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Raw Blame History

2aaxtomp3Convert Audible's .aax filetype to MP3, FLAC, M4A, or OPUSA
3acpidA daemon for delivering ACPI power management events with netlink supportR
4afewInitial tagging script for notmuch mailR
5alias-tips-gitAn oh-my-zsh plugin to help remembering those aliases you defined onceA
6alsa-utilsAdvanced Linux Sound Architecture - UtilitiesR
7ankiHelps you remember facts (like words/phrases in a foreign language) efficientlyA
8ansibleOfficial assortment of Ansible collectionsR
9ansible-lintChecks playbooks for practices and behaviour that could potentially be improved.R
10arch-wiki-liteArch Wiki without HTML. 1/9 as big, easily searched & viewable on consoleR
11arduinoArduino prototyping platform SDKR
12arduino-avr-coreArduino AVR core with upstream avr-gcc and avrdudeR
13arduino-cliArduino command line interfaceR
14asciinemaRecord and share terminal sessionsR
15asix-ax88179-dkmsA kernel module for ASIX AX88178A AX88179 USB 3.0 network adaptersA
16aspell-deGerman dictionary for aspellR
17aspell-enEnglish dictionary for aspellR
18atoolA script for managing file archives of various typesR
19aubioA tool for extracting annotations from audio signalsR
20barrierOpen-source KVM software based on Synergy (GUI)R
21baseMinimal package set to define a basic Arch Linux installationR
22bash-batsBash Automated Testing SystemR
23bash-completionProgrammable completion for the bash shellR
24bash-language-serverBash language server implementation based on Tree Sitter and its grammar for BashR
25batCat clone with syntax highlighting and git integrationR
26bcAn arbitrary precision calculator languageR
27bearsslImplementation of the SSL/TLS protocol (RFC 5246) written in CR
28bemoji-gitEmoji picker that remembers your favorites.A
29bibcleanBibTeX and Scribe bibliography prettyprinter and syntax checkerA
30biberA Unicode-capable BibTeX replacement for biblatex usersR
31bibtoolA tool for manipulating BibTeX filesR
32bindA complete, highly portable implementation of the DNS protocolR
33bluetuith-binA TUI based bluetooth managerA
34bluez-utilsDevelopment and debugging utilities for the bluetooth protocol stackR
35brightnessctlLightweight brightness control toolR
36btopA monitor of system resources, bpytop ported to C++R
37caddyFast web server with automatic HTTPSR
38calcurseA text-based personal organizerR
39catdocA convertor for Microsoft Word, Excel, PowerPoint and RTF Files to textR
40chafaImage-to-text converter supporting a wide range of symbols and palettes, transparency, animations, etc.R
41cinny-desktop-binMatrix client focusing primarily on a simple, elegant and secure interface (binary release)A
42clipmanA simple clipboard manager for WaylandA
43cups-pdfPDF printer for cupsR
44cups-pk-helperA helper that makes system-config-printer use PolicyKitR
45dbus-brokerLinux D-Bus Message BrokerR
46dcnntYet another tool to connect Android phone with desktop similar to KDE ConnectA
47dconf-editorGSettings editor for GNOMER
48dell-command-configureConfigure various BIOS features on Dell laptopsA
49devourWindow Manager agnostic swallowing feature for terminal emulatorsA
50dhcpcdRFC2131 compliant DHCP client daemonR
51diff-so-fancyGood-looking diffs with diff-highlight and moreR
52distroboxUse any linux distribution inside your terminal.A
53dnsmasqLightweight, easy to configure DNS forwarder and DHCP serverR
54dockerPack, ship and run any application as a lightweight containerR
55docker-composeFast, isolated development environments using DockerR
56docx2txtRecovers text from DOCX files, with good formatting.R
57dos2unixText file format converterR
58dufDisk Usage/Free UtilityR
59dustA more intuitive version of du in rustR
60efm-langserverGeneral purpose Language ServerA
61encaCharset analyser and converterR
62entrRun arbitrary commands when files changeR
63exals replacementR
64exercism-binCommand line client for exercism.ioA
65exfat-utilsUtilities for exFAT file systemR
66f3Simple tool that tests flash cards capacity and performance to see if they live up to claimed specificationsA
67fasdCommand-line productivity booster, offers quick access to files and directoriesR
68fdSimple, fast and user-friendly alternative to findR
69ffmpegthumbnailerLightweight video thumbnailer that can be used by file managersR
70firefoxStandalone web browser from mozilla.orgR
71flavoursA simple and easy cli to build and use base16 schemesA
72fonts-cjkLinux 下的免费商用字体包A
