Moved previous default (paper) compilation target for pandoc to its own
file (paper.latex) and saved the current default as a backup file.
This should fix some issues with compilation to PDF, especially with
vertical spacing and quotes which would fail intermittently otherwise.
Switched to a lua setup. Moved from `init.vim` to `init.lua`. Moved to a
lua-based plugin manager (packer.nvim). Moved some plugins to neovim
(i.e. lua) versions instead of vimL (notably fzf and indentLine).
Enabled lsp, treesitter and similar plugins by default.
Modularized plugins a little by invoking them in separate files.
This should provide a base to build on, and allow me to more fully
integrate lua into my workflow.
More detailed changes follow:
nvim: Replace completion-nvim with nvim-compe
Replaced completion-nvim since compe comes with more things working out
of the box (especially buffer completion and treesitter save me two
plugin installations), and seems to be overall a bit better supported.
It's fast, it works well, and I can add custom completion sources so
that should be good enough for me.
Changed around a couple of other things for lsp settings and treesitter,
and moved the files around a bit.
This is somewhat in preparation for a move to a lua-based configuration,
since I have long wanted to make the switch.
nvim: Add treesitter-enabled rainbow brackets
Added rainbow brackets to the editor, using the treesitter AST
detection. I am not sure yet if I will keep them, or if they confuse me
more than they help by coloring *everything* *everywhere* and being a
bit too much for my tired eyes.
nvim: Add vim-terminator to enable repl style dev
Added vim-terminator and included some basic keybindings. The plugin
allows sending code over to a terminal window, or repl for those
languages where it's enabled (python, R, bash somewhat).
The basic workflow for me right now is: From e.g. a python file
1. Open a repl with <leader>rr
2. Send over code with
2a. <leader>rt sending (selected part or whole of) file over
2b. <leader>rd sending (selected part or whole of) delimited area
A delimited area in option 2b looks for certain patterns and sends
everything up-to the next instance of that pattern.
Currently, the enabled patterns are `In[n]:` with n being a number,
emulating the way jupyter blocks are coded; and `^```` (three
back-ticks at the beginning of a line), to enable sending code fences
from (R)markdown files.
Since it uses the filetype to determine which repl/interpreter to send
code to, it is still a little unwieldy in markdown files (which in this
editor get handled as `pandoc` filetype.)
FIXME: There are two options going forward, either finding a way to
correctly identify the interpreter without filetype (should be done in
vim-terminator and seems inelegant) or correctly setting the filetype
for code fences in (R)Markdown *only* (seems more feasible and may
already be enabled in RMarkdown plugins for vim).
nvim: Fix simultaneous opening alacritty and nvim
When opening both (e.g. `alacritty -e nvim file`), neovim would open
with the wrong size (usually way smaller than the resulting terminal
size) and stay that way until you resized the terminal window.
This simply sends a 'resize' kill command to vim whenever the user
enters it to circumvent the bug until it's fixed.
nvim: Simplify lua plugin setup, Add indentLine
Added indent line plugin to show where and how indentations occur using
neovims virtual text. Can be toggled with `:IndentBlanklineToggle`.
Simplified lua setup a little by naming settings after intent instead of
per plugin -- everything lsp-y now resides in `lsp.lua`, everything
treesitter in `treesitter.lua`, everything indentation in its respective
file. Should, as long as plugins don't get too many, be perhaps a little
simpler to reason about.
nvim: Switch to packer as plugin manager
Switched to packer -- the plugins move to lua and so will I. Packer
seems basically like `vim-plug` in a dress (which is awesome, since
vim-plug is also awesome!) and it is extremely fast.
So, no real complaints but still a little switch to get that little bit
further away from vimscript.
nvim: Add telescope plugin and configuration
Added telescope as fzf replacement. Fzf served me well, but the
configuration is somewhat difficult (not least owing to the fact it's
written in vimscript), and telescope has a burgeoning ecosystem growing
around it.
I could basically drop-in replace all of my mappings and then some.
