Added quick access to file in home directory with mod4+t, and to
a dropdown terminal window with mod4+shift+return (mirroring the usual
terminal creation without shift).
i3 now uses mod4[+shift]+g to increase/decrease inner gaps and +b to do
the same for outer gaps.
The mode name for media has been put into a variable to make potential
dynamic namings possible and avoid duplication.
Added thesaurus calling on leader-zt, for word under cursor or selected
word(s). Will go through variety of online api's or locally supplied
mthesaur.txt from project gutenberg.
Fixed paths to images for new repository dotfile delineation. Added
quick readme blurb explaining differece of normal and dotfile
Readme still explained old bare-repository directory structure. Rewrote
sentences to conform to new structure.
Removed underscore from bootstrap directory, since the repository does
not organize itself through underscore prefixes anymore.
Fixed package gathering git-hook to respect new bootstrap directory.
Added qutebrowser shortcut to edit forms in vim (leader-e). Added gitlab
and asciinema to javascript exceptions list. And removed some never-used
shortcut mappings.
Set linter and formatter to *only* run when files it works for are
actually detected. Uses moreutils' ifne to detect the status of stdin
before sending an empty string to the test suite.
Moved mode indicator to more immediately visible prompt location.
Allowed deletions and adding spaces regardless of mode.
Allow moving backwards through history and searching through terminal
input history.
Fixed compile script to not use ifinstalled anymore.
HACK Fixed compile script to correctly pass through output targets to
RMarkdown, through the implementation is very rough currently.
It will look for additional arguments passed through and run RMarkdown
rendering once for each target. It would presumably be faster (and at
the very least more elegant) to pass all arguments through at once, but
I am not sure how to pass arguments through shell surrounded with
Renamed ifinstalled to exist, moved it into base shell module. It can be
called with just a command name to check for, or with an additional
libnotify urgency level (low, normal, critical).
If called with an urgency as the second argument, the user will be
notified of the missing command with the corresponding urgency.
Having a general script folder makes little sense if the scripts are
targeted to specific applications. This commit moved every script that
solely, or mainly (like ueberzug), targets a single application into
that respective stow module.
Enables easier vcs integration of vim spelllang dictionaries. Will cause
them to be reloaded on external editing, add their binary parts to
ignore files, and set their addition files to unison merge mode.
Plugins are managed directly through pacman packages now. Since I am
only using six zsh plugins and they are staying relatively constant and
not changing much, pacman seems a much more sane way to manage them
without cluttering up my zsh initialization routine. All zgen management
can go and just needs 6 `source` lines in order to load the plugin
Anything which needs to be (at least partly) touched by stow should stay
in the top-level normal directory name that they are. Anything that
*only* concerns the repository, not the dotfiles, should be moved into a
hidden folder, preceded by a dot.
These directories should still contain a `.stow-local-ignore` file
patterning everything which should not show up in stow (i.e. `^/.*`,
everything) since it is not guaranteed that stow will ignore the
.dotfile directories. The installation script does ignore them on its
own, for now, but is not guaranteed to in the future either.
When moving to commit, this hook will automatically fire and check the
current system's installed packages against those explicitly committed
to the repository. If they mismatch it will inform the user.
It will not prevent the commit, but simply add a comment at the top of
the commit messages to remind the user that something is unbalanced
between both. It would be recommended to either check the additional
package into source control, remove it from the current system, or
explicitly add it to ignored packages.
Updated package list in preparation for unified package management. For
the moment still uses basic bash script to manage package installation.
Packages are collected in a big list, with some packages being ignored.
This is in preparation for the possibility to manage future package
'groups' directly in pacman meta packages. They will then be added /
removed to the individual PKGBUILD files as dependencies and will
automatically be kept up-to-date, added and removed on all systems which
use the corresponding meta group.
It also opens the path to have commit-time checking of irregularities
between the packages stipulated in the dotfile repository and the
current running system. This can be done by adding all packages of the
different package group lists, unifying them and removing potential
ignored packages.
It allows e.g. printing a warning when committing changes to the
repository while the system packages and the repository packages differ,
to make sure no package dependencies were introduced without knowing it
and which would introduce potential breaking changes into the dotfiles.
