repo: Remove leftover stow setup

Removed stow-related files, switched dotlink
to use dotter instead of stow.
This commit is contained in:
Marty Oehme 2023-10-03 16:00:36 +02:00
parent f8cd642555
commit a316eeead2
Signed by: Marty
9 changed files with 30 additions and 43 deletions

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@ -1 +0,0 @@
^/.* # everything

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@ -4,14 +4,17 @@
# a development environment based on git and nvim.
depends = ["shell", "git", "nvim", "scripts", "ssh", "terminal"]
depends = ["shell", "git", "nvim", "scripts", "ssh", "terminal", "bootstrap"]
"bootstrap/" = "~/.config/sh/alias.d/"
"sh/" = { target = "~/", type = "symbolic", if = "false" }
"sh/" = { target = "~/NOWHERE", type = "symbolic", if = "false" }
sh = "~"
"git/" = { target = "~/", type = "symbolic", if = "false" }
"git/" = { target = "~/NOWHERE", type = "symbolic", if = "false" }
git = "~"
@ -20,14 +23,14 @@ git = "~"
nvim = "~"
"scripts/" = { target = "~/", type = "symbolic", if = "false" }
"scripts/" = { target = "~/NOWHERE", type = "symbolic", if = "false" }
scripts = "~"
ssh = "~"
"terminal/.config/vifm" = { target = "~/.config/vifm", type = "symbolic" }
"terminal/.config/vifm" = "~/.config/vifm"
terminal = "~"
# LINUX: A linux machine, with systemd enabled, auto-mounting set up and a nice productivity suite.
@ -36,28 +39,28 @@ terminal = "~"
depends = ["base", "disks", "pass", "office", "services", "social", "writing"]
"disks/" = { target = "~/", type = "symbolic", if = "false" }
"disks/" = { target = "~/NOWHERE", type = "symbolic", if = "false" }
disks = "~"
"pass/" = { target = "~/", type = "symbolic", if = "false" }
"pass/.local/share/pass-pick/assets/rofi-menu.gif" = { target = "~/nowhere", type = "symbolic", if = "false" }
"pass/" = { target = "~/NOWHERE", type = "symbolic", if = "false" }
"pass/.local/share/pass-pick/assets/rofi-menu.gif" = { target = "~/NOWHERE", type = "symbolic", if = "false" }
pass = "~"
"office/" = { target = "~/", type = "symbolic", if = "false" }
"office/" = { target = "~/NOWHERE", type = "symbolic", if = "false" }
"office/.config/glow/email.json" = { target = "~/.config/glow/email.json", type = "symbolic" }
office = "~"
"services/" = { target = "~/", type = "symbolic", if = "false" }
"services/" = { target = "~/NOWHERE", type = "symbolic", if = "false" }
services = "~"
social = "~"
"writing/" = { target = "~/", type = "symbolic", if = "false" }
"writing/" = { target = "~/NOWHERE", type = "symbolic", if = "false" }
"writing/.config/papis/papistui.yaml" = { target = "~/.config/papis/papistui.yaml", type = "symbolic" }
"writing/.config/sioyek/prefs_user.config" = { target = "~/.config/sioyek/prefs_user.config", type = "template", prepend = "# TEMPLATED BY DOTTER\n" }
writing = "~"
@ -71,11 +74,11 @@ depends = ["linux", "desktop", "multimedia", "qutebrowser"]
"desktop/.config/flavours/templates" = { target = "~/.config/flavours/templates", type = "symbolic" }
"desktop/.config/waybar/config" = { target = "~/.config/waybar/config", type = "symbolic" }
"desktop/.config/mako/config" = { target = "~/.config/mako/config", type = "template", prepend = "# TEMPLATED BY DOTTER\n" }
"desktop/" = { target = "~/", type = "symbolic", if = "false" }
"desktop/" = { target = "~/NOWHERE", type = "symbolic", if = "false" }
desktop = "~"
"multimedia/" = { target = "~/", type = "symbolic", if = "false" }
"multimedia/" = { target = "~/NOWHERE", type = "symbolic", if = "false" }
"multimedia/.config/mpv/scripts" = { target = "~/.config/mpv/scripts", type = "symbolic" }
"multimedia/.config/ncmpcpp/config" = { target = "~/.config/ncmpcpp/config", type = "symbolic" }
"multimedia/.config/mpv/fonts/uosc_icons.otf" = { target = "~/.config/mpv/fonts/uosc_icons.otf", type = "symbolic" }