Refined some options and changed some defaults and I am fairly happy for
nvim: Switch to zettelkasten plugin over wiki.vim
qute: Add gemini integration
Added simple integration for gemini. When following a link (`f` or `F`)
to a page which begins with the `gemini://` protocol, it will
automatically convert the page to html and display it instead.
qute: Update configuration structure
Moved larger setting blocks (cmd aliaes, content settings, key mappings,
url settings) into their own files.
qute: Add readability, code_select userscripts
Added userscript to invoke (python) readability mode which will render
the page in a much more nicely to read display.
Can be invoked either through `:spawn --userscript readability` or the
key combination `<leader>r`.
Added userscript to copy code snippets from websites, using the `code`
html tag. Invoked through `;c` to fit into the other extended hinting
options qutebrowser provides.
qute: Add open downloads, default download location
Added ability to open last downloads with `gD`, replaces the previous
open last download -- this one lets you select with dmenu where the old
option only opened the very last download automatically.
Set the download directory to default to XDG directory, with fallback to
`~/downloads` if the env var is not set.
qute: Set vifm filepicker
Set vifm to be the filepicker for qute. Can be used to select single or
multiple files.
Simply select the intended files in vifm and they will be passed through
to qutebrowser (and thus whatever website).
Switch the way bookmarks, quickmarks, and scrollmarks are set in
Bookmarks can be set with `~`,
Quickmarks can be set with `\`` (backtick),
Scrollmarks can be set with `m`.
This essentially changes the `\`` (backtick) and `mM` key functionality,
but retains the relative setting of quickmarks/bookmarks being on the
same key, just small and capital letter.
This has been changed since I more often need to quickly set a
scrollmark for a page than a new quick/bookmark, and to also unify the
key a little with how vim does it.
Most of the 'bookmarklet' little script invocations I have set
have been migrated away from `<leader>b` pre-mappings to `"` pre-maps:
`<leader>bw` became `"w`
`<leader>ba` became `"a`
`<leader>bg` became `"g`
`<leader>bG` became `"G`
and so on. This makes sense to me as a bigger 'mark' to jump to than a
key-chain prefixed with the leader command.
Lastly, added a key-binding for the newly addded `qr` userscript in
qute, which displays the current url as a qr-code:
Fixed invocations of vifm only passing through the first commandline
option, now passes through everything correctly.
Also fixed silencing of the stderr, stdout redirection.
Improved the automatic directory creation somewhat:
It now looks for either a file existing there (could be a directory,
could be an actual file), or a symbolic link pointing somewhere else.
Only if none of those things are at the xdg location will it try to
create a new directory there.
Additionally, it will set the correct permissions for the whole folder
chain being created, NOT just for the last folder in the chain.
vifm: Switch to new xdg directory structure
Added a report to look at the tasks I completed over the past day,
invoked by `today.completed`. The name was chosen to interact well with
my `today` overview report which shows the remaining tasks.
Also defaulted to the built-in solarized dark theme since it seems to
work best with a variety of color schemes -- and since I switch
frequently using styler, it makes sense to default to this one.
In tmux 3.2, the way status-style and status-bg interact has been
changed, simply removed my default bg coloring to fix it.
This should be fine since 99% of the time my tmux statuline coloring
is taken care of by the vim plugin anyway.
Fixed the position of my BibTex citations to be in front of the cursor
not appended to it (i.e. using `i` instead of `a`).
That means for example `sometext <insertioninvoked>.` will put the
insertion *before* the full stop instead of after it, which was kind of
Added session for taskwarrior todo dashboard. Includes a relatively free
space containing a tasksh session on window 1, an overall dashboard on
window 2, and recent history visualization on window 3.
Additionally, fixed sport session to open the correct files.
Added geoclue as a unit file and set it to autostart by default.
Redshift on archlinux has problems working correctly if there is no
(gnome?) desktop environment and the geoclue agent has thus not been
started yet. This simply runs it on startup as a user service and
redshift subsequently picks it up to get its location from.
Improved the language setting to simply make use of the search for
touchpad, just like setting the touchpad options.
Since these are my only two keyboards at the moment, the difference
should be meagre to non-existent in the way the old detection worked and
the new one does.
