Commit graph

1530 commits

Author SHA1 Message Date
Marty Oehme 5941f6f77a
vifm: Extend fzf mapping functionality
Extended functionality to work in current directory with lower-case
letters and from home directory using upper-case. So, <leader>f
will search files in current dir, <leader>F in home dir.
Same for <leader>d/D and <leader>w/W.

HACK Also made it use fd instead of find by default for the speedup.
This should probably only be done after detecting if fd is even installed
on the system but I do not have time for this right now.
2023-12-04 08:41:24 +01:00
Marty Oehme 9bd4a80be8
qutebrowser: Update reddit redirects
Updated reddit redirects once again.
Will soon have to figure out a different way of
approaching the lib- redirections with so many
services blocking/throttling/shutting down the
FOSS frontends. For now, I will bear with it.
2023-12-04 08:38:35 +01:00
Marty Oehme e90d1c9c39
vifm: Remove compatibility options
Removed the compatibility options set by default in vifm, which has 2 large
Will remove the default tab mapping to switch panes. I re-enabled it
for now since it has become somewhat part of my muscle memory but I believe
it is better to have it as an explicit mapping which I can change than
hunting for this option somewhere down the road.
Second, it makes dd/DD/yy behave very differently, *only* working on the
currently highlighted file. To operate on the currently selected files
like previously one uses ds/Ds/ys instead. I want to re-train my muscle
memory for this instead since it will make my usage more flexible in the
future. There is also dS/DS/yS for operating on non-selected files instead
which is even more flexible.
2023-12-04 08:36:43 +01:00
Marty Oehme eeca1f3817
zsh: Remove path deduplication
Aside from some more needed things, the path deduplication function is
the most time-consuming invocation on zsh startup, taking almost
100ms on my system.

Perhaps it would be reasonable to re-introduce when the first invocation
from path is occurring but it is simply too much time taken for each
time I start a new shell instance for now.
2023-12-04 08:32:49 +01:00
Marty Oehme 3bd67eab3d
vifm: Add toggle icon mapping 'ti'
Added mapping to toggle classify prefix icons on or off quickly
using my semi-established 'toggle' submenu with the mapping
`ti` (for toggle icon).
2023-12-04 08:31:01 +01:00
Marty Oehme b712d456dd
vifm: Move devicon classify setting into separate file
Will be sourced on startup and provide basically the same icon prefix
as before. Made sure to not invoke 'classify+=' too often since each
invocation slows down vifm startup a little.

With it being sourced externally we can now do fun things with classify
itself and it is easier to update from the rest of our settings.
2023-12-04 08:29:33 +01:00
Marty Oehme 4cc03a611a
sh: Add default open script
Simple wrapper for xdg-open functionality. Simply refers
to xdg-open except if there exists mimeo on the system
which it will refer to instead.

So, a simple preference modificator for mimeo over
xdg-open since that is my preference too.

Also gave it a short name so I can do open whenever I
want and don't have to tax my left hand with tying xdg.
2023-12-04 08:26:59 +01:00
Marty Oehme dfaed8c9dd
nvim: Update plugins and spellfile 2023-11-15 14:25:09 +01:00
Marty Oehme 0d26c245ae
qutebrowser: Update invidious redirects 2023-11-15 14:24:27 +01:00
Marty Oehme 6dd7f5b39a
sioyek: search case insensitively by default 2023-11-15 14:23:45 +01:00
Marty Oehme b45296765a
nvim: Hide virtual-text diagnostics on insert
When writing something we often want to ideally hide the long comments
added to the end of any line in-progress as virtual text currently.

This simply adds an auto-command to hide when entering and show again
when exiting insert mode, simple but hopefully useful.
2023-11-15 13:28:35 +01:00
Marty Oehme c3fe4cdc58
nvim: Add mapping to toggle buffer diagnostics
If you want to hide buffer diagnostics for any reason, there is now a
quick mapping reachable through the usual lsp submenu: `<localleader>lo`
(I suppose the mnemonic would be 'lsp off').

It toggles them enabled and disabled and only affects the current
2023-11-15 13:22:19 +01:00
Marty Oehme 5e2239ac10
repo: Remove leftover gitlab ci instructions 2023-10-23 10:29:20 +02:00
Marty Oehme e4b560cc7f
flavours: Target new sioyek version
Sioyek features an option to set the background color for normal
operations (`background_color`) and for custom color mode
(`custom_color_mode_empty_background_color`) separately since this


Here, we change flavours to *only* target the custom color mode, leaving
the normal background color as it is.
This will not work yet for the current official sioyek 2.0 release which
is still the release for archlinux as of 2023-10-16, but it will already
work for its git release. Should work for everything as of the next
official sioyek release.
2023-10-16 11:26:31 +02:00
Marty Oehme 835acd40ab
multimedia: Move access tokens to dotter templating
Moved usernames and passwords into local variables in dotter
to be able to commit the files nonetheless. Thus makes use
of dotter templating for beets and mopidy.

