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abstract: 'Greg Duncan, Jens Ludwig, and Katherine Magnuson explain how providing
high-quality care to disadvantaged preschool children can help reduce
poverty. In early childhood, they note, children''s cognitive and
socioemotional skills develop rapidly and are sensitive to ``inputs{''''}
from parents, home learning environments, child care settings, and the
health care system.
The authors propose an intensive two-year, education-focused
intervention for economically disadvantaged three- and four-year-olds.
Classrooms would be staffed by college-trained teachers and have no more
than six children per teacher. Instruction would be based on proven
preschool academic and behavioral curricula and would be provided to
children for three hours a day, with wraparound child care available to
working parents.
The authors estimate that the annual cost of the instructional portion
of the program would be about \$8,000, with child care adding up to
another \$4,000. The program would fully subsidize low-income children''s
participation; high-income parents would pay the full cost. The total
cost of the proposal, net of current spending, would be \$20 billion a
Researchers have estimated that a few very intensive early childhood
programs have generated benefits of as much as \$8 to \$14 for every \$1
in cost. The authors think it unrealistic that a nationwide early
education program could be equally socially profitable, but they
estimate that their proposal would likely have benefits amounting to
several times its cost. Some of the benefits would appear quickly in the
form of less school retention and fewer special education
classifications; others would show up later in the form of less crime
and greater economic productivity. The authors estimate that their
program would reduce the future poverty rates of participants by between
5 percent and 15 percent.'
affiliation: 'Duncan, GJ (Corresponding Author), Northwestern Univ, Evanston, IL 60208
Northwestern Univ, Evanston, IL 60208 USA.
Univ Chicago, Chicago, IL 60637 USA.
Univ Wisconsin, Madison, WI USA.'
author: Duncan, Greg J. and Ludwig, Jens and Magnuson, Katherine A.
- family: Duncan
given: Greg J.
- family: Ludwig
given: Jens
- family: Magnuson
given: Katherine A.
da: '2023-09-28'
doi: 10.1353/foc.2007.0015
eissn: 1550-1558
files: []
issn: 1054-8289
language: English
month: FAL
number: '2'
number-of-cited-references: '63'
pages: 143-160
papis_id: 9bbea044809f53ab9f250f8ac8cf3b36
ref: Duncan2007reducingpoverty
researcherid-numbers: Hoffman, Shannah K/B-4104-2012
times-cited: '57'
title: Reducing poverty through preschool interventions
type: Article
unique-id: WOS:000249553100007
usage-count-last-180-days: '1'
usage-count-since-2013: '38'
volume: '17'
web-of-science-categories: 'Family Studies; Health Policy \& Services; Social Sciences,
year: '2007'