Added atuin for nice shell history. Trying it out for now
but seems non-intrusive enough that I will probably keep
it for a while even if I don't use it.
Switched terminal environments (bash,zsh,nushell) to starship
prompt (from pure-prompt/no prompt). Is mimicking the pure-
prompt however, so no big change visible. Needs additional
package on the system, which is added to the packages.
Some remaining issues with nushell (vi prompt indicator).
Aside from some more needed things, the path deduplication function is
the most time-consuming invocation on zsh startup, taking almost
100ms on my system.
Perhaps it would be reasonable to re-introduce when the first invocation
from path is occurring but it is simply too much time taken for each
time I start a new shell instance for now.
fasd is unmaintained and slower than zoxide. The transferral
was painless. I imported my old database and can continue as
before. It does not care about files but that is completely
fine for me. Same `z` invocation as before. Has the
'interactive' mode on `zi` which is also completely fine.
Add a simple alias to quickly use distrobox with `db` alias, and modify
pure prompt initialization slightly so that it displays a hostname when
in a distrobox container (akin to operating from ssh or normal container
HACKY implementation makes use of both an internal pure prompt api
(see here
and a distrobox env var that I am not sure how exposed it is either.
Powerlevel10k uses a similar method though, so maybe it is fine
(see here 33916e91a7/internal/p10k.zsh (L8336)).