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abstract: 'America''s early education sector remains so radically decentralized-a
far flung archipelago of preschools, family child-care homes, and
subsidized individuals providing services-that basic information on
local organizations and staff members remains scarce. This, despite
rising policy interest in, and skyrocketing appropriations for preschool
programs which are aimed at boosting children''s school readiness.
Working from a social ecology framework, this study aimed to learn more
about local populations of early education organizations. This paper
uses 1990 household census data aggregated to the zipcode level to
report on features of the early education workforce nationwide. Teachers
and other staff in preschools and center-based programs reported low
wages, averaging about \$7,300 per year (\$10,700 in 2000 dollars), with
most working less than full time. The median center-based teacher was 34
years of age, reported having completed some college, and was married
The median worker in family child-care homes earned even less and only
had a high school diploma. About 15\% of all preschool teachers in urban
areas were African-American; about 8\% were Latina. Twice as many
preschool and center teachers per 1, 000 young children resided in
affluent zip codes, relative to poor and lower middle-class areas.
Preschools and centers located in blue-collar and middle-income zip
codes displayed the lowest level of organizational formalization,
compared to those operating in poor or affluent areas. We discuss the
utility of 2000 census data to assess inequalities in the supply and
quality of early education organizations and their staff, and modeling
how economic and policy forces may shape organizational variability.'
affiliation: 'Fuller, B (Corresponding Author), Univ Calif Berkeley, Sch Educ, Berkeley,
CA 94720 USA.
Univ Calif Berkeley, Sch Educ, Berkeley, CA 94720 USA.
Policy Calif Educ, Berkeley, CA 94720 USA.'
author: Fuller, B and Strath, A
- family: Fuller
given: B
- family: Strath
given: A
da: '2023-09-28'
doi: 10.3102/01623737023001037
files: []
issn: 0162-3737
language: English
month: SPR
number: '1'
number-of-cited-references: '33'
pages: 37-55
papis_id: 8e2f309e79243a9825710812b30e8e7b
ref: Fuller2001childcarepreschool
times-cited: '20'
title: 'The child-care and preschool workforce: Demographics, earnings, and unequal
type: Article
unique-id: WOS:000178223300003
usage-count-last-180-days: '2'
usage-count-since-2013: '16'
volume: '23'
web-of-science-categories: Education \& Educational Research
year: '2001'