Renamed bootstrap directory to _bootstrap to conform to default ignore pattern of, and make it visually clear that this is a special directory, not one used for the dotfiles itself.
1.1 KiB
1.1 KiB
1 | alacritty |
2 | atool |
3 | anki |
4 | bash |
5 | bibtool |
6 | bison |
7 | bzip2 |
8 | dhcpcd |
9 | dialog |
10 | docker |
11 | dunst |
12 | exa |
13 | fasd |
14 | feh |
15 | flashfocus-git |
16 | fzf |
17 | gawk |
18 | git |
19 | git-lfs |
20 | glow |
21 | gnome-keyring |
22 | gopass |
23 | grep |
24 | gzip |
25 | haveged |
26 | htop |
27 | hugo |
28 | i3-gaps |
29 | i3lock |
30 | jabref-latest |
31 | jpdftweak |
32 | keybase-bin |
33 | less |
34 | libnotify |
35 | libtool |
36 | littler |
37 | logrotate |
38 | lynx |
39 | mosh |
40 | mpv |
41 | nano |
42 | neovim |
43 | nerd-fonts-fira-code |
44 | nerd-fonts-iosevka |
45 | nextcloud-client |
46 | ntfs-3g |
47 | ntp |
48 | openssh |
49 | os-prober |
50 | pacman |
51 | pandoc |
52 | pandoc-citeproc |
53 | picom |
54 | playerctl |
55 | polybar |
56 | powertop |
57 | pulseaudio |
58 | pulseaudio-alsa |
59 | pulsemixer |
60 | python-pip |
61 | python-pybtex |
62 | python-pynvim |
63 | qutebrowser |
64 | r |
65 | redshift |
66 | ripgrep |
67 | rng-tools |
68 | rofi |
69 | rofi-calc |
70 | rofi-dmenu |
71 | rofi-greenclip |
72 | rofimoji |
73 | rtv |
74 | scrot |
75 | sed |
76 | sshfs |
77 | stow |
78 | surfraw |
79 | sxhkd |
80 | tar |
81 | texinfo |
82 | texlive-bibtexextra |
83 | texlive-core |
84 | texlive-fontsextra |
85 | texlive-formatsextra |
86 | texlive-games |
87 | texlive-humanities |
88 | texlive-latexextra |
89 | texlive-music |
90 | texlive-pictures |
91 | texlive-pstricks |
92 | texlive-publishers |
93 | texlive-science |
94 | tmux |
95 | tomb |
96 | topgrade |
97 | ttf-comic-neue |
98 | ttf-heuristica |
99 | ttf-signika |
100 | unclutter |
101 | unrar |
102 | unzip |
103 | vagrant |
104 | vifm |
105 | virtualbox |
106 | wget |
107 | which |
108 | xcape |
109 | xclip |
110 | xdg-user-dirs |
111 | xdotool |
112 | xorg-server |
113 | xorg-xev |
114 | xorg-xinit |
115 | xorg-xinput |
116 | xorg-xrandr |
117 | yarn |
118 | yay |
119 | youtube-dl |
120 | zathura |
121 | zathura-pdf-mupdf |
122 | zsh |