Use a more minimal version of sponsorblock which neither caches the
results locally, nor allows many of the fancy things that the python
plugin allows.
On the other hand, it is lua-only and does not depend on python, and
fulfills the same basic functionality: skipping sponsorship segments.
You can toggle the plugin on and off by pressing `b`.
Additionally, it also works on files played locally, if those carry a
yt identifier in their filename.
Added configuration module for ssh client.
Sets some basic settings and sets a general structure for the ssh
|- config
|- conf/
|---|- config.ssh
|----- hosts.ssh
|- keys/
|---|- id_*
------ id_*.pub
Config only refers to the files situated in `conf/` directory, while any
`hosts.ssh` configuration redirects to the correct keyfiles lying in
Actual settings can be configured in `config.ssh` and this file is also
committed to versioning, whereas keys and hosts are not.
Moved some of the overview images and animations from the repository to
the repository's wiki, to save size when cloning the repo.
There will be a point when I have to think about the structure of the
readme files and displayed media since it does not belong *directly* to
the repository (that are only dotfiles, and only they should, ideally,
be cloned to new machines) but they also fall into somewhat of a
silo-problem when hosted on gitlab and I want to migrate e.g. to gitea.
This is a point I will have to think about further.
Hopefully fix dotfiles entr session watching a little,
should now not quit git status overview when switching between branches,
since it runs entr in an endless loop.
Feels like little bit of a hack, but is the advised way by the creator
on his webpage.
I have stopped using keybase a while ago, (due to switching over to
keyoxide, and generally being a bit weary after reading about some of
the more shady dealings of keybase, culminating at some point with its
zoom take-over) this also removes some of its associated systemd
Since switching to `dash` as the default sh shell, rofi would display
ostensibly hidden strings (like comment tags, or rofi meta options).
This is due to this bug
or behavior of dash. Could be possibly fixed by using octal, for now,
the script works with bash rather than sh (i.e. dash).
Added option to input nomie api key either directly as an environment
variable, or to pass a command (also through env var) to nomie which it
will call to get the api key.
So, if you have e.g. pass as password manager running, you can just do
`NOMIE_API_KEY_CMD="pass show path/to/key/file"` and it will use the
returned credentials.
Added a command to send the current page to the outline service, which
acts as a readability layer (and lets you read e.g. medium articles
without pulling your hair out).
Just use the `send-to-outline` command, or use keymapping <leader>bo to
send the current page to outline.
Embiggened default font size in alacritty. I have come to really like it
(and don't need so much real estate at the moment), it shows off the
beauty of my dear Iosevka font, and lets the tmux bottom bar be flush
with my monitor.
Might change it back at some point, but for now it's perfect.
Prepending history with datestamps (which are already correctly saved in
my shell history), so I know WHEN I last run a command (roughly) and can
also search for the dates using `fzfhistory`.
Fixed the completions for the `t` alias that takes over task
functionality on the shell. Only works on zsh, and presumably not on
every system since it relies on some ps trickery to find out the
currently running shell. Maybe there's a better version out there
Added basic distinction into work/personal contexts, since, with my
current job having a complex enough task list I want that either not
cluttering up my enjoyable tasks, or *only* that cluttering up all my
Fixed keymap incompabitility introduced with switching to lspsaga code
actions. It used `gc` for normal/visual mode code actions, which I already
make use of for toggling comments in code.
Switched to `ca` instead.
Fixed bug introduced in 15f5f0b when removing the environment variable
for two XDG directories, but not their creation.
The test would check an empty directory for its existence and, not
finding '' to be a directory, attempt to create it instead - resulting
in the attempt to create a directory of an empty string.
amixer mutes all individual output streams when it mutes (master,
speaker, headphone) but only unmutes master by default.
This is a simple fix to unmute everything when we do.
`control-brightness` and `control-volume` both now have the exact same
progress bar indicator.
Additionally, by using the same dunst 'stack' they replace each other if
invoked in quick succession, which I really like.
By invoking key combination fn+F9 (XF86Search button), we can quiet
dunst notifications.
This change will be picked up by polybar and a small do not disturb
symbol is shown in the top bar (a tiny moon).
