terminal: Switch to starship prompt

Switched terminal environments (bash,zsh,nushell) to starship
prompt (from pure-prompt/no prompt). Is mimicking the pure-
prompt however, so no big change visible. Needs additional
package on the system, which is added to the packages.

Some remaining issues with nushell (vi prompt indicator).
This commit is contained in:
Marty Oehme 2023-12-30 21:19:07 +01:00
parent 8e3ef257d3
commit 546195ad56
Signed by: Marty
5 changed files with 891 additions and 20 deletions

View File

@ -179,6 +179,7 @@ needrestart Restart daemons after library updates. A
neomutt A version of mutt with added features R
neovim Fork of Vim aiming to improve user experience, plugins, and GUIs R
net-tools Configuration tools for Linux networking R
netbird-bin WireGuard-based mesh network A
netctl Profile based systemd network management R
nethogs A net top tool which displays traffic used per process instead of per IP or interface R
network-manager-applet Applet for managing network connections R
@ -253,7 +254,7 @@ qt6-svg Classes for displaying the contents of SVG files R
qt6-wayland Provides APIs for Wayland R
qtcurve-gtk2 A configurable set of widget styles for KDE and Gtk R
quarto-cli-bin An open-source scientific and technical publishing system built on Pandoc (binary from official repo) A
qutebrowser A keyboard-driven, vim-like browser based on PyQt5 R
qutebrowser A keyboard-driven, vim-like browser based on Python and Qt R
refind An EFI boot manager R
refind-btrfs Generate rEFInd manual boot stanzas from Btrfs snapshots A
reflector A Python 3 module and script to retrieve and filter the latest Pacman mirror list. R
@ -277,6 +278,7 @@ smartmontools Control and monitor S.M.A.R.T. enabled ATA and SCSI Hard Drives R
snap-pac Pacman hooks that use snapper to create pre/post btrfs snapshots like openSUSE's YaST R
speedtest-cli Command line interface for testing internet bandwidth using speedtest.net R
sshfs FUSE client based on the SSH File Transfer Protocol R
starship The cross-shell prompt for astronauts R
steam Valve's digital software delivery system R
sudo Give certain users the ability to run some commands as root R
surfraw Shell Users' Revolutionary Front Rage Against the Web R
@ -357,4 +359,3 @@ zoxide A smarter cd command for your terminal R
zq Tooling for super-structured data A
zsh-autosuggestions Fish-like autosuggestions for zsh R
zsh-fast-syntax-highlighting Optimized and extended zsh-syntax-highlighting A
zsh-pure-prompt Pretty, minimal and fast ZSH prompt A

Can't render this file because it has a wrong number of fields in line 29.

View File

@ -12,18 +12,23 @@ CONFDIR="${XDG_CONFIG_HOME:-$HOME/.config}"
[ -f "$CONFDIR/sh/alias" ] && source "$CONFDIR/sh/alias"
# load additional aliases
if [ -d "$CONFDIR/sh/alias.d" ]; then
for _alias in "$CONFDIR/sh/alias.d"/*.sh; do
. "$_alias"
unset _alias
for _alias in "$CONFDIR/sh/alias.d"/*.sh; do
. "$_alias"
unset _alias
if [ -d "$CONFDIR/bash/alias.d" ]; then
for _alias in "$CONFDIR/bash/alias.d"/*.sh; do
. "$_alias"
unset _alias
for _alias in "$CONFDIR/bash/alias.d"/*.sh; do
. "$_alias"
unset _alias
eval "$(zoxide init bash)"
alias ls='ls --color=auto'
PS1='[\u@\h \W]\$ '
eval "$(starship init bash)"
eval "$(zoxide init bash)"
set -o vi
stty time 0
bind 'set keyseq-timeout 1'

