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Meeting notes 2023-09-15


Points: - Ensure I am on right track with inclusion criteria at inequality-intervention-outcome nexus

Q: - Which format best to start producing annotated bibliography in for end of month - Should we include purely qualitative reviews? - Capture them (in study screening) and tag accordingly - If including gray literature, I would propose specifically highlighting its status (i.e. adding it through footnotes or otherwise distinguish) - Some possibilities of avoiding docx for review itself to automate some of its descriptive statistics, etc.

  • What is the best way to go about integrating
    • I keep all my notes in the notes folder and zotero library
    • I continuously update a docx file called 'Scoping_Review_WIP.docx'
    • The individual milestones/approved and agreed upon changes are pushed to 'Scoping_Review.docx'


  • Natassia will work on a variety of indicators etc used
    • e.g. brought forth in ILOStat or LSMS
  • proposing policy categorization in 3 dimensions (for extraction of intervention properties):
    • institutional: changing the institutional environment of a country/context
      • related to changes in institutions
      • e.g. legal reforms adopted, adoption of supranational agreements (like Child Labour Convention/Recommendation), policies transforming the way of building/constructing/makeup of institutions, policies furthering institutional social protection of workers, ...
    • structural: interventions changing the structural conditions for people
      • can be related to institutional changes but also to others
      • e.g. looking at the way factors of globalization shapes outcomes; technology adoption (digital transformation or green revolution); changing geographical conditions through new transportation, or access to services; or improving access to for example access to electricity or improving WASH
    • agency/social-norms: related to lowering impact of individual characteristics of persons and empowering them individually
      • e.g. looking at the roots of why women/lgbtq/old people have a harder time finding jobs; policies towards affirmative action
  • using all 3 indicators (yesno/boolean) in matrix also enables more intersectional look at policies, by seeing which ones attack issues from variety of angles and e.g. which ones focus on a single one
  • should allow to substantiate with solid theory and backing through existing mechanisms identified in literature


  • need to identify terms for further search:

    • 'definitions of concepts of employment creation'; employment outcomes
      • e.g. job creation, work creation, workplace creation
    • find the variety of interventions impacting employment
      • e.g. infrastructure development, distributive interventions, cash transfer etc
      • use Miguel introduced 3-dimension categorization for now
  • capture indicator: relative/absolute used in studies (extract)

    • e.g. diff in total number of jobs per gender (absolute) vs change of job distribution in pct (relative)
    • many will share pct looks at these
  • capture policy intervention type used (extract):

    • see above for policy categorization, introduce in extraction list
    • create small scale-based justification for three clusters
  • create clear inclusion/exclusion criteria on basis of above (esp LM outcomes & policy terms)

  • personally: find exact definitions for:

    • indicators
    • measures
    • ratios
    • and which ones are relative (ratios?) and absolute (measures?) and a comprehensive term (indic.?)