73freerdpFree implementation of the Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP)R
74fwupdSimple daemon to allow session software to update firmwareR
75fzf-tab-bin-gitReplace zsh's default completion selection menu with fzf (git version). This package also compiles the optional binary module.A
76gallery-dlCommand-line program to download image-galleries and collections from several image hosting sitesA
77gamemodeA daemon/lib combo that allows games to request a set of optimisations be temporarily applied to the host OSR
78gimpGNU Image Manipulation ProgramR
79git-lfsGit extension for versioning large filesR
80gitlintGit commit message linterA
81gituiBlazing fast terminal-ui for git written in RustR
82gk6x-binConfigure keys, macros, and lighting on GK6X keyboards (GK64, GK84, GK61, etc)A
83glancesCLI curses-based monitoring toolR
84glfw-waylandA free, open source, portable framework for graphical application development (wayland)R
85glowCommand-line markdown rendererR
86gnu-netcatGNU rewrite of netcat, the network piping applicationR
87gnumericA GNOME Spreadsheet ProgramR
88gnuplotPlotting package which outputs to X11, PostScript, PNG, GIF, and othersR
89go-md2manA markdown to manpage generatorR
90gomuksA terminal based Matrix client written in GoA
91goplsLanguage server for Go programming languageR
92gotty-binSimple command line tool that turns your CLI tools into web applications.A
93grimScreenshot utility for WaylandR
94grubGNU GRand Unified Bootloader (2)R
95gsimplecalSimple and lightweight GTK calendarR
96gst-plugins-badMultimedia graph framework - bad pluginsR
97gstreamer-vaapiMultimedia graph framework - vaapi pluginR
98gucharmapGnome Unicode CharmapR
99havegedEntropy harvesting daemon using CPU timingsR
100heimdallTool suite used to flash firmware (ROMs) onto Samsung Galaxy S devicesR
101htopInteractive process viewerR
102hugoFast and Flexible Static Site Generator in GoR
103iftopDisplay bandwidth usage on an interfaceR
104imapfilterA mail filtering utility for processing IMAP mailboxesA
105imvImage viewer for Wayland and X11R
106intel-ucodeMicrocode update files for Intel CPUsR
107iputilsNetwork monitoring tools, including pingR
108ipythonAn enhanced Interactive Python shell.R
109iucode-toolTool to manipulate Intel® IA-32/X86-64 microcode bundlesR
110iwdInternet Wireless DaemonR
111jiq-binInteractive JSON query tool using jq expressionsA
112jmtpfsFUSE and libmtp based filesystem for accessing MTP (Media Transfer Protocol) devicesA
113jpdftweakA Swiss Army Knife GUI application for PDF documentsA
114jrnlCollect your thoughts and notes without leaving the command lineR
115jupyter-nbclientA tool for running Jupyter Notebooks in different execution contexts.R
116kanshiDynamic output configuration for Wayland WMsR
117keydA key remapping daemon for linux.A
118khalCLI calendar application build around CalDAVR
119khardConsole address book managerR
120kuboIPFS implementation in GoR
121lazygitSimple terminal UI for git commandsR
122lib32-gamemodeA daemon/lib combo that allows games to request a set of optimisations be temporarily applied to the host OSR
123libdvdcssPortable abstraction library for DVD decryptionR
124libfido2Library functionality for FIDO 2.0, including communication with a device over USBR
125libqalculateMulti-purpose desktop calculatorR
126libreoffice-freshLibreOffice branch which contains new features and program enhancementsR
127libva-intel-driverVA-API implementation for Intel G45 and HD Graphics familyR
128libvirtAPI for controlling virtualization engines (openvz,kvm,qemu,virtualbox,xen,etc)R
129linuxThe Linux kernel and modulesR
130linux-firmwareFirmware files for LinuxR
131linux-headersHeaders and scripts for building modules for the Linux kernelR
132linux-ltsThe LTS Linux kernel and modulesR
133littlera hash-bang and simple command line pipe front end for GNU RA
134logrotateRotates system logs automaticallyR
135lsofLists open files for running Unix processesR
136lswtList Wayland toplevelsA
137lua-formatLuaFormatter - Code formatter for LuaA
138lua-language-serverLua Language Server coded by LuaR
139lua51Powerful lightweight programming language designed for extending applicationsR
140luacheckA tool for linting and static analysis of Lua codeR
141lutrisOpen Gaming PlatformR
142lyTUI display managerA
143lynxA text browser for the World Wide WebR
144maestralOpen-source Dropbox clientA
145magic-wormholeSecurely transfer data between computersR
146maimUtility to take a screenshot using imlib2R
147makoLightweight notification daemon for WaylandR