View File

@ -0,0 +1,768 @@
# Nushell Config File
# version = "0.87.1"
# For more information on defining custom themes, see
# https://www.nushell.sh/book/coloring_and_theming.html
# And here is the theme collection
# https://github.com/nushell/nu_scripts/tree/main/themes
let dark_theme = {
# color for nushell primitives
separator: white
leading_trailing_space_bg: { attr: n } # no fg, no bg, attr none effectively turns this off
header: green_bold
empty: blue
# Closures can be used to choose colors for specific values.
# The value (in this case, a bool) is piped into the closure.
# eg) {|| if $in { 'light_cyan' } else { 'light_gray' } }
bool: light_cyan
int: white
filesize: cyan
duration: white
date: purple
range: white
float: white
string: white
nothing: white
binary: white
cell-path: white
row_index: green_bold
record: white
list: white
block: white
hints: dark_gray
search_result: {bg: red fg: white}
shape_and: purple_bold
shape_binary: purple_bold
shape_block: blue_bold
shape_bool: light_cyan
shape_closure: green_bold
shape_custom: green
shape_datetime: cyan_bold
shape_directory: cyan
shape_external: cyan
shape_externalarg: green_bold
shape_filepath: cyan
shape_flag: blue_bold
shape_float: purple_bold
# shapes are used to change the cli syntax highlighting
shape_garbage: { fg: white bg: red attr: b}
shape_globpattern: cyan_bold
shape_int: purple_bold
shape_internalcall: cyan_bold
shape_keyword: cyan_bold
shape_list: cyan_bold
shape_literal: blue
shape_match_pattern: green
shape_matching_brackets: { attr: u }
shape_nothing: light_cyan
shape_operator: yellow
shape_or: purple_bold
shape_pipe: purple_bold
shape_range: yellow_bold
shape_record: cyan_bold
shape_redirection: purple_bold
shape_signature: green_bold
shape_string: green
shape_string_interpolation: cyan_bold
shape_table: blue_bold
shape_variable: purple
shape_vardecl: purple
let light_theme = {
# color for nushell primitives
separator: dark_gray
leading_trailing_space_bg: { attr: n } # no fg, no bg, attr none effectively turns this off
header: green_bold
empty: blue
# Closures can be used to choose colors for specific values.
# The value (in this case, a bool) is piped into the closure.
# eg) {|| if $in { 'dark_cyan' } else { 'dark_gray' } }
bool: dark_cyan
int: dark_gray
filesize: cyan_bold
duration: dark_gray
date: purple
range: dark_gray
float: dark_gray
string: dark_gray
nothing: dark_gray
binary: dark_gray
cell-path: dark_gray
row_index: green_bold
record: dark_gray
list: dark_gray
block: dark_gray
hints: dark_gray
search_result: {fg: white bg: red}
shape_and: purple_bold
shape_binary: purple_bold
shape_block: blue_bold
shape_bool: light_cyan
shape_closure: green_bold
shape_custom: green
shape_datetime: cyan_bold
shape_directory: cyan
shape_external: cyan
shape_externalarg: green_bold
shape_filepath: cyan
shape_flag: blue_bold
shape_float: purple_bold
# shapes are used to change the cli syntax highlighting
shape_garbage: { fg: white bg: red attr: b}
shape_globpattern: cyan_bold
shape_int: purple_bold
shape_internalcall: cyan_bold
shape_keyword: cyan_bold
shape_list: cyan_bold
shape_literal: blue
shape_match_pattern: green
shape_matching_brackets: { attr: u }
shape_nothing: light_cyan
shape_operator: yellow
shape_or: purple_bold
shape_pipe: purple_bold
shape_range: yellow_bold
shape_record: cyan_bold
shape_redirection: purple_bold
shape_signature: green_bold
shape_string: green
shape_string_interpolation: cyan_bold
shape_table: blue_bold
shape_variable: purple
shape_vardecl: purple
# External completer example
# let carapace_completer = {|spans|
# carapace $spans.0 nushell $spans | from json
# }
# The default config record. This is where much of your global configuration is setup.
$env.config = {
show_banner: false # true or false to enable or disable the welcome banner at startup
ls: {
use_ls_colors: true # use the LS_COLORS environment variable to colorize output
clickable_links: true # enable or disable clickable links. Your terminal has to support links.
rm: {
always_trash: false # always act as if -t was given. Can be overridden with -p
table: {
