add U for redo in vim, set localeader to leader

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Marty Oehme 2019-05-20 17:02:32 +02:00
parent db0d76c976
commit 9000b8b873

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@ -277,6 +277,10 @@ call matchadd('ColorColumn', '\%81v', 100)
" set our leader key to space since with hjkl, space is largely useless
let mapleader = "\<Space>"
" maps the leader for buffer local mappings (e.g. vim-waikiki for files under
" the root dir to the same key -- might lead to incompatibilities, will have
" to test)
let maplocalleader = "\<Space>"
" set jk to escape, in case capslock is not mapped to escape on the system
inoremap jk <ESC>
@ -302,6 +306,9 @@ map <leader>V :vsp ~/.config/nvim/init.vim<cr>
" when done in MANY successions)
" au BufWritePost init.vim so ~/.config/nvim/init.vim
" since u undoes, would it not make sense that U redoes?
nnoremap U <C-r>
" get rid of the help message popping up when I miss esc and hit F1
nnoremap <F1> <ESC>
inoremap <F1> <ESC>