148man-dbA utility for reading man pagesR
149man-pagesLinux man pagesR
150markdownlint-cliMarkdownLint Command Line InterfaceA
151masterpdfeditor-freeA complete solution for creation and editing PDF files - Free version without watermarkA
152mbsync-gitfree (GPL) mailbox synchronization programA
153mediainfoSupplies technical and tag information about a video or audio file (CLI interface)R
154mermaid-cliGeneration of diagram and flowchart from text in a similar manner as markdown (CLI)A
155microModern and intuitive terminal-based text editorR
156mimeoOpen files by MIME-type or file name using regular expressions.A
157minidlnaA DLNA/UPnP-AV Media server (aka ReadyDLNA)R
158minio-clientReplacement for ls, cp, mkdir, diff and rsync commands for filesystems and object storageR
159mopidy-bandcampMopidy backend for BandcampA
160mopidy-irisA Mopidy Web client that utilizes the Spotify and EchoNest frameworks. (Formerly Spotmop)A
161mopidy-localMopidy extension for local media playbackA
162mopidy-mpdMopidy extension for controlling playback from MPD clientsA
163mopidy-mprisMopidy extension for controlling Mopidy through the MPRIS D-Bus interfaceA
164mopidy-scrobblerMopidy extension for scrobbling played tracks to Last.fmA
165mopidy-somafmMopidy extension for playing music from SomaFMA
166mopidy-spotifyMopidy extension for playing music from SpotifyA
167mopidy-youtubeMopidy extension for playing music from YoutubeA
168moreutilsA growing collection of the unix tools that nobody thought to write thirty years agoR
169moshMobile shell, surviving disconnects with local echo and line editingR
170mpv-mprisMPRIS plugin for mpvR
171msmtpA mini smtp clientR
172mupdf-glLightweight PDF and XPS viewer with OpenGL backendR
173mutt-icsShow calendar event details in muttA
174ncmpcppAlmost exact clone of ncmpc with some new featuresR
175needrestartRestart daemons after library updates.A
176neomuttA version of mutt with added featuresR
177neovimFork of Vim aiming to improve user experience, plugins, and GUIsR
178net-toolsConfiguration tools for Linux networkingR
179netctlProfile based systemd network managementR
180nethogsA net top tool which displays traffic used per process instead of per IP or interfaceR
181network-manager-appletApplet for managing network connectionsR
182networkmanager-openconnectNetworkManager VPN plugin for OpenConnectR
183newsboatRSS/Atom feed reader for text terminalsR
184nextcloud-clientNextcloud desktop clientR
185nfs-utilsSupport programs for Network File SystemsR
186nmapUtility for network discovery and security auditingR
187nodejs-pandiffProse diffs for any document format supported by PandocA
188noto-fonts-emojiGoogle Noto emoji fontsR
189npmA package manager for javascriptR
190nss-mdnsglibc plugin providing host name resolution via mDNSR
191nsxivNeo (or New or Not) Simple (or Small or Suckless) X Image ViewerA
192ntfs-3gNTFS filesystem driver and utilitiesR
193ntpNetwork Time Protocol reference implementationR
194nushellA new type of shellR
195nzbgetDownload from Usenet using .nzb filesR
196offpunk-gitFork of the command-line Gemini client AV-98 with added offline capabilitiesA
197oh-my-zsh-gitA community-driven framework for managing your zsh configuration. Includes 180+ optional plugins and over 120 themes to spice up your morning, and an auto-update tool so that makes it easy to keep up with the latest updates from the communityA
198os-proberUtility to detect other OSes on a set of drivesR
199parallelA shell tool for executing jobs in parallelR
200parsec-binRemotely connect to a gaming pc for a low latency remote computing experienceA
201paru-binFeature packed AUR helperA
202pass-coffinA password store extension that hides data inside a signed and encrypted coffinA
203pass-sshA pass extension that creates ssh keys with an automatically generated passphrases stored in pass and outputs the public key using fzf or rofiA
204pavucontrolPulseAudio Volume ControlR
205pbzip2Parallel implementation of the bzip2 block-sorting file compressorR
206pdfjsPDF reader in javascriptR
207pdftkCommand-line tool for working with PDFsR
208peekSimple screen recorder with an easy to use interfaceR
209perfLinux kernel performance auditing toolR
210perl-authen-saslPerl/CPAN Module Authen::SASL : SASL authentication frameworkR
211piavpn-binPrivate Internet Access clientA
212pigzParallel implementation of the gzip file compressorR
213pipewire-alsaLow-latency audio/video router and processor - ALSA configurationR