Empty example configuration can be found in local.toml in the
dotter directory.
2023-10-12 09:19:31 +02:00
Marty Oehme 662549b6b0
bat: Add quarto and ino to synatx-enabled
Quarto now uses markdown syntax and ino files use C++ syntax
2023-10-07 11:32:00 +02:00
Marty Oehme 8be40f5630
nvim: Update plugins 2023-10-05 18:28:15 +02:00
Marty Oehme 5f0f7f22ef
sioyek: Always open new windows
Do not open multiple pdf files in the same window, but open
a new window for each file opened (there is no way to
display multiple open pdf files side-by-side otherwise).
2023-10-05 18:28:04 +02:00
Marty Oehme 378541df7e
sioyek: Add mappings for page/highlight movement
Added hjkl mappings to scroll within pages. Added movement
between highlights with `]h/[h`, although I am not sure it
works in both directions with these mappings.
2023-10-05 18:27:13 +02:00
Marty Oehme 558b0fa479
sh: Enable FRX options for less by default
Since we generally want color in our less output, and
no paging if there is only one page we can should be
able to enable these regardless of situation.
2023-10-05 18:25:57 +02:00
Marty Oehme 117b692dae
nvim: Map zenmode to global show/hide toggle group
Mapped de-/activating zen mode to <leader>sz which means it belongs
to the '+s' group of mappings which generally activate or deactivate
showing something in nvim.

Previously belonged to <leader>vz which rather is a group changing
something about nvim configuration itself.
2023-10-05 18:24:07 +02:00
Marty Oehme 0a686ab647
nvim: Add mapping to enable British spell check
Updated mappings to enable spell checking slightly: <ll>ZZ enables all
languages (german, us, gb) <ll>ZE only US spellcheck, <ll>ZB GB
spelling and <ll>ZD German spelling.
2023-10-05 18:22:11 +02:00
Marty Oehme 681e35b92c
nvim: Add markdownlint diagnostics to md, quarto
Added markdownlint. Will be used by default on markdown and
quarto filetypes.
2023-10-05 18:20:00 +02:00
Marty Oehme 29ff9db62b
nvim: Pin base16 plug to last working version
HACK base16 plugin changed something in its internal application
of highlights so that not all highlights get correctly applied
when my nvim setup boots up. Have to investigate.
2023-10-05 18:19:20 +02:00
Marty Oehme 0acfe2d5d0
git: Add word-wise diff as quick alias
Since I often use git for prose and textual writing, wordwise
diffs make a lot of sense to have quick access to. This commit
sets up a git-internal alias `git diffword` as well as an
even shorter `gdd` (diff) and `gdds` (diff staged) which
mimic the other diff aliases `gd`/`gds` already existing.
2023-10-05 18:09:48 +02:00
Marty Oehme 1040c82bea
dotter: Fix wrongly templated file 2023-10-05 18:07:29 +02:00
Marty Oehme a316eeead2
repo: Remove leftover stow setup
Removed stow-related files, switched dotlink
to use dotter instead of stow.
2023-10-03 16:00:36 +02:00
Marty Oehme f8cd642555
git: Remove left-over dsf
Diff-so-fancy is replaced by delta.
2023-10-03 15:38:49 +02:00
Marty Oehme 38c64fe9cf
dotter: Restructure global file 2023-10-03 15:23:23 +02:00
Marty Oehme a3b54a155e
sioyek: Switch to dotter template for flavouring
Since sioyek does not support including into its configuration
file, we switch it to dotter templating and use the in-place
flavours insertion on theme selection for theming.

Any theming will not back filter into the repository.
2023-10-03 15:10:05 +02:00
Marty Oehme 08062027ae
mako: Add flavours templating start and end strings
Added strings which signify to flavours that it should insert
its theme color template in-between. Since the file is not
symlinked but *moved* to the config dir (through being
designated as 'template' in dotter), any future changes
should not reflect back into the repository.
2023-10-03 15:04:11 +02:00
Marty Oehme 4cfd863ecb
dotter: Fix templated files
Fixed an accidentally templated (papistui.yml) file, due to its
use of mustache-like double-braces.

Explicitly target another file as templated so we can change it
in the configuration directory (mako getting flavours colors
since it STILL lacks includes).
2023-10-03 14:56:15 +02:00
Marty Oehme 132c4c6c5b
dotter: Ignore cache directory 2023-10-03 14:49:02 +02:00
Marty Oehme 362c1f5375
dotter: Fix non-utf8 symlink warnings
Fix the warnings given by dotter for files that are not
utf-8 encoded to explicitly be identified as symlinks.