mode: rounded # basic, compact, compact_double, light, thin, with_love, rounded, reinforced, heavy, none, other
index_mode: always # "always" show indexes, "never" show indexes, "auto" = show indexes when a table has "index" column
show_empty: true # show 'empty list' and 'empty record' placeholders for command output
padding: { left: 1, right: 1 } # a left right padding of each column in a table
trim: {
methodology: wrapping # wrapping or truncating
wrapping_try_keep_words: true # A strategy used by the 'wrapping' methodology
truncating_suffix: "..." # A suffix used by the 'truncating' methodology
header_on_separator: false # show header text on separator/border line
# abbreviated_row_count: 10 # limit data rows from top and bottom after reaching a set point
error_style: "fancy" # "fancy" or "plain" for screen reader-friendly error messages
# datetime_format determines what a datetime rendered in the shell would look like.
# Behavior without this configuration point will be to "humanize" the datetime display,
# showing something like "a day ago."
datetime_format: {
# normal: '%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S %z' # shows up in displays of variables or other datetime's outside of tables
# table: '%m/%d/%y %I:%M:%S%p' # generally shows up in tabular outputs such as ls. commenting this out will change it to the default human readable datetime format
explore: {
status_bar_background: {fg: "#1D1F21", bg: "#C4C9C6"},
command_bar_text: {fg: "#C4C9C6"},
highlight: {fg: "black", bg: "yellow"},
status: {
error: {fg: "white", bg: "red"},
warn: {}
info: {}
table: {
split_line: {fg: "#404040"},
selected_cell: {bg: light_blue},
selected_row: {},
selected_column: {},
history: {
max_size: 100_000 # Session has to be reloaded for this to take effect
sync_on_enter: true # Enable to share history between multiple sessions, else you have to close the session to write history to file
file_format: "plaintext" # "sqlite" or "plaintext"
isolation: false # only available with sqlite file_format. true enables history isolation, false disables it. true will allow the history to be isolated to the current session using up/down arrows. false will allow the history to be shared across all sessions.
completions: {
case_sensitive: false # set to true to enable case-sensitive completions
quick: true # set this to false to prevent auto-selecting completions when only one remains
partial: true # set this to false to prevent partial filling of the prompt
algorithm: "fuzzy" # prefix or fuzzy
external: {
enable: true # set to false to prevent nushell looking into $env.PATH to find more suggestions, `false` recommended for WSL users as this look up may be very slow
max_results: 100 # setting it lower can improve completion performance at the cost of omitting some options
completer: null # check 'carapace_completer' above as an example
filesize: {
metric: true # true => KB, MB, GB (ISO standard), false => KiB, MiB, GiB (Windows standard)
format: "auto" # b, kb, kib, mb, mib, gb, gib, tb, tib, pb, pib, eb, eib, auto
cursor_shape: {
emacs: line # block, underscore, line, blink_block, blink_underscore, blink_line, inherit to skip setting cursor shape (line is the default)
vi_insert: line # block, underscore, line, blink_block, blink_underscore, blink_line, inherit to skip setting cursor shape (block is the default)
vi_normal: block # block, underscore, line, blink_block, blink_underscore, blink_line, inherit to skip setting cursor shape (underscore is the default)
color_config: $dark_theme # if you want a more interesting theme, you can replace the empty record with `$dark_theme`, `$light_theme` or another custom record
use_grid_icons: true
footer_mode: "25" # always, never, number_of_rows, auto
float_precision: 2 # the precision for displaying floats in tables
buffer_editor: "" # command that will be used to edit the current line buffer with ctrl+o, if unset fallback to $env.EDITOR and $env.VISUAL
use_ansi_coloring: true
bracketed_paste: true # enable bracketed paste, currently useless on windows
edit_mode: vi # emacs, vi
shell_integration: true # enables terminal shell integration. Off by default, as some terminals have issues with this.
