mod+s to generate the next container with a vertical split, mod+S to
generate it with a horizontal split. Stacked container view has been
moved to mod+W (while tabbed remains mod+w). Faster resize options with
[r]HJKL have been added.
Whenever i3 is using gapless mode, all windows will be opaque. When gaps
are shown inactive windows will have some transparency and blur behind
Script can be invoked manually with `picom_toggle_inactive_opacity` to
toggle, `picom_toggle_inactive_opacity on` or
`picom_toggle_inactive_opacity off` to set it respectively.
Accessible through Super+Space for the quickrun menu (essentially
emulates dmenu, just with a nice colorscheme); Super+r for a more
extensive options menu: window switching, clipboard history, ssh
(accessible with Shift-right). First step toward streamlined rofi