Should ultimately probably be either moved into data
directories or moved out of repo altogether, but for
now it works well.
2023-10-03 14:36:01 +02:00
Marty Oehme 5b2a55cfe3
qutebrowser: Remove qute-cookie-block script
Never completely functioned and worked to my satisfaction.
Need to find another tool or just accept the reality of
cookie banners.
2023-10-03 13:55:24 +02:00
Marty Oehme 8681d34946
qutebrowser: Make use of dotter for dir structure
Since we now use dotter we can simplify the dir structure for
qutebrowser a lot. Everything dot-filed earlier can now reside
in simple directories called config (for ~/.config/qutebrowser),
data (for ~/.local/share/qutebrowser), and scripts
(for ~/.local/bin) files.
2023-10-03 13:43:00 +02:00
Marty Oehme dcde027a67
dotter: Simplify local setups
Everything that is in the repo should be listed in the global.toml
file. The local.toml file then picks the stuff to actually
write. For systemwide packages, a systemwide.toml (local) file
is used instead.
2023-10-03 13:19:48 +02:00
Marty Oehme 342a350c97
papis: Regress to textual priority entry
HACK Since there is some weirdness with the whoosh backend for papis not
being able to either index or search for integer values in custom
fields, this commit sets the priorities across the library (as well as
the tui picker) to make use of textual reprentations.

1 -> high
3 -> medium
5 -> low

This means we can't do simple arithmetic evaluations on priority anymore
but at least we can search it correctly in papis. Should probably put in
a ticket to see if it can be fixed.
2023-10-03 13:03:38 +02:00
Marty Oehme 3f335936c5
bootstrap: Remove unneeded installs, add dotter
Removed X11 programs like devour, broken plugins like mopidy-spotify.
2023-10-03 13:03:37 +02:00
Marty Oehme 47c3f7682d
bootstrap: Do not build paru on tmpfs
The tmp fs can sometimes be very small, too small in fact to build
paru on.
2023-10-03 13:03:37 +02:00
Marty Oehme 5e53105a62
install: Add simple dotter install 2023-10-03 13:03:35 +02:00
Marty Oehme 0a5d62909b
sh: Switch timg qr function to use viu
Since we switched to viu, we should also have qr
make use of it. Renamed the function to
qrurl to make its purpose clearer (sending
a simple file location/string/url via qr code)
and to distinguish it from programs like qrcp
which actually start a server and send a file
through qr.
2023-10-03 13:03:05 +02:00
Marty Oehme ba042db7df
vifm: Fix wezterm image preview with chafa
We now use chafa to preview images. We use its iterm mode
since that seems to be the best integrated into wezterm

We have to use uncached previews so it is a little slower,
but at least it functions perfectly after the first image
is displayed.
2023-10-03 13:01:30 +02:00
Marty Oehme 7ccd7e4757
vifm: Fancy markdown display with glow or bat
For anything markdown or that gets displayed as markdown
(e.g. docx files) in the vifm preview, we now use glow
or bat to display a nicely styled and colored version.

For glow I added a script which tries to detect the
current terminal background between dark/light to
correctly set the color scheme.
2023-10-03 13:01:29 +02:00
Marty Oehme 893c177358
git: Replace dsf with git-delta
Diff-so-fancy is pretty good but delta just looks soo buttery smooth.
2023-10-02 20:19:00 +02:00
Marty Oehme 9040585fea
papis: Add new libraries 2023-10-02 20:08:02 +02:00
Marty Oehme 444676caac
nvim: Add markmap to build mindmaps
Added markmap plugin to make mindmaps from markdown. Uses
headings for leaves, and works pretty automatically.
Testing its functionality longer-term for now.
2023-10-02 20:06:56 +02:00
Marty Oehme 065488e57d
nvim: Remove debug printing of activated python venv
Removed notification on activating a python venv.
It should just work, transparent to the user and we do
not need a big ol' notification each time we enter
a file.
2023-10-02 19:21:29 +02:00
Marty Oehme bfb62e6783
nvim: Add markdown code evaluation mappings
Can edit (`<ll>ce`), jump-to (`]c`, `[c`), insert (`<ll>co`,
`<ll>cO`) and run (`<ll>cc`) code cells in markdown files.

They will not be evaluated as part of an overall repl but
only stand-alone!
2023-10-02 19:20:44 +02:00
Marty Oehme 8b603b8c66
nvim: Improve lazy-loading of select plugins
Aerial (on command), test-runners (on python only) and other plugins
are now only loaded when actually required.
2023-10-02 19:18:29 +02:00