Both scripts are very simple and make use of a temporary file, so a
little brittle but workable.
`pavolume` was nice, but my own volume script is just more flexible. No
real changes yet, but includes notification through dunst and works the
same way as `control-brightness` script does, just invoked through
Added lspsaga to enhance some of the lsp actions I can do - mappings are
mostly the same as before, pretty much all lsp actions can be invoked by
g<mnemonic> (e.g. `gr` for rename, `gh` for symbol help, `gd` for go
definition, `K` for help hover, `gc` for code completion and some more).
`[e` and `]e` move between lsp diagnostic errors.
Switched out many syntax highlighting plugins for treesitter, which is
an experiment for now, but I would love to keep it like this if it works
Added videos directory to vifm quick marks (`v`).
Fixed (hopefully) qutebrowser statusbar hiding and showing.
Improved mail checking script password file handling by switching the
hard-coded path to one still somewhat hard-coded, but encapsulated in a
variable to make changing it later on easier. The script is a bit
slap-dash anyway, so when refactored should be refactored overall.
Added `gallery-dl` handling by mpv, whenever a link starting with
`gdl://` is passed in.
Added `-a` option which can be supplied with an article id that wallr
will open directly.
Article ids can take the absolute form of e.g. `-a 1048` opening article
with id 1048.
They can also take the relative form of e.g. `-a +2` which will open the
third-to-last entry in wallabag, i.e. count backwards from newest.
That means you can use `-a +0` for example to always directly open the
newest entry.
Since I always have entr installed, I can use it to monitor for file
changes and reload the respective git overview panes.
This has the advantage that I can use any interactive displays (e.g.
less) in the respective panes, while still reloading when files actually
I still have to find a way to replicate the switch between git log
and staged changes view whenever files become staged, have not been able
to fix this with entr and it still makes use of the watch command.
Set statusline to show more relevant information, and removed 'tip of
the day' functionality since I've never been looking at it.
Set ruler to show me how many files are hidden in a directory.
Added shortcut to quickly combine a bunch of PDFs (`gc`) that are
Added shortcut (`<leader>f`) to invoke fzf on current directory and
navigate to the result. This mirrors my vim use and mapping.
Additionally, added commands to invoke the fzf functionality (`:FZFfind`
and `FZFlocate`) by hand.
Lastly, moved the file classification and opening functionality a bit
out of the way.
Should still think about handing off opening files to xdg-open since
that's what it's there for, and only make vifm handle the file preview
stuff (i.e. the opposite window buffer preview).
Removed functionality that auto-saves all currently open windows
whenever vim loses focus, since that function is more bothersome than
helpful (and I remember to save my files 99.9% of the time anyway).
That 0.1% will also be impressed in my memory after forgetting once or
Simple, experimental replacement for now. Tries to keep the previous key
functionality intact:
use <leader>e to open working directory in vifm, <leader>E to open the
directory of the current file.
Some problems will remain - currently it is hard to navigate away from
an open vifm instance with C-hjkl since it is not recognized as a vim
window anymore.
Additionally, invoking vim functions does not work from the vifm window,
which means that if I start nvim pointing to a directory, i.e. with vifm
open, it not possible for me currently to directly start up fzf to open
another file, or a buffer from the history, or similar.
Fixed 'pushall' option xargs error.
Added dealing with 'main' branch instead of 'master' branch in checkout
and rebase aliases, so that when invoking the commands it will default
to a master branch and fall back to a main branch before complaining
that no corresponding branch exists.
Should (silently) fix git repositories which switched to main in the
last few months, and simultaneously allows me to switch this repository
to main branch (already done.)
Updated the block lists, for qutebrowser's host blocking and its new
brave adblocking.
Fixed some errors in config file, and now formatted with black
Should improve default javascript toggling, as well as fix the toggling
of tabs and statusbar at the same time.
I am not entirely sure why
`config-cycle -t always switching;; config-cycle -t in-mode always`
works to cycle both at the same time, since (in my head) putting it like
this should *alternate* between both showing. But in fact, it does the
opposite and putting both in the same order (always not-always) will
alternate between them. Why, I do not know.