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abstract: 'IntroductionHIV self-testing (HIVST) was first proposed as an additional
option to standard HIV testing services in the 1980s. By 2015, two years
after the first HIVST kit was approved for the American market and the
year in which Unitaid invested in the HIV Self-Testing AfRica (STAR)
Initiative, HIVST remained unexplored with negligible access in low- and
middle-income countries (LMIC). However, rapid progress had been made.
This commentary outlines the interlinked market, regulatory and policy
barriers that had inhibited product development and kept HIVST out of
LMIC policy. We detail the components of STAR that enabled rapid HIVST
scale-up, including critical investments in implementation, research,
market forecasting, and engagement with manufacturers and regulators.
DiscussionThe STAR Initiative has generated crucial information about
how to distribute HIVST products effectively, ethically and efficiently.
Service delivery models range from clinic-based distribution to
workplace and partner-delivered approaches to reach first-time male
testers, to community outreach to sex workers and general population
hotspots. These data directly informed supportive policy, notably the
2016 WHO guidelines strongly recommending HIVST as an additional testing
approach, and regulatory change through support for WHO prequalification
of the first HIVST kit in 2017. In July 2015, only two countries had
national HIVST policies and were implementing HIVST. Three years later,
59 countries have policies, actively implemented in 28, with an
additional 53 countries reporting policies under development. By
end-November 2018 several quality-assured HIVST products had been
registered, including two WHO prequalified tests. STAR Initiative
countries have drafted regulations governing invitro diagnostics,
including HIVST products. With enabling policies, pre-qualification and
regulations in place, donor procurement of kits has increased rapidly,
to a forecasted estimate of 16million HIVST kits procured by 2020.
ConclusionsThe STAR Initiative provided a strong foundation to introduce
HIVST in LMICs and allow for rapid scale-up based on the wealth of
multi-country evidence gathered. Together with sustained coordination
and acceleration of market development work, HIVST can help address the
testing gap and provide a focused and cost-effective means to expand
access to treatment and prevention services.'
affiliation: 'Ingold, H (Corresponding Author), Unitaid, Global Hlth Campus,Chemin
Pommier 40,5th Floor, CH-1218 Geneva, Switzerland.
Ingold, Heather; Mwerinde, Ombeni; Ross, Anna Laura; Leach, Ross, Unitaid, Global
Hlth Campus,Chemin Pommier 40,5th Floor, CH-1218 Geneva, Switzerland.
Corbett, Elizabeth L., Malawi Liverpool Wellcome Trust Clin Res Programm, Blantyre,
Corbett, Elizabeth L., London Sch Hyg \& Trop Med, Fac Infect \& Trop Dis, London,
Hatzold, Karin, Populat Serv Int, Washington, DC USA.
Johnson, Cheryl C.; Baggaley, Rachel C., WHO, Dept HIV AIDS, Geneva, Switzerland.
Johnson, Cheryl C., London Sch Hyg \& Trop Med, Dept Infect \& Trop Dis, London,
Ncube, Getrude, Zimbabwe Minist Hlth, Harare, Zimbabwe.
Nyirenda, Rose, Malawi Minist Hlth, Lilongwe, Malawi.'
article-number: e25249
author: Ingold, Heather and Mwerinde, Ombeni and Ross, Anna Laura and Leach, Ross
and Corbett, Elizabeth L. and Hatzold, Karin and Johnson, Cheryl C. and Ncube, Getrude
and Nyirenda, Rose and Baggaley, Rachel C.
- family: Ingold
given: Heather
- family: Mwerinde
given: Ombeni
- family: Ross
given: Anna Laura
- family: Leach
given: Ross
- family: Corbett
given: Elizabeth L.
- family: Hatzold
given: Karin
- family: Johnson
given: Cheryl C.
- family: Ncube
given: Getrude
- family: Nyirenda
given: Rose
- family: Baggaley
given: Rachel C.
da: '2023-09-28'
doi: 10.1002/jia2.25249
eissn: 1758-2652
files: []
keywords: 'HIV testing; HIV self-testing; market shaping; scale-up; prevention;
linkage to care; cost effectiveness'
language: English
month: MAR
number: 1, SI
number-of-cited-references: '36'
orcid-numbers: 'Ingold, Heather/0000-0002-8714-8889
Corbett, Elizabeth/0000-0002-3552-3181
Hatzold, Karin/0000-0002-5117-3732
Johnson, Cheryl/0000-0001-5499-5523'
papis_id: 7de42c9021a7a3d3b178ee9f9a4249c7
ref: Ingold2019selftestingafrica
times-cited: '36'
title: 'The Self-Testing AfRica (STAR) Initiative: accelerating global access and
scale-up of HIV self-testing'
type: Article
unique-id: WOS:000462359300008
usage-count-last-180-days: '0'
usage-count-since-2013: '5'
volume: '22'
web-of-science-categories: Immunology; Infectious Diseases
year: '2019'