, identifying comparative advantages, and
reinforcing economic policy tools aimed at improving the financing,
training and qualification of companies exporting manufactures with a
high technological content. Thus, this article has a significant
relevance due to the need to improve the regional export propensity of
manufactures with a higher technological content, since achieving these
objectives could help to attain greater economic growth, showing that
product specialisation from the point of view of technological intensity
is not neutral on potential of wealth creation.
One of the aims of this paper is to determine the weight of the foreign
manufacturing sector in the Spanish regional economies, since the
measures and the scope of the economic policies to be implemented to
improve the technological intensity of manufacturing will depend to a
certain degree on the importance of this sector in each of the
autonomous communities, and for this it will be essential to determine
the technological breakdown of manufactures exported by the Spanish
regions to the world and to the countries of East Asia, as well as to
analyse the evolution of their technological pattern during the study
period. This article also aims to determine the main manufactures with
high technological intensity exported by the Spanish regions to the
countries of East Asia, to analyse their level of concentration, and the
degree of similarity of the distributions of exports of manufactures
with high technological intensity among each of the Spanish autonomous
communities, and that of Spain as a whole. The database used in this
study is Datacomex of the Ministry of Industry, Trade and Tourism of
Spain, which collects data on declared trade provided by the Department
of Customs and Special Taxes of the State Agency of the Tax
In the regional study of manufactures exported according to their
technological content by Spain and by the Spanish regions to the world
and the countries of East Asia, a statistical analysis is carried out
using the technological classification established by the OECD, where
manufactures are broken down into four groups: high technology
manufactures, medium-high technology, medium-low technology, and low
technology. The disaggregation of manufactures used in this article is
at five-digit level, which provides a high level of disaggregation,
avoiding the likely drawbacks derived from a high level of aggregation.
In the analysis of the concentration of exported manufactures, we used
the Theil concentration index, while in the study of the similarity
between the distributions of exports to the world and to the East Asian
countries regarding manufactures with high technological intensity,
between the Spainsh regions and Spain as whole, we use the
Finger-Kreinin index.
From the analysis of the manufactures exports, it is observed that there
is no clear relationship between the weight of the manufacturing sector
in the regional economies and the volume of exports with high
technological intensity. Although it is difficult to establish a pattern
regarding the evolution of manufactures with high intensity exported by
the Spanish regions, some autonomous communities, such as the Community
of Madrid, have significantly increased the proportion of manufactures
exported with high technological intensity as they increased their sales
abroad in absolute terms, establishing a pattern of industrialisation
focused on those manufactures with a higher added value. Moreover, from
the analysis of manufactures exports to the countries of East Asia, we
can conclude that exports values can be improved both in quantitative
and qualitative terms, and that there is a significant concentration of
manufactures exports in a few regions. Madrid, followed by Castilla-Leon
and Andalucia are among the Spanish regions that showed a good
performance during the study period, and among those that better adapted
to the pattern of specialisation of Asian imports, on the other hand are
regions such as Galicia, Cantabria, Extremadura or Murcia. Likewise, the
evolution of the value of exports of manufactures with high
technological intensity is very heterogeneous, and there is no a defined
From the analysis of the concentration index, it is observed that a high
concentration is associated with a low level of value exports, that is
why as value of exports increases, there is a greater product
diversification. Moreover, there is a greater concentration in
manufactures exported to the East Asian countries than those exported to
the rest of the world. Overall, from the results obtained by the
Finger-Kreinin index, we can conclude that the Spanish regions have a
distribution of exports of manufactures with a high technological
intensity quite similar to that of the nation as a whole, that these
distributions have been homogenised with that of the country as a whole
over time, with a greater homogeneity in the case of those regions with
high propensity to exports manufactures of high technological content.'
affiliation: 'Zapata, AN (Corresponding Author), Univ Rey Juan Carlos, Madrid, Spain.
Zapata, Amadeo Navarro, Univ Rey Juan Carlos, Madrid, Spain.'
author: Zapata, Amadeo Navarro
- family: Zapata
given: Amadeo Navarro
da: '2023-09-28'
files: []
issn: 0213-7585
keywords: Exports; Manufacturing; Technology intensity; East Asia
language: Spanish
month: MAY-AUG
number: '121'
number-of-cited-references: '34'
orcid-numbers: Navarro Zapata, Amadeo/0000-0002-7405-9035
pages: 103-136
papis_id: 4f9f8b55adcb33511dee19aa356b64bb
ref: Zapata2021regionalanalysis
researcherid-numbers: Navarro Zapata, Amadeo/ADJ-5595-2022
times-cited: '0'
title: Regional analysis of Spanish high-tech manufacturing exports to East Asian
2023-10-01 08:15:07 +00:00
type: article
2023-09-28 14:46:10 +00:00
unique-id: WOS:000720372700007
usage-count-last-180-days: '0'
usage-count-since-2013: '4'
web-of-science-categories: Environmental Studies
year: '2021'