
6.3 KiB

Scoping tool

  • after identification a large pool of potential studies will be in the zotero index (usually > 1000)
  • to make scoping (somewhat) rapid, we employ multi-step exclusions
    • rapid scoping reviews sometimes only make use of single steps, e.g. only title-screening, as inclusion criteria
  • title screening
    • exclude all studies that do not match with out::title
    • move all studies that do match into next step with TODO::abstract
  • abstract screening
    • exclude all studies that do not match with out::abstract
    • move all studies that do match into next step with TODO::full-text
    • studies which seem reasonably sure to be of vale can be tagged with relevant to be easier to spot later on
  • fulltext screening
    • exclude all studies that do not match with out::full-text
    • move all studies that do match into next step with TODO::extract
  • for any of the above steps:
    • if the study is a potentially relevant review, mark with TODO::review for later snowballing
    • if you are unsure and require outside input mark with TODO::QUESTION
  • extraction
    • mark successful extraction with done::extracted
    • often done as full-text screening and extraction in single step
    • add any relevant tags, but at least type::, inequality::, country:: and possibly region:: tags

Category reference

Tracks the categories and possible values of tags (or 'keywords') for the screening process step of scoping.


A work-in-progress tag which simply states the step of the scoping review process the respective source is currently at.

  • TODO::abstract
  • TODO::full-text
  • TODO::review
  • TODO::title
  • done::extracted
  • done::preliminary


Even if a study is not directly relevant for the final extraction pool, it might contain valuable information. These tags give the reason they may prove interesting yet when considering the inequalities analyzed by them.

  • cite::channels
  • cite::framework
  • cite::further_reading


The main country of interest for the study. Multiple possible for comparative/multiple case studies. Global studies, or ones using dozens of countries will not be tagged.

  • country::Argentina
  • country::Armenia
  • country::Australia
  • country::Austria
  • country::Bangladesh
  • country::Belgium
  • country::Bengal
  • country::Bolivia
  • country::Bosnia_Herzegovina
  • country::Botswana
  • country::Brazil
  • country::Britain
  • country::Burundi
  • country::Cambodia
  • country::Cameroon
  • country::Canada
  • country::Chile
  • country::China
  • country::Colombia
  • country::Croatia
  • country::Cyprus
  • country::Czech_Republic
  • country::Denmark
  • country::Ecuador
  • country::Eswatini
  • country::Ethiopia
  • country::Finland
  • country::France
  • country::Germany
  • country::Ghana
  • country::Greece
  • country::Guatemala
  • country::Honduras
  • country::HongKong
  • country::Hungary
  • country::India
  • country::Indonesia
  • country::Iran
  • country::Ireland
  • country::Israel
  • country::Italy
  • country::Japan
  • country::Jordan
  • country::Kazakhstan
  • country::Kenya
  • country::Korea
  • country::Liberia
  • country::Lithuania
  • country::Madagascar
  • country::Malawi
  • country::Malawy
  • country::Malaysia
  • country::Malta
  • country::Mexico
  • country::Mongolia
  • country::Morocco
  • country::Nepal
  • country::Netherlands
  • country::New_Zealand
  • country::Nicaragua
  • country::Nigeria
  • country::Norway
  • country::Pakistan
  • country::Paraguay
  • country::Philippines
  • country::Poland
  • country::Portugal
  • country::Romania
  • country::Russia
  • country::Rwanda
  • country::Saudi_Arabia
  • country::Senegal
  • country::Slovakia
  • country::South_Africa
  • country::Spain
  • country::Sri_Lanka
  • country::Sweden
  • country::Switzerland
  • country::Taiwan
  • country::Tanzania
  • country::Thailand
  • country::Timor-Leste
  • country::Turkey
  • country::US
  • country::Ukraine
  • country::Uruguay
  • country::Vietnam
  • country::West_Bank
  • country::Zambia


The type of inequality illuminated by a study. Will often be multiple, a strong sign for a study's intersectional approach.

  • inequality::age
  • inequality::consumption
  • inequality::disability
  • inequality::education
  • inequality::ethnicity
  • inequality::gender
  • inequality::generational
  • inequality::health
  • inequality::income
  • inequality::language
  • inequality::lgbt
  • inequality::migration
  • inequality::poverty
  • inequality::racial
  • inequality::socio-demographic
  • inequality::spatial


If there is an issue with a study which may impede further progress, or any progress at all - even if it may not be sorted out from relevance yet, or if it has.

  • issue::age
  • issue::language
  • issue::no-access


If one method is clearly marked as primary, or surprisingly is not the primary method within title and or abstract, it will be noted here.

  • method::qualitative
  • method::quantitative


The reason, or step of the screening process for the study falling out of relevance. Will be used later to generate accurate numbers per screening step.

  • out::abstract
  • out::full-text
  • out::language
  • out::review
  • out::title
  • out::year


The general world region a study is working in. May align to the individual country (or countries) it is analyzing, but may also stand on its own.

  • region::global
  • region::AP
  • region::EU
  • region::LAC
  • region::MENA
  • region::NA
  • region::SSA


If a study is a review, it will be captured under one of these tags.

  • review::?
  • review::critical
  • review::integrative
  • review::meta
  • review::narrative
  • review::scoping
  • review::systematic
  • review::umbrella


The primary type of intervention, circumstance or shock the study is interested in.

  • type::automation
  • type::cash_transfer
  • type::child_labor
  • type::collective_action
  • type::cooperative_entrepreneurship
  • type::counseling
  • type::csr
  • type::electrification
  • type::experimental
  • type::infrastructure
  • type::institutional
  • type::marketization
  • type::maternity_benefit
  • type::microcredit
  • type::minimum_wage
  • type::pension
  • type::regulation
  • type::rtw
  • type::structural
  • type::subsidy
  • type::taxation
  • type::trade_liberalization
  • type::training
  • type::ubi
  • type::universal_licensing
  • type::volunteering
  • type::welfare
  • type::work_programme


  • ⚠️ Invalid DOI
  • No DOI found
  • favorite
  • relevant
  • integrated
  • intersectional
  • definition