render_right_prompt_on_last_line: false # true or false to enable or disable right prompt to be rendered on last line of the prompt.
use_kitty_protocol: false # enables keyboard enhancement protocol implemented by kitty console, only if your terminal support this
hooks: {
pre_prompt: [{ null }] # run before the prompt is shown
pre_execution: [{ null }] # run before the repl input is run
env_change: {
PWD: [{|before, after| null }] # run if the PWD environment is different since the last repl input
display_output: "if (term size).columns >= 100 { table -e } else { table }" # run to display the output of a pipeline
command_not_found: { null } # return an error message when a command is not found
menus: [
# Configuration for default nushell menus
# Note the lack of source parameter
name: completion_menu
only_buffer_difference: false
marker: "| "
type: {
layout: columnar
columns: 4
col_width: 20 # Optional value. If missing all the screen width is used to calculate column width
col_padding: 2
style: {
text: green
selected_text: green_reverse
description_text: yellow
name: history_menu
only_buffer_difference: true
marker: "? "
type: {
layout: list
page_size: 10
style: {
text: green
selected_text: green_reverse
description_text: yellow
name: help_menu
only_buffer_difference: true
marker: "? "
type: {
layout: description
columns: 4
col_width: 20 # Optional value. If missing all the screen width is used to calculate column width
col_padding: 2
selection_rows: 4
description_rows: 10
style: {
text: green
selected_text: green_reverse
description_text: yellow
keybindings: [
name: completion_menu
modifier: none
keycode: tab
mode: [emacs vi_normal vi_insert]
event: {
until: [
{ send: menu name: completion_menu }
{ send: menunext }
{ edit: complete }
name: history_menu
modifier: control
keycode: char_r
mode: [emacs, vi_insert, vi_normal]
event: { send: menu name: history_menu }
name: help_menu
modifier: none
keycode: f1
mode: [emacs, vi_insert, vi_normal]
event: { send: menu name: help_menu }
name: completion_previous_menu
modifier: shift
keycode: backtab
mode: [emacs, vi_normal, vi_insert]
event: { send: menuprevious }
name: next_page_menu
modifier: control
keycode: char_x
mode: emacs
event: { send: menupagenext }
name: undo_or_previous_page_menu
modifier: control
keycode: char_z
mode: emacs
event: {
until: [
{ send: menupageprevious }
{ edit: undo }
name: escape
modifier: none
keycode: escape
mode: [emacs, vi_normal, vi_insert]
event: { send: esc } # NOTE: does not appear to work
name: cancel_command
modifier: control
keycode: char_c
mode: [emacs, vi_normal, vi_insert]
event: { send: ctrlc }
name: quit_shell
modifier: control
keycode: char_d
mode: [emacs, vi_normal, vi_insert]
event: { send: ctrld }
name: clear_screen
modifier: control
keycode: char_l
mode: [emacs, vi_normal, vi_insert]
event: { send: clearscreen }
name: search_history
modifier: control
keycode: char_q
mode: [emacs, vi_normal, vi_insert]
event: { send: searchhistory }
name: open_command_editor
modifier: control
keycode: char_o
mode: [emacs, vi_normal, vi_insert]
event: { send: openeditor }
name: move_up
modifier: none
keycode: up
mode: [emacs, vi_normal, vi_insert]
event: {
until: [
{send: menuup}
{send: up}
name: move_down
modifier: none
keycode: down
mode: [emacs, vi_normal, vi_insert]
event: {
until: [
{send: menudown}
{send: down}
name: move_left
modifier: none
keycode: left
mode: [emacs, vi_normal, vi_insert]
event: {
until: [
{send: menuleft}
{send: left}
name: move_right_or_take_history_hint
modifier: none
keycode: right
mode: [emacs, vi_normal, vi_insert]
event: {
until: [
{send: historyhintcomplete}
{send: menuright}
{send: right}
name: move_one_word_left
modifier: control
keycode: left
mode: [emacs, vi_normal, vi_insert]
event: {edit: movewordleft}
name: move_one_word_right_or_take_history_hint
modifier: control
keycode: right
mode: [emacs, vi_normal, vi_insert]
event: {
until: [
{send: historyhintwordcomplete}
{edit: movewordright}
name: move_to_line_start
modifier: none
keycode: home
mode: [emacs, vi_normal, vi_insert]
event: {edit: movetolinestart}
