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abstract: 'Recent years have shown rapid and profound changes in work organization
and job content, materialized in new schemes of economic and labor
nature, such as the increasingly common outsourcing or subcontracting of
workforce. This trend has contributed to the emergence of dependent
self-employed workers, who perform their work responsibilities in a
``gray area{''''} between paid and self-employment. The concept of
``dependent self-employed{''''} has also been used to label several labor
practices or new forms of precarious freelance or professional
activities, and although the terminology may vary, it is a clear and
well-known reality in Europe. Despite this fact, there seems to be
little empirical evidence about its specific characteristics and
The present work aims to study the main labor characteristics of
dependent self-employed workers-individuals with civil or commercial
contracts who perform their economic activities depending on or
integrated into the company they work for-in the current context of the
European Union; to this end, a comparative analysis is conducted to
differentiate or associate the profiles of three collectives: salaried
employees, and dependent and traditional self-employed workers.
Additionally, working conditions of the three groups considered are
examined in order to show the specific particularities between them.
The initial premise is intended to face the two groups of self-employed
workers to elucidate whether such advantages remain or disappear for
dependent self-employed subjects. After an initial bivariate analysis,
the working conditions of the three groups under investigation have been
compared in pairs: salaried employees, and dependents (false)
self-employed and and non-dependent (traditional) self-employed workers.
The statistical approach used to fulfill the objectives of this work is
based on the binary logistic regression model, a particular regression
models with dichotomous response. This statistical technique allows the
development of a logit model to study the probability of the occurrence
of an investigated event -e.g. being part of the autonomous
collective-versus the probability of occurrence of the opposite event
-e.g. being hire as a salaried employee-, according to a set of
variables that bibliographic review has identified as related to the
phenomenon under analysis: individual characteristics, organizational
factors, and attitudinal variables.
It had been used a sample of 2409 subjects has been obtained from the
fifth European Survey on Working Conditions and broken down into three
groups: dependent self-employed, independent self-employed, and salaried
workers. The results point out that there is a common core in terms of
those factors that discriminate between self-employed workers and
jobholders; however, there are some nuances that distinguish and define
each group of self-employed individuals with regard to salaried
employees. In comparison to wage employment, self-employment presents
more precarious extrinsic working conditions - kind of working day, type
of economic activity, level of income, etc.- which are compensated, to
some extent, by certain elements of intrinsic reward such as greater
flexibility or the content of work itself.
Three logistic regression models are proposed to identify the profile of
self-employed subjects both false and traditional-from salaried
employees, as well as to compare the working conditions of self-employed
workers with each other. So first, we confront the two types of
self-employed workers with salaried employees. When comparing both, it
is observed that there is a common core with regard to the factors that
differentiate between the self-employed workers and salaried employees:
among the former, part-time occupations are more frequent, which does
not prevent them from working more hours a week, even at weekend,
although they enjoy more flexibility in deciding their working schedule;
they are also less likely to work in shifts and have greater autonomy
over the content of their economic activities compared to salaried
employees. Finally, agricultural work is more common among self-employed
people, as well as receiving lower remunerations.
The weekly work hours of false self-employed subjects are higher than
those of the salaried job-holders, while they are more likely to be
forced to work on the weekend and less to do shift works. In addition,
the probability for a false self-employed subject to earn below average
income is almost triple than that of a salaried employee. This
vulnerable position is partly amended by the presence of other elements
of intrinsic compensation that dependent self-employed workers - in
contrast to wage jobholders-enjoy, such as more flexibility in deciding
their working hours or a greater autonomy over the content of their
occupational activity. These workers provide their services more
frequently in the construction and, above all, agricultural sector.
Finally, despite the precariousness of their working conditions, false
self-employed people are much more involved with their occupations than
those employed by others. All these results are significant at the 1\%
level; for this level of significance, the logistic regression model
indicates that the rest of the variables, that have independently showed
a significant relationship with the type of work, no longer bear it when
it comes to evaluating its overall impact.