214playerctlmpris media player controller and lib for spotify, vlc, audacious, bmp, xmms2, and others.R
215podmanTool and library for running OCI-based containers in podsR
216powertopA tool to diagnose issues with power consumption and power managementR
217prettierAn opinionated code formatter for JS, JSON, CSS, YAML and much moreR
218protonvpnOfficial ProtonVPN metapackage that installs protonvpn-gui and protonvpn-cli, maintained by the ProtonVPN team.A
219ptpythonPython REPL build on top of prompt_toolkitA
220pubsYour bibliography on the command lineA
221pulsemixerCLI and curses mixer for pulseaudioR
222pvA terminal-based tool for monitoring the progress of data through a pipeline.R
223pyrightType checker for the Python languageR
224python-adblockBrave's adblock library in PythonR
225python-dictcccommandline tool for dict.ccA
226python-docsSet of HTML documentation for pythonR
227python-html2textA HTML to markdown-structured text converterR
228python-openpyxlA Python library to read/write Excel 2007 xlsx/xlsm filesR
229python-pagelabelsPython library to manipulate PDF page numbers and labels.A
230python-pancriticCriticMarkdup parser with optional pandoc backendA
231python-pdfminerPython PDF ParserR
232python-pipThe PyPA recommended tool for installing Python packagesR
233python-pipxInstall and Run Python Applications in Isolated EnvironmentsR
234python-pybluezPython wrapper for the BlueZ Bluetooth stackR
235python-pybtexA BibTeX-compatible bibliography processor written in PythonR
236python-pynvimPython client for NeovimR
237python-pyqt6-3dPython bindings for Qt3DR
238python-pyqt6-chartsPython bindings for QtChartR
239python-pyqt6-datavisualizationPython bindings for QtDataVisualizationR
240python-pyqt6-networkauthPython bindings for QtNetworkAuthR
241python-readability-lxmlFast html to text parser (article readability tool) python libraryR
242python-slugifyA Python slugify application that handles unicodeR
243python-tasklibPython library for interacting with taskwarrior databasesR
244qemu-desktopA QEMU setup for desktop environmentsR
245qt5-waylandProvides APIs for WaylandR
246qt5-xmlpatternsSupport for XPath, XQuery, XSLT and XML schema validationR
247qt6-svgClasses for displaying the contents of SVG filesR
248qt6-waylandProvides APIs for WaylandR
249qtcurve-gtk2A configurable set of widget styles for KDE and GtkR
250quarto-cli-binAn open-source scientific and technical publishing system built on Pandoc (binary from official repo)A
251qutebrowserA keyboard-driven, vim-like browser based on PyQt5R
252refindAn EFI boot managerR
253refind-btrfsGenerate rEFInd manual boot stanzas from Btrfs snapshotsA
254reflectorA Python 3 module and script to retrieve and filter the latest Pacman mirror list.R
255remindA sophisticated calendar and alarm program.R
256remminaremote desktop client written in GTK+R
257resticFast, secure, efficient backup programR
258riverA dynamic tiling wayland compositorR
259rivercarroA slightly modified version of rivertile layout generator for river.A
260rng-toolsRandom number generator related utilitiesR
261sc-imA spreadsheet program based on SCA
262sccSloc, Cloc and Code: a very fast accurate code counter with complexity calculations and COCOMO estimates written in pure GoA
263scrcpyDisplay and control your Android deviceR
264screenFull-screen window manager that multiplexes a physical terminalR
265sfzA simple static file serverA
266shellcheck-binShell script analysis tool (binary release, static)A
267shfmtFormat shell programsR
268slurpSelect a region in a Wayland compositorR
269smartmontoolsControl and monitor S.M.A.R.T. enabled ATA and SCSI Hard DrivesR
270snap-pacPacman hooks that use snapper to create pre/post btrfs snapshots like openSUSE's YaSTR
271speedtest-cliCommand line interface for testing internet bandwidth using speedtest.netR
272sshfsFUSE client based on the SSH File Transfer ProtocolR
273steamValve's digital software delivery systemR
274stowManage installation of multiple softwares in the same directory treeR
275sudoGive certain users the ability to run some commands as rootR
276surfrawShell Users' Revolutionary Front Rage Against the WebR
277swaybgWallpaper tool for Wayland compositorsR
278swayidleIdle management daemon for WaylandR
279swwwEfficient animated wallpaper daemon for wayland, controlled at runtime.A
280task-spoolerQueue up tasks from the shell for batch executionA
281taskopenScript for taking notes and open urls with taskwarriorA
282taskshA shell command that wraps Taskwarrior commandsA
