In preparation for extending the scripting, renamed the script from just
being a re-aliasing of fzf. Now, all fuzzy finding logic can reside in
this file.
Fixed the quick-style .. to go up a directory. Use `cd ..` to enable the
fzf enabled selection if you quickly need to go up multiple directories
The default keybinds for wiki.vim are now kept, only removing the ones
that I don't need. For now, since wiki.vim does not seem to allow empty
strings being passed as its keybinds (in order to remove them by
overwriting with empty), it just assigns bogus binds with
<leader>== and an arbitrary number of === following.
Added tmux-resurrect plugin. This allows easy persisting of sessions
through a server shutdown. To save a session, use
<leader><c-s>, to restore it <leader><c-r>.
Use <leader>wf from anywhere to fuzzysearch a phrase over the notes. If
no initial input is given loads all files into the interactive
fuzzysearch. Use <leader>wF to load a more detailed, full-screen windows
(via CtrlSF) which allows direct editing of results and more.
Only keep some of the default vimwiki mappings, since the rest I don't
really need (currently) and they interfere with some other operations I
intend to map (e.g. <leader>wf should fuzzysearch wiki but will toggle a
link when overwritten by the defaults).
Can be set through environment variable WIKIROOT. By default points to
~/Nextcloud/Notes/ but is kept configurable for each computer. Will be
picked up by vim wiki plugin to enable wiki functionality for the
respective directory.
Adds full-text search with CtrlSF vim plugin. Activated via
<leader>wf, to spell wiki-find (mirrors <leader>ww for wiki-index).
Optimizations can certainly be done.
* set up beggining/end of line with H/L
* set surround current word/visually selected word with <leader>"
* set text expansion for @@ - email
* set text expansion for ccopy - copyright notice
* set common typos autocorrection
Should start x after all the XDG folders have been set so that aliases
etc should still work. If binds/aliases do not work (things like tm, tl,
cl and so on) then this is presumably caused by a race condition and x
should only be started *after* all directories have benn set.
Adds :wallabag-add command to qutebrowser to add current page to it as
an article. Can optionally use <leader>ra (read-add) for the same functionality.
Moved all personal scripts to ~/.local/bin to be systemd file hierarchy
compliant, as well as XDG compliant. Since they are not configuration
options they don't have anything to do in .config directories.
Also, it's just easier to find than the previous .config/scripts/bin.
Switch option-fg, -bg and so on for the new style options which have now
superseded the legacy styling. Tmux manual
Detects the hostname of the x system starting up and sets the keyboard
default layout accordingly to german or eurkey. Uses either the $HOST or
$HOSTNAME variable, of which the first should typically be set. If no
hostname is detected defaults to eurkey layout. Hostname detection is
hardcoded for now, since I don't anticipate many changes.
Can be used to as for confirmation for actions (E.g. shut down pc,
reboot and so on). Takes 3 parameters, with the last being optional, in
the form of:
dmenuprompt "Text to display" "command to execute on yes"
The last flag only changes the colors being displayed by the prompt.
If the last flag is not provided, it will display in default colors.