name: move_to_line_start
modifier: control
keycode: char_a
mode: [emacs, vi_normal, vi_insert]
event: {edit: movetolinestart}
name: move_to_line_end_or_take_history_hint
modifier: none
keycode: end
mode: [emacs, vi_normal, vi_insert]
event: {
until: [
{send: historyhintcomplete}
{edit: movetolineend}
name: move_to_line_end_or_take_history_hint
modifier: control
keycode: char_e
mode: [emacs, vi_normal, vi_insert]
event: {
until: [
{send: historyhintcomplete}
{edit: movetolineend}
name: move_to_line_start
modifier: control
keycode: home
mode: [emacs, vi_normal, vi_insert]
event: {edit: movetolinestart}
name: move_to_line_end
modifier: control
keycode: end
mode: [emacs, vi_normal, vi_insert]
event: {edit: movetolineend}
name: move_up
modifier: control
keycode: char_p
mode: [emacs, vi_normal, vi_insert]
event: {
until: [
{send: menuup}
{send: up}
name: move_down
modifier: control
keycode: char_t
mode: [emacs, vi_normal, vi_insert]
event: {
until: [
{send: menudown}
{send: down}
name: delete_one_character_backward
modifier: none
keycode: backspace
mode: [emacs, vi_insert]
event: {edit: backspace}
name: delete_one_word_backward
modifier: control
keycode: backspace
mode: [emacs, vi_insert]
event: {edit: backspaceword}
name: delete_one_character_forward
modifier: none
keycode: delete
mode: [emacs, vi_insert]
event: {edit: delete}
name: delete_one_character_forward
modifier: control
keycode: delete
mode: [emacs, vi_insert]
event: {edit: delete}
name: delete_one_character_forward
modifier: control
keycode: char_h
mode: [emacs, vi_insert]
event: {edit: backspace}
name: delete_one_word_backward
modifier: control
keycode: char_w
mode: [emacs, vi_insert]
event: {edit: backspaceword}
name: move_left
modifier: none
keycode: backspace
mode: vi_normal
event: {edit: moveleft}
name: newline_or_run_command
modifier: none
keycode: enter
mode: emacs
event: {send: enter}
name: move_left
modifier: control
keycode: char_b
mode: emacs
event: {
until: [
{send: menuleft}
{send: left}
name: move_right_or_take_history_hint
modifier: control
keycode: char_f
mode: emacs
event: {
until: [
{send: historyhintcomplete}
{send: menuright}
{send: right}
name: redo_change
modifier: control
keycode: char_g
mode: emacs
event: {edit: redo}
name: undo_change
modifier: control
keycode: char_z
mode: emacs
event: {edit: undo}
name: paste_before
modifier: control
keycode: char_y
mode: emacs
event: {edit: pastecutbufferbefore}
name: cut_word_left
modifier: control
keycode: char_w
mode: emacs
event: {edit: cutwordleft}
name: cut_line_to_end
modifier: control
keycode: char_k
mode: emacs
event: {edit: cuttoend}
name: cut_line_from_start
modifier: control
keycode: char_u
mode: emacs
event: {edit: cutfromstart}
name: swap_graphemes
modifier: control
keycode: char_t
mode: emacs
event: {edit: swapgraphemes}
name: move_one_word_left
modifier: alt
keycode: left
mode: emacs
event: {edit: movewordleft}
name: move_one_word_right_or_take_history_hint
modifier: alt
keycode: right
mode: emacs
event: {
until: [
{send: historyhintwordcomplete}
{edit: movewordright}
name: move_one_word_left
modifier: alt
keycode: char_b
mode: emacs
event: {edit: movewordleft}
name: move_one_word_right_or_take_history_hint
modifier: alt
keycode: char_f
mode: emacs
event: {
until: [
{send: historyhintwordcomplete}
{edit: movewordright}
name: delete_one_word_forward
modifier: alt
keycode: delete
mode: emacs
event: {edit: deleteword}
name: delete_one_word_backward
modifier: alt
keycode: backspace
mode: emacs
event: {edit: backspaceword}
name: delete_one_word_backward
modifier: alt
keycode: char_m
mode: emacs
event: {edit: backspaceword}
name: cut_word_to_right
modifier: alt
keycode: char_d
mode: emacs
event: {edit: cutwordright}
name: upper_case_word
modifier: alt
keycode: char_u
mode: emacs
event: {edit: uppercaseword}
name: lower_case_word
modifier: alt
keycode: char_l
mode: emacs
event: {edit: lowercaseword}
name: capitalize_char
modifier: alt
keycode: char_c
mode: emacs
event: {edit: capitalizechar}
# The prompt indicators are environmental variables that represent
# the state of the prompt
use ~/.cache/starship/init.nu