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@ -1 +0,0 @@
^/.* # everything

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@ -1,5 +0,0 @@

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@ -1,26 +1,25 @@
# `~/🌹`
Note that the below screenshots still show the X configuration from [v0.1]( which is very old by now.
Note that the below screenshots still show the X configuration from [v0.1]( which is *very* old by now.
The current dotfiles are geared toward wayland for which the setup looks similar but not identical to the previews below.
## What's in these dotfiles
* [x] vim configuration for simple programming tasks (especially go/typescript/python/bash) and prose
* [x] wayland setup using `riverwm` with quick access to many overlays and picking tools for styles, downloads, browsing history, passwords and more
* [x] vim configuration for simple programming tasks (especially python/bash/lua) and prose (markdown/quarto/latex)
* [x] academic workflow tools, to allow quick citation, pdf compilation, and preview
* [x] simple, efficient waybar with package update notification, and spotify (mpris) integration
* [x] tmux session management through `tm` and `tl` tools
* [x] tmux fuzzy-searching of terminal sessions to switch to with hot-key (`<C-A><C-s>`) in addition to normal session switching
* [x] simple, efficient waybar with package update notification and mpris integration
* [x] system-wide color management (terminals, vim, qutebrowser, polybar, xresources) through [`flavours`]( application using [base16]( themes
* [x] quick theme switching by activating `flavours` and fuzzy-searching themes with hot-key (default `<Super>=<Shift>+S`)
* [x] many vim color-schemes with quick light/dark switching (`F8`) and individual theme switch (`<Space>+F8`)
* [x] quick directory jumping using `z`, with `fzf` integration
* [x] `fzf`-like integrations for bibtex citation, vim buffer management, most recently used switching, shell command history, and more
* [x] password management with `pass` and picking it with automatic typing into any window
[![Styler recoloring demo](](
## Quick-Start
The dotfiles use `GNU stow` to link themselves in the home directory. You can clone this repository anywhere (though I have mine in `~/.dotfiles` as it seemed most logical for me).
The dotfiles use `dotter` to link themselves in the home directory. You can clone this repository anywhere (though I have mine in `~/.dotfiles` as it seemed most logical for me).
I would recommend doing an initial `git clone --recursive` for this repository, since it contains git [submodules](, which will then automatically get pulled in as well.
Of course, you can do it non-recursively and then just pull those modules selectively which you actually want.
@ -29,7 +28,7 @@ Once in the repository directory, when you then run `./` it will insta
I would mostly recommend this on fresh machines or a test machine first - it *will* link my personal dotfiles and, if you allow it, *will* install quite a few packages.
By default it will ask your consent for some steps -- use `./ -f` to force yes to everything.
The dotfile installation procedure is based on `stow`, it will *not overwrite* anything already in the home directory (though you can force it to if you really want, using `stow --override='.*'` -- I do not recommend this).
The dotfile installation procedure is based on `dotter`, it will generally *not overwrite* anything already in the home directory, but of course be observant when doing ptentially destructive operations.
> **NOTE**
> The same non-destructive installation procedure does *not* apply to the package installation and system setting file linking, where it can potentially overwrite or remove existing files.
@ -38,7 +37,7 @@ After all files are linked and you open a new shell session, the `dotlink` alias
[^1]: This alias only works when the dotfiles are cloned into `~/.dotfiles`, mirroring my setup.
This is due to a hard-coded cd into this directory.
If your dotfiles lie in another directory and you want to use the dotlink alias, simply change the corresponding line in `bootstrap/.config/sh/alias.d/`]