283teaA command line tool to interact with Gitea serversR
284tex-gyre-fontsSubstitute PostScript fonts in OpenType formatR
285texlabA cross-platform implementation of the Language Server Protocol for LaTeX.R
286thermaldThe Linux Thermal Daemon program from 01.orgR
287tidy-viewerCLI csv pretty printer that uses column stylingA
288timewTimewarrior, A command line time tracking applicationR
289timgTerminal Image and Video ViewerA
290tlpLinux Advanced Power ManagementR
291tmuxTerminal multiplexerR
292toiletfree replacement for the FIGlet utility.A
293topgrade-binInvoke the upgrade procedure of multiple package managersA
294tracerouteTracks the route taken by packets over an IP networkR
295translate-shellA command-line interface and interactive shell for Google TranslateR
296transmission-qtFast, easy, and free BitTorrent client (Qt GUI)R
297ttf-brillBrill Typeface by John Hudson for Brill Publishing HouseA
298ttf-comic-neueComic Neue aspires to be the casual script choice for everyone including the typographically savvy.A
299ttf-iosevka-nerdPatched font Iosevka from nerd fonts libraryR
300ttf-signikaSans-serif typeface from Google by Anna GiedryśA
301tuirBrowse Reddit from your terminalA
302tutA TUI for Mastodon with vim inspired keysA
303typescript-language-serverLanguage Server Protocol (LSP) implementation for TypeScript using tsserverR
304udiskieRemovable disk automounter using udisksR
305ufwUncomplicated and easy to use CLI tool for managing a netfilter firewallR
306unclutterA small program for hiding the mouse cursorR
307unrarThe RAR uncompression programR
308unrtfCommand-line program which converts RTF documents to other formatsR
309urlview-xdg-gitA curses URL parser for text files. Git version, adds support for QUITONLAUNCH option and XDG Base Directory specification compliance.A
310usqlA universal command-line interface for SQL databasesA
311v4l2loopback-dkmsv4l2-loopback device module sourcesR
312vagrantBuild and distribute virtualized development environmentsR
313vale-binA customizable, syntax-aware linter for proseA
314vdirsyncerSynchronize CalDAV and CardDAV.R
315viddyA modern watch commandA
316vifmA file manager with curses interface, which provides Vi[m]-like environmentR
317vim-language-serverVimScript language serverA
318virt-managerDesktop user interface for managing virtual machinesR
319virtualboxPowerful x86 virtualization for enterprise as well as home useR
320virtualbox-guest-isoThe official VirtualBox Guest Additions ISO imageR
321visidataTerminal spreadsheet multitool for discovering and arranging dataR
322wallabag-clientCommand line client for the self hosted read-it-later app WallabagA
323wavemonNcurses-based monitoring application for wireless network devicesR
324waybarHighly customizable Wayland bar for Sway and Wlroots based compositorsR
325waylockA simple screenlocker for wayland compositorsR
326wdisplaysGUI display configurator for wlroots compositorsA
327wevtool for debugging wayland events, similar to xevA
328weztermA GPU-accelerated cross-platform terminal emulator and multiplexerR
329wgetNetwork utility to retrieve files from the WebR
330wireguard-toolsnext generation secure network tunnel - tools for configurationR
331wireless_toolsTools allowing to manipulate the Wireless ExtensionsR
332wlopmWayland output power management.A
333wlsunsetDay/night gamma adjustments for Wayland compositorsA
334wpa_actiondDaemon that connects to wpa_supplicant and handles connect and disconnect eventsA
335wtypexdotool type for waylandR
336xdg-user-dirsManage user directories like ~/Desktop and ~/MusicR
337xsvA CLI for indexing, slicing, analyzing, splitting and joining CSV filesR
338yaml-language-serverYAML Language ServerR
339yarnFast, reliable, and secure dependency managementR
340yubikey-managerPython library and command line tool for configuring a YubiKeyR
341yt-dlpA youtube-dl fork with additional features and fixesR
342ytfzfA POSIX script to find and watch youtube videos from the terminalR
343zathura-cbAdds comic book support to zathuraR
344zathura-djvuDjVu support for ZathuraR
345zathura-pdf-mupdfPDF support for Zathura (MuPDF backend) (Supports PDF, ePub, and OpenXPS)R
346zotero-binZotero Standalone. Is a free, easy-to-use tool to help you collect, organize, cite, and share your research sources.A
347zqTooling for super-structured dataA
348zsh-autosuggestionsFish-like autosuggestions for zshR
349zsh-fast-syntax-highlightingOptimized and extended zsh-syntax-highlightingA
350zsh-pure-promptPretty, minimal and fast ZSH promptA