add feh for wallpaper

This commit is contained in:
Marty Oehme 2019-03-12 18:16:22 +01:00
parent 82aab0ce29
commit 22e8c4b0c6
2 changed files with 4 additions and 0 deletions

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@ -191,3 +191,6 @@ bindsym $mod+Shift+s exec --no-startup-id `[ $(printf "NO\nYES" | dmenu \
-nf "#7777bb" -i -p "Exit i3 X session?") = "YES" ] && i3-msg exit`
# lock i3 screen
bindsym $mod+Shift+p exec i3lock
# set a pretty wallpaper
exec_always --no-startup-id feh --bg-scale ~/Pictures/wall.jpg

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@ -3,3 +3,4 @@ A,enpass-bin,"is a cross-platform personal password manager with gui."
,gtk3,"is a gui toolkit, necessary for enpass-bin to work. (enpass forgets to install it)"
,compton,"is a compositor for X that works well with i3."
A,flashfocus,"is a simple toll that flashes any window which gains focus."
,feh,"is a simple image viewer. Unfortunately it does not play well with tiled windows."

1 #TAG NAME IN REPO (or git url) PURPOSE (should be a verb phrase to sound right while installing)
3 gtk3 is a gui toolkit, necessary for enpass-bin to work. (enpass forgets to install it)
4 compton is a compositor for X that works well with i3.
5 A flashfocus is a simple toll that flashes any window which gains focus.
6 feh is a simple image viewer. Unfortunately it does not play well with tiled windows.