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abstract: 'Background The adoption of improved technologies is generally associated
with better economic performance and development. Despite its desirable
effects, the process of technology adoption can be quite slow and market
failures and other frictions may impede adoption. Interventions in
market processes may be necessary to promote the adoption of beneficial
technologies. This review systematically identifies and summarizes the
evidence on the effects of interventions that shape the incentives of
firms to adopt new technologies. Following Foster and Rosenzweig,
technology is defined as ``the relationship between inputs and
outputs,{''''} and technology adoption as ``the use of new mappings
between input and outputs and the corresponding allocations of inputs
that exploit the new mappings.{''''} The review focuses on studies that
include direct evidence on technology adoption, broadly defined, as an
outcome. The term intervention refers broadly to sources of exogenous
variation that shape firms'' incentives to adopt new technologies,
including public policies, interventions carried out by private
institutions (such as NGOs), experimental manipulations implemented by
academic researchers trying to understand technology adoption, and
natural experiments. Objective The objective of this review is to answer
the following research questions: To what extent do interventions affect
technology adoption in firms? To what extent does technology adoption
affect profits, employment, productivity, and yields? Are these effects
heterogeneous across sectors, firm size, countries, workers'' skill
level, or workers'' gender? 1.2.3. Selection Criteria To be included,
papers had to meet the inclusion criteria described in detail in Section
3.1 which is grouped into four categories: (1) Participants, (2)
Interventions, (3) Methodology, and (4) Outcomes. Regarding
participants, our focus was on firms, and we omitted studies at the
country or region level. In terms of interventions, we included studies
that analyzed a source of exogenous variation in incentives for firms to
adopt new technologies and estimated their effects. Thus, we left out
studies that only looked at correlates of technology adoption, without a
credible strategy to establish causality, and only included studies that
used experimental or quasi-experimental methods. Regarding outcomes,
papers were included only if they estimated effects of interventions
(broadly defined) on technology adoption, although we also considered
other firm outcomes as secondary outcomes in studies that reported them.
Search Methods The first step in selecting the studies to be included in
the systematic review was to identify a set of candidate papers. This
set included both published and unpublished studies. To look for
candidate papers, we implemented an electronic search and, in a
subsequent step, a manual search. The electronic search involved running
a keyword search on the most commonly used databases for published and
unpublished academic studies in the broad topic area. The words and
their Boolean combinations were carefully chosen (more details in
Section 3.2). The selected papers were initially screened on title and
abstract. If papers passed this screen, they were screened on full text.
Those studies that met the stated criteria were then selected for
analysis. The manual search component involved asking for references
from experts and searching references cited by papers selected through
the electronic search. These additional papers were screened based on
title and abstract and the remaining were screened on full text.
If they met the criteria they were added to the list of selected
studies. Data Collection and Analysis For the selected studies, the
relevant estimates of effects and their associated standard errors (SEs)
were entered into an Excel spreadsheet along with other related
information such as sample size, variable type, and duration for flow
variables. Other information such as authors, year of publication, and
country and/or region where the study was implemented was also included
in the spreadsheet. Once the data were entered for each of the selected
studies, the information on sample size, effect size and SE of the
effect size was used to compute the standardized effect size for each
study to make the results comparable across studies. For those studies
for which relevant data were not reported, we contacted the authors by
email and incorporated the information they provided. Forest plots were
then generated and within-study pooled average treatment effects were
computed by outcome variable. In addition, an assessment of reporting on
potential biases was conducted including (1) reporting on key aspects of
selection bias and confounding, (2) reporting on spillovers of
interventions to comparison groups, (3) reporting of SEs, and (4)
reporting on Hawthorne effects and the collection of retrospective data.
Results The electronic and manual searches resulted in 42,462 candidate
papers. Of these, 80 studies were ultimately selected for the review
after screenings to apply the selection criteria. Relevant data were
extracted for analysis from these 80 studies. Overall, 1108 regression
coefficients across various interventions and outcomes were included in
the analysis, representing a total of 4,762,755 firms. Even though the
search methods included both high-income and developing countries, only
1 of the 80 studies included in the analysis was in a high-income
country, while the remaining 79 were in developing countries. We discuss
the results in two parts, looking at firms in manufacturing and services
separately from firms (i.e., farms) in agriculture. In each case, we
consider both technology adoption and other firm outcomes. Authors''
Conclusions Overall, our results suggest that some interventions led to
positive impacts on technology adoption among firms across
manufacturing, services, and agriculture sectors, but given the wide
variation in the time periods, contexts, and study methodologies, the
results are hard to generalize. The effects of these interventions on
other firm performance measures such as farm yields, firm profits,
productivity, and employment were mixed. Policy-makers must be careful
in interpreting these results as a given intervention may not work
equally well across contexts and may need to be adjusted to each
specific regional context. There is great need for more research on the
barriers to technology adoption by firms in developing countries and
interventions that may help alleviate these obstacles. One major
implication for researchers from our review is that there is a need to
carefully measure technology adoption.'
affiliation: 'Goicoechea, A (Corresponding Author), World Bank Grp, 1818 H St NW,
Washington, DC 20433 USA.
Alfaro-Serrano, David, Cornerstone Res, New York, NY USA.
Balantrapu, Tanay; Goicoechea, Ana, World Bank Grp, 1818 H St NW, Washington, DC
20433 USA.
Chaurey, Ritam, Johns Hopkins Univ, SAIS, Washington, DC USA.
Verhoogen, Eric, Columbia Univ, Dept Econ, New York, NY 10027 USA.
Verhoogen, Eric, Columbia Univ, Sch Int \& Publ Affairs, New York, NY USA.'
article-number: e1181
author: Alfaro-Serrano, David and Balantrapu, Tanay and Chaurey, Ritam and Goicoechea,
Ana and Verhoogen, Eric
- family: Alfaro-Serrano
given: David
- family: Balantrapu
given: Tanay
- family: Chaurey
given: Ritam
- family: Goicoechea
given: Ana
- family: Verhoogen
given: Eric
da: '2023-09-28'
doi: 10.1002/cl2.1181
eissn: 1891-1803
files: []
language: English
month: DEC
number: '4'
number-of-cited-references: '111'
papis_id: 783c3aef691a2efcb8c11261b0b3baf2
ref: Alfaroserrano2021interventionspromote
researcherid-numbers: Pereira, Fernanda/AID-4926-2022
- review
times-cited: '0'
title: 'Interventions to promote technology adoption in firms: A systematic review'
type: Review
unique-id: WOS:000731087200003
usage-count-last-180-days: '2'
usage-count-since-2013: '6'
volume: '17'
web-of-science-categories: Social Sciences, Interdisciplinary
year: '2021'