If your dotfiles lie in another directory and you want to use the dotlink alias, simply change the corresponding line in `bootstrap/.config/sh/alias.d/`
Both automatic installation paths are presumably somewhat brittle. In any case, I would suggest to manually look through the files for things you want instead of copying and activating everything.
Dotfiles are too personal to be standardized like that.
@ -60,7 +59,7 @@ Enjoy!
* [`vifm`]( - vim-like file-manager
* [`qutebrowser`]( - vim-key enabled web browser
* [`pass`](pass/ - Password management suite
* [`bibtex`](bibtex/ - LateX/BibteX/pandoc plaintext writing & reference suite
* [`bibtex`] - LateX/BibteX/pandoc plaintext writing & reference suite
* [`git`](git/ - distributed version control system.
* [`office`](office/ - office/productivity software for writing e-mail and setting appointments
@ -72,7 +71,7 @@ Enjoy!
* Whereas `sh` module scripts are requirements for other scripts, `.local/bin` in the `scripts` module contains most executable user scripts. Most of these have been migrated to other corresponding modules (e.g. if a script exclusively targets git functionality, it will live there), some useful --- or left-over --- stand-alone scripts remain however.
* `.local/share/pandoc` contains configuration for academic latex writing (pandoc, really) and is of interest if you want to use this functionality.
* `.xinitrc` is used for x initialization and program startup. At some point, some of the consistently running applications may be moved to systemd/runit as supervised services.
* Generally, top-level directories starting with a . are only meaningful for the *repository* not for the functionality of the machine that these dotfiles are deployed on. That means `.gitlab-ci.yml`, `.assets/`, `.stowrc` and similar files and directories will not show up in the final deployment in any home directory. Perhaps they should be called dotdot-files since they're the dotfiles for my dotfiles. 🙂 (Also, '[dotfiles]('.)
* Generally, top-level directories starting with a . are only meaningful for the *repository* not for the functionality of the machine that these dotfiles are deployed on. That means `.gitlab-ci.yml`, `.assets/`, `.gitignore` and similar files and directories will not show up in the final deployment in any home directory. Perhaps they should be called dotdot-files since they're the dotfiles for my dotfiles. 🙂 (Also, '[dotfiles]('.)
[^shreq]: I may remove this requirement in the future to make modules more self-contained. However, relying on some base utility scripts makes it easier to avoid duplicating such functionality for each individual script in other modules.

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@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
# TODO find a more generic way to express 'ignore any non-folder files'

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@ -9,6 +9,7 @@
# to customize this to your own needs, change the `push folder` to the
# location of your dotfiles (stow) repository
alias dotlink="pushd ~/.dotfiles;\
stow -R */ 2> >(grep -v 'Absolute/relative mismatch between Stow dir' 1>&2) ;\
dotter deploy;\

View File

@ -278,7 +278,6 @@ snap-pac Pacman hooks that use snapper to create pre/post btrfs snapshots like o
speedtest-cli Command line interface for testing internet bandwidth using R
sshfs FUSE client based on the SSH File Transfer Protocol R
steam Valve's digital software delivery system R
stow Manage installation of multiple softwares in the same directory tree R
sudo Give certain users the ability to run some commands as root R
surfraw Shell Users' Revolutionary Front Rage Against the Web R
swaybg Wallpaper tool for Wayland compositors R

Can't render this file because it has a wrong number of fields in line 29.

View File

@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
# Will first install yay, then all my used packages (read from bootstrap/packages.txt)
# Finally, symlinks all dotfiles into their correct locations using stow
# Finally, symlinks all dotfiles into their correct locations using dotter