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abstract: 'Poverty during childhood raises a number of policy challenges. The
earliest years are critical in terms of future cognitive and emotional
development and early health outcomes, and have long-lasting
consequences on future health. In this article child poverty in the
United States is compared with a set of other developed countries. To
the surprise of few, results show that child poverty is high in the
United States. But why is poverty so much higher in the United States
than in other rich nations? Among child poverty drivers, household
composition and parent''s labor market participation matter a great deal.
But these are not insurmountable problems. Many of these disadvantages
can be overcome by appropriate public policies. For example, single
mothers have a very high probability of poverty in the United States,
but this is not the case in other countries where the provision of work
support increases mothers'' labor earnings and together with strong
public cash support effectively reduces child poverty. In this article
we focus on the role and design of public expenditure to understand the
functioning of the different national systems and highlight ways for
improvements to reduce child poverty in the United States. We compare
relative child poverty in the United States with poverty in a set of
selected countries. The takeaway is that the United States under invests
in its children and their families and in so doing this leads to high
child poverty and poor health and educational outcomes. If a nation like
the United States wants to decrease poverty and improve health and life
chances for poor children, it must support parental employment and
incomes, and invest in children''s futures as do other similar nations
with less child poverty.'
affiliation: 'Smeeding, T (Corresponding Author), Univ Wisconsin, Inst Res Poverty,
1180 Observ Dr, Madison, WI 53706 USA.
Smeeding, Timothy, Univ Wisconsin, Inst Res Poverty, 1180 Observ Dr, Madison, WI
53706 USA.
Thevenot, Celine, OECD, Directorate Employment Labour \& Social Affairs, Social
Policy Div, Paris, France.'
author: Smeeding, Timothy and Thevenot, Celine
- family: Smeeding
given: Timothy
- family: Thevenot
given: Celine
da: '2023-09-28'
doi: 10.1016/j.acap.2016.01.011
eissn: 1876-2867
files: []
issn: 1876-2859
keywords: 'child poverty; cross-national; income supports; public expenditure;
public services'
language: English
month: APR
number: 3, S
number-of-cited-references: '35'
pages: S67-S75
papis_id: 412cc318f3ec7c4341936afab7970a7b
ref: Smeeding2016addressingchild
times-cited: '28'
title: 'Addressing Child Poverty: How Does the United States Compare With Other Nations?'
type: Article
unique-id: WOS:000373417600014
usage-count-last-180-days: '3'
usage-count-since-2013: '27'
volume: '16'
web-of-science-categories: Pediatrics
year: '2016'