Added custom term spell dictionary for neovim. Will track any words that
should be needed on all my machines.
Added spellmake plugin which watches spellfiles and rebuilds the binary
whenever a new word has been added through external edits like git.
The plugin also automatically adds a gitignore file for the .spl
file, and a unison merge strategy through a gitattributes file to any
spell directory it finds. Ignoring is due to .spl being automatically
generated binary files. The merge strategy ensures that no merge errors
will pop up even when words get added in different orders. All it cares
about is that the content of the files is the same, in whatever order.
Fixes tmux xdg-compliance (and, more importantly, Tmux Plugin Manager's)
by setting the environment variable TMUX_PLUGIN_MANAGER_PATH to follow
xdg specifications. Tmux, due to not being xdg-compliant, needs to be
aliased to start with the `-f` option pointing into the configuration
Fixes tmux vim nagigator's controls being overwritten by other control
schemes in tmux.
Added general usage information. Made sure gitignore api is never called
without any arguments.
Made script fzf aware -- if it finds fzf it can be invoked without
arguments, if it does not it will display usage information instead.
Removed the `` scipt. Its use was to call stow for every
folder in base directory and ignore certain folders. Both those
functions can be handled by stow on its own.
Stow allows defining per-directory ignore patterns with
`.stow-loca-ignore` files, which can be set to `.*` to completely ignore
a folder, just as before. And Stow can be called with a glob pattern to
automatically call it for every directory in the repository.
`.stowrc` additionally makes sure that all operations take place
targeting the home directory of the current user, since that is where
the dotfiles will (generally) be stored. Of course, this can be
overridden with the stow command-line options (see option precedence in
stow manual).
Finally, the bootstrap stow module adds an alias `dotlink` to the shell,
which allows fast (re-)stowing of all directories in the dotfile
repository. It uses a hard-coded location for the .dotfiles base
directory, so if the dotfiles are cloned anywhere else this has to be
Removed superfluous styler `--theme`-style options, instead relying on
the commands provided to be the primary way of interaction.
Documented the new standardized ways with the `help` command and added
improved documentation for all avaliable options.
When creating a new link within notes, using the wiki.vim openlink
shortcut (return by default), it will prepend a Zettelkasten-like unique
id based on current time in front of the link.
It will also lowercase it and substitute spaces for dashes.
Pandoc citations added through fzf (with the :CiteRef command) were
added in place, with an i. The usual case however is to write a
sentence, or part of a sentence, going out of insertion mode and wanting
the citation to appear *after* what was written.
Same story for insert mode citation (automatically called by typing
`@@`); also simplified its calling function somewhat.
Added simple maps for fzf finding note files from anywhere, searching
through wiki tags.
Vim experimental modules should be short-lived and really used for
experimentation, not be always in git and messing up diffs.
An initial foldlevel of 2 has been added to vim, this is experimental
and if it doesn't suit me can be easily reverted.
wiki.vim overwrites omnifunc for any buffer it sees as its own. Pandoc
uses g:pandoc#competion#Complete as its omnifunc to generate citations.
So we use deoplete to collect the citations and display them on being
invoked by `@`. When typing more, it filters the list accordingly.
Have not gotten preview window working again, nor searching of fields
other than bibkey.
Setting everything during PlugLoad function caused some plugins to
misbehave. Plugins are now loaded by Plug and their settings can be
either set with a file in the plugin directory (this mimicks the old way
of setting plugin up during load) or in after/ directory, which sets
options *after* everything has loaded.
Added tmux session chooser. Aliased to `tm`, calling `tmux_attach_start`
(the original tm script).
When called without arguments displays a fzf list of currently running
tmux sessions, with a preview to their respective open panes. A session
can be chosen in fzf which tmux will attach itself to. When creating a
query in fzf which does not have a valid target and confirming, tmux
will automatically create that session and attach itself to it.
When called with an argument, tmux will attach itself or create a
session of the same name. If called with the name of a session file, as
before, tmux will automatically execute that session file and attach
itself to it.