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abstract: 'Background A recent editorial urged those working in global mental
health to ``change the conversation{''''} on coronavirus disease
(Covid-19) by putting more focus on the needs of people with severe
mental health conditions. UPSIDES (Using Peer Support In Developing
Empowering mental health Services) is a six-country consortium carrying
out implementation research on peer support for people with severe
mental health conditions in high- (Germany, Israel), lower middle-
(India) and low-income (Tanzania, Uganda) settings. This commentary
briefly outlines some of the key challenges faced by UPSIDES sites in
low- and middle-income countries as a result of Covid-19, sharing early
lessons that may also apply to other services seeking to address the
needs of people with severe mental health conditions in similar
contexts. Challenges and lessons learned The key take-away from
experiences in India, Tanzania and Uganda is that inequalities in terms
of access to mobile technologies, as well as to secure employment and
benefits, put peer support workers in particularly vulnerable situations
precisely when they and their peers are also at their most isolated.
Establishing more resilient peer support services requires attention to
the already precarious situation of people with severe mental health
conditions in low-resource settings, even before a crisis like Covid-19
occurs. While it is essential to maintain contact with peer support
workers and peers to whatever extent is possible remotely, alternatives
to face-to-face delivery of psychosocial interventions are not always
straightforward to implement and can make it more difficult to observe
individuals'' reactions, talk about emotional issues and offer
appropriate support. Conclusions In environments where mental health
care was already heavily medicalized and mostly limited to medications
issued by psychiatric institutions, Covid-19 threatens burgeoning
efforts to pursue a more holistic and person-centered model of care for
people with severe mental health conditions. As countries emerge from
lockdown, those working in global mental health will need to redouble
their efforts not only to make up for lost time and help individuals
cope with the added stressors of Covid-19 in their communities, but also
to regain lost ground in mental health care reform and in broader
conversations about mental health in low-resource settings.'
affiliation: 'Ryan, GK (Corresponding Author), London Sch Hyg \& Trop Med, Fac Epidemiol
\& Populat Hlth, Dept Populat Hlth, London, England.
Mpango, Richard, Butabika Natl Referral Hosp, Res \& Training Sect, Kampala, Uganda.
Mpango, Richard, MRC UVRI \& LSHTM Uganda Res Unit, Mental Hlth Sect, Entebbe, Uganda.
Mpango, Richard, Soroti Univ, Sch Hlth Sci, Dept Mental Hlth, Arapai, Uganda.
Kalha, Jasmine; Kulkarni, Arti; Korde, Palak, Ctr Mental Hlth Law \& Policy, Pune,
Maharashtra, India.
Shamba, Donat; Ramesh, Mary; Ngakongwa, Fileuka, Ifakara Hlth Inst, Dept Hlth Syst
Impact Evaluat \& Policy, Dar Es Salaam, Tanzania.
Ngakongwa, Fileuka, Muhimbili Univ Hlth \& Allied Sci, Dept Psychiat \& Mental Hlth,
Dar Es Salaam, Tanzania.
Nakku, Juliet, Butabika Natl Referral Hosp, Psychiat, Kampala, Uganda.
Ryan, Grace K., London Sch Hyg \& Trop Med, Fac Epidemiol \& Populat Hlth, Dept
Populat Hlth, London, England.'
article-number: '90'
author: Mpango, Richard and Kalha, Jasmine and Shamba, Donat and Ramesh, Mary and
Ngakongwa, Fileuka and Kulkarni, Arti and Korde, Palak and Nakku, Juliet and Ryan,
Grace K.
- family: Mpango
given: Richard
- family: Kalha
given: Jasmine
- family: Shamba
given: Donat
- family: Ramesh
given: Mary
- family: Ngakongwa
given: Fileuka
- family: Kulkarni
given: Arti
- family: Korde
given: Palak
- family: Nakku
given: Juliet
- family: Ryan
given: Grace K.
da: '2023-09-28'
doi: 10.1186/s12992-020-00622-y
eissn: 1744-8603
files: []
keywords: Peer support; Global mental health; Covid-19
keywords-plus: HEALTH
language: English
month: SEP 25
number: '1'
number-of-cited-references: '14'
orcid-numbers: Kalha, Jasmine/0000-0001-7357-2366
papis_id: 01fd3c52b55d34a93c7d8b64e591c94a
ref: Mpango2020challengespeer
researcherid-numbers: 'Wheatley, Dorothy/HGC-9224-2022
times-cited: '11'
title: Challenges to peer support in low- and middle-income countries during COVID-19
type: Article
unique-id: WOS:000576290700001
usage-count-last-180-days: '0'
usage-count-since-2013: '1'
volume: '16'
web-of-science-categories: Public, Environmental \& Occupational Health
year: '2020'