Marty Oehme cf4c39a3c8
feat(notes): Add simple measure documentation
From documents in DB, requires more attention and revision.
2023-12-13 13:50:41 +01:00

1.8 KiB


TODO:: separation of shares, inequality indices and ratios

absolute shows magnitude of difference between subgroups of pop -> focus on absolute welfare

relative shows proportional difference between subgroups of pop -> focus on welfare in relation to others

Common ones


Gini coeff, Theil, entropy measure, atkinson indexes


mean differences between groups; ratios between better off/worse off

GGini; GTheil; GCOV

All indicators


  • quantiles (division by 5) / deciles (division by 10) / centiles (division by 100)

  • Absolute Gini index

    • ?
  • Standard deviation

    • deviations from norm in absolute terms


  • ratios of quantiles to each other (division of various quantiles)

  • Gini coefficient:

    • based Lorenz curve - population percentage versus accumulated fractions of wealth
    • is area between lorenz curve and perfect equality
    • needs: individual/household income/wealth; pop size
  • Theil index:

    • how much income distribution (person x receives y from total income) is away from perfect uniform distribution
    • log -based
    • can be disaggregated into subgroups
    • Theil L > weighting factors are population groups; Theil T > weighting factors are fraction of appropriated income
  • Atkinson measures:

    • measures cumulative deviation of each income in relation to average income value in distribution
  • Palma ratio:

    • dividing share of income/wealth held by top 10% by bottom 40%, thus high = bad
  • s80s20, s40s20 ratios:

    • ?
  • Concentration index:

    • divide whole pop by 100 to find percentiles
    • then you know how many ppl are in each group and add their total income
  • Foster-Greer-Thorbecke-class distribution (@Sotomayor2021)
