git: Replace dsf with git-delta

Diff-so-fancy is pretty good but delta just looks soo buttery smooth.
This commit is contained in:
Marty Oehme 2023-10-02 20:16:04 +02:00
parent 9040585fea
commit 893c177358
Signed by: Marty
3 changed files with 11 additions and 4 deletions

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@ -52,7 +52,6 @@ dconf-editor GSettings editor for GNOME R
dell-command-configure Configure various BIOS features on Dell laptops A
devour Window Manager agnostic swallowing feature for terminal emulators A
dhcpcd RFC2131 compliant DHCP client daemon R
diff-so-fancy Good-looking diffs with diff-highlight and more R
distrobox Use any linux distribution inside your terminal. A
dnsmasq Lightweight, easy to configure DNS forwarder and DHCP server R
docker Pack, ship and run any application as a lightweight container R
@ -80,6 +79,7 @@ fzf-tab-bin-git Replace zsh's default completion selection menu with fzf (git ve
gallery-dl Command-line program to download image-galleries and collections from several image hosting sites A
gamemode A daemon/lib combo that allows games to request a set of optimisations be temporarily applied to the host OS R
gimp GNU Image Manipulation Program R
git-delta Syntax-highlighting pager for git and diff output R
git-lfs Git extension for versioning large files R
gitlint Git commit message linter A
gitui Blazing fast terminal-ui for git written in Rust R

Can't render this file because it has a wrong number of fields in line 29.

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@ -5,7 +5,6 @@ blueberry Bluetooth configuration tool R
dotter-rs-bin A dotfile manager and templater written in Rust A
eza A modern replacement for ls (community fork of exa) R
feishin-appimage A modern self-hosted music player. A
git-delta Syntax-highlighting pager for git and diff output R
khal CLI calendar application built around CalDAV R
m4b-tool-bin A command line utility to merge, split and chapterize audiobook files such as mp3, ogg, flac, m4a or m4b A
nodejs-markmap-cli Create markmaps (mindmaps from markdown) from CLI A

1 Name Description Source Target
5 dotter-rs-bin A dotfile manager and templater written in Rust A
6 eza A modern replacement for ls (community fork of exa) R
7 feishin-appimage A modern self-hosted music player. A
git-delta Syntax-highlighting pager for git and diff output R
8 khal CLI calendar application built around CalDAV R
9 m4b-tool-bin A command line utility to merge, split and chapterize audiobook files such as mp3, ogg, flac, m4a or m4b A
10 nodejs-markmap-cli Create markmaps (mindmaps from markdown) from CLI A

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@ -4,6 +4,16 @@
signingkey = 73BA40D5AFAF49C9
defaultBranch = main
pager = delta
diffFilter = delta --color-only
conflictstyle = diff3
navigate = true
line-numbers = true
syntax-theme = base16
smtpserver = "/usr/bin/msmtp"
annotate = yes
@ -21,8 +31,6 @@
rebase = true # always rebase on pulling, obviates merge commits
colorMoved = zebra # also color stuff that has simply been moved, in a classy zebra-color
diff = dsf | less --tabs=4 -RFXS --pattern '(^(Date|added|deleted|modified): |^diff --git )'
meta = "9"
frag = "magenta bold"