View File

@ -0,0 +1,103 @@
# Nushell Environment Config File
# version = "0.87.1"
# def create_left_prompt [] {
# let home = $nu.home-path
# # Perform tilde substitution on dir
# # To determine if the prefix of the path matches the home dir, we split the current path into
# # segments, and compare those with the segments of the home dir. In cases where the current dir
# # is a parent of the home dir (e.g. `/home`, homedir is `/home/user`), this comparison will
# # also evaluate to true. Inside the condition, we attempt to str replace `$home` with `~`.
# # Inside the condition, either:
# # 1. The home prefix will be replaced
# # 2. The current dir is a parent of the home dir, so it will be uneffected by the str replace
# let dir = (
# if ($env.PWD | path split | zip ($home | path split) | all { $in.0 == $in.1 }) {
# ($env.PWD | str replace $home "~")
# } else {
# $env.PWD
# }
# )
# let path_color = (if (is-admin) { ansi red_bold } else { ansi green_bold })
# let separator_color = (if (is-admin) { ansi light_red_bold } else { ansi light_green_bold })
# let path_segment = $"($path_color)($dir)"
# $path_segment | str replace --all (char path_sep) $"($separator_color)(char path_sep)($path_color)"
# }
# def create_right_prompt [] {
# # create a right prompt in magenta with green separators and am/pm underlined
# let time_segment = ([
# (ansi reset)
# (ansi magenta)
# (date now | format date '%x %X %p') # try to respect user's locale
# ] | str join | str replace --regex --all "([/:])" $"(ansi green)${1}(ansi magenta)" |
# str replace --regex --all "([AP]M)" $"(ansi magenta_underline)${1}")
# let last_exit_code = if ($env.LAST_EXIT_CODE != 0) {([
# (ansi rb)
# ] | str join)
# } else { "" }
# ([$last_exit_code, (char space), $time_segment] | str join)
# }
# # Use nushell functions to define your right and left prompt
# $env.PROMPT_COMMAND = {|| create_left_prompt }
# # FIXME: This default is not implemented in rust code as of 2023-09-08.
# $env.PROMPT_COMMAND_RIGHT = {|| create_right_prompt }
# The prompt indicators are environmental variables that represent
# the state of the prompt
$env.PROMPT_INDICATOR = {|| "> " }
# If you want previously entered commands to have a different prompt from the usual one,
# you can uncomment one or more of the following lines.
# This can be useful if you have a 2-line prompt and it's taking up a lot of space
# because every command entered takes up 2 lines instead of 1. You can then uncomment
# the line below so that previously entered commands show with a single `🚀`.
# $env.TRANSIENT_PROMPT_COMMAND = {|| "🚀 " }
# Specifies how environment variables are:
# - converted from a string to a value on Nushell startup (from_string)
# - converted from a value back to a string when running external commands (to_string)
# Note: The conversions happen *after* config.nu is loaded
"PATH": {
from_string: { |s| $s | split row (char esep) | path expand --no-symlink }
to_string: { |v| $v | path expand --no-symlink | str join (char esep) }
"Path": {
from_string: { |s| $s | split row (char esep) | path expand --no-symlink }
to_string: { |v| $v | path expand --no-symlink | str join (char esep) }
# Directories to search for scripts when calling source or use
$env.NU_LIB_DIRS = [
# FIXME: This default is not implemented in rust code as of 2023-09-06.
($nu.default-config-dir | path join 'scripts') # add <nushell-config-dir>/scripts
# Directories to search for plugin binaries when calling register
# FIXME: This default is not implemented in rust code as of 2023-09-06.
($nu.default-config-dir | path join 'plugins') # add <nushell-config-dir>/plugins
# To add entries to PATH (on Windows you might use Path), you can use the following pattern:
# $env.PATH = ($env.PATH | split row (char esep) | prepend '/some/path')
mkdir ~/.cache/starship
starship init nu | save -f ~/.cache/starship/init.nu

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@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ CONFDIR="${XDG_CONFIG_HOME:-$HOME/.config}"
# load completion, extended zsh moving syntax, zle edit in vim (or other $EDITOR) possibility
autoload -Uz compinit zmv edit-command-line promptinit
autoload -Uz compinit zmv edit-command-line
# Set completion style
# The following lines were added by compinstall
@ -60,17 +60,10 @@ zstyle ':fzf-tab:complete:kill:argument-rest' extra-opts --preview=$extract'ps -
# give a preview of directory by exa when completing cd
zstyle ':fzf-tab:complete:cd:*' extra-opts --preview=$extract'exa -1 --color=always $realpath'
# pure prompt init
# make it single line
# show git stash status as a ≡
zstyle :prompt:pure:git:stash show yes
# show hostname if we are in a distrobox environment
if [ -n "$DISTROBOX_ENTER_PATH" ] && [ -f /run/.containerenv ]; then
local container=lxc
prompt pure
# shellcheck source=alias
[ -f "$CONFDIR/sh/alias" ] && source "$CONFDIR/sh/alias"
@ -99,6 +92,7 @@ ENABLE_CORRECTION="true"
# allow moving through directories without prepending cd
setopt autocd
eval "$(starship init zsh)"
eval "$(zoxide init zsh)"
# Speed up autocomplete, force prefix mapping