Besides that, we compare non-dependent self-employed subjects with
salaried employees, incorporates two personal variables so that the
former are more likely to be older men than the latter. As regards
working conditions, non-dependent self-employed people work more
part-time, as well as many more hours a week and even at weekends, which
is associated with lower monthly incomes than those paid to salaried
employees. Model 3 establishes a comparison between the two types of
self-employed workers. The profile of a false self-employed subject
happens to be a woman who performs a ``blue-collar{''''} job for a smaller
number of hours per week than that completed by the non-dependent
self-employed ones, and with a lower income as well. What is more, the
component of time flexibility and autonomy over the occupational
activities disappears among the false self-employed people when
comparing to the rest of self-employed workers. Similarly, the
probability for a dependent self-employed subject to work in the
agriculture sector is more than double than that of a non-dependent
self-employed one. Despite the situation, the only actitudinal variable
that differentiates both groups is the lower degree of job stress shown
by false self-employed people. False self-employed workers constitute a
collective of great interest to the labor market. Many companies began
to resort to this figure in the hardest years of the crisis, justifying
it as a lesser evil. However, some of these firms have ended up
implementing this kind of external recruitement as a regular practice; a
labor strategy oriented towards saving costs. More often than desirable,
false self-employed workers perform the same activity as their peers
with contracts, but lack the rights stated in the labor law for salaried
employees. In spite of this circumstance, empirical research on
dependent self-employed people is very limited given the opacity that
characterizes the collective. On the one hand, problems of conceptual
precision make it difficult to discern in some instances who or who is
not a false self-employed subject. On the other hand, the very situation
of vulnerability in which these people find themselves causes
complications for a researcher to obtain reliable and unbiased
information. Nonetheless, it is less common for non-dependent
self-employed to work shift or night shift. In spite of this
circumstance, empirical research on dependent self-employed people is
very limited given the opacity that characterizes the collective.
Problems of conceptual precision make it difficult to discern in some
instances who or who is not a false self-employed subject and the very
situation of vulnerability in which these people find themselves causes
complications for a researcher to obtain reliable and unbiased
information. Managerial changes have to be focused on the individuals
and the values that might help them progress to a new organizational
culture where the delegation of authority, open communication systems,
participation, collaboration, and continuous learning - among
others-prevail. This ideal scenario is clouded by the use of
outsourcing, sometimes even fraudulent, as an instrument to circumvent
conventional and legal employment contracts. The paradox is that other
forces could unbalance the alleged savings attributable to the use of
these new forms of work organization.
By incorporating new rules to the occupational arena, which smear the
organizational board where labor relations within the company are
settled, the virus of distrust is inoculated among workers, both those
who are subjected to the coercion of dependent self-employment and those
who remain in the company being suspicious that they can be selected and
reorganized as well at any time. This process irreversibly contaminates
the values on which workers sustain their daily behavior, affecting in
one way or another the business competitiveness.'
affiliation: 'Navajas-Romero, V (Corresponding Author), Univ Cordoba, Cordoba, Spain.
Navajas-Romero, Virginia, Univ Cordoba, Cordoba, Spain.
Carmen Lopez-Martin, Ma; Ariza-Montes, Antonio, Univ Loyola Andalucia, Seville,
author: Navajas-Romero, Virginia and Carmen Lopez-Martin, Ma and Ariza-Montes, Antonio
- family: Navajas-Romero
given: Virginia
- family: Carmen Lopez-Martin
given: Ma
- family: Ariza-Montes
given: Antonio
da: '2023-09-28'
doi: 10.7203/CIRIEC-E.89.10008
eissn: 1989-6816
files: []
issn: 0213-8093
keywords: 'Self-employed worker; dependent self-employed worker; working
conditions; salaried workers; binary logistic regression'
language: Spanish
month: APR
number-of-cited-references: '73'
orcid-numbers: 'Ariza-Montes, Antonio/0000-0002-5921-0753
Navajas-Romero, Virginia/0000-0001-7381-8071'
pages: 167-198
papis_id: 770f66e83abbb97124852b9b8ad194b5
ref: Navajasromero2017dependentselfemploye
researcherid-numbers: 'Lopez-Martin, M Carmen/HKV-2043-2023
Ariza-Montes, Antonio/G-8882-2017
times-cited: '3'
title: Dependent self-employed workers in Europe
type: Article
unique-id: WOS:000427094400007
usage-count-last-180-days: '1'
usage-count-since-2013: '40'
volume: '89'
web-of-science-categories: Economics
year: '2017'