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1area of policyfindingschannelsstudies
2trade liberalisationevidence for slightly negative effects on income equalityhighly dependent on targeting/micro-economic factorsXu2021;Khan2021;Liyanaarachchi2016;Rendall2013
3evidence for reduction of absolute povertyRendall2013;Liyanaarachchi2016
4mixed evidence for effect of FDI on long-term income equalityrequires incentive structure to directly connect local business with outside economiesAdams2015;Xu2021
5fiscal policiesevidence for wage/firm subsidies increasing income equalityeffective targeting crucial to reach disadvantaged sectorsWang2020;Go2010;Rendall2013;Cieplinski2021
6evidence for wage/firm subsidies to reduce absolute povertylifting of credit constraints through income gainsGo2010
7techn. changeevidence for legal contraceptive access increasing gender income equalityeducational attainment, occupational upgrading and later labour market exitBailey2012
8infrastructureevidence for increase in spatial equalityincreased employment probability through large-scale rural energy projectsKuriyama2021
9mixed evidence for increase of existing inequalitieselite policy capture can exacerbate existing social exclusion & disadvantagesKuriyama2021;Stock2021
10mixed evidence for transport infrastructure effects on income inequalitydeficit-/tariff-financing can exacerbate spatia inequalityBlumenberg2014;Adam2018
11access to educationevidence for increasing income equalityhuman capital buildingAdams2015;Bailey2012;Pi2016;Suh2017;Emigh2018
12evidence for increasing gender and spatial income equality gendered occupational upgrading can decrease gender pay gapXu2021;Mukhopadhaya2003;Pi2016;Bailey2012;Suh2017
13evidence for increased employment equality for people with disabilitiesincreased employment probability and hours workedShepherd-Banigan2021;Gates2000;Poppen2017;Thoresen2021;Rosen2014