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abstract: 'Background: The burden of mental, neurological, and substance (MNS)
disorders is greater in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs). The
rapid growth of digital health (i.e., eHealth) approaches offer new
solutions for transforming pediatric mental health services and have the
potential to address multiple resource and system barriers. However,
little work has been done in applying eHealth to promote young
children''s mental health in LMICs. It is also not clear how eHealth has
been and might be applied to translating existing evidence-based
practices/strategies (EBPs) to enable broader access to child mental
health interventions and services. Methods: A scoping review was
conducted to summarize current eHealth applications and evidence in
child mental health. The review focuses on 1) providing an overview of
existing eHealth applications, research methods, and effectiveness
evidence in child mental health promotion (focused on children of 0-12
years of age) across diverse service contexts; and 2) drawing lessons
learned from the existing research about eHealth design strategies and
usability data in order to inform future eHealth design in LMICs.
Results: Thirty-two (32) articles fitting our inclusion criteria were
reviewed. The child mental health eHealth studies were grouped into
three areas: i) eHealth interventions targeting families that promote
child and family wellbeing; ii) eHealth for improving school mental
health services (e.g., promote school staff''s knowledge and management
skills); and iii) eHealth for improving behavioral health care in the
pediatric care system (e.g., promote use of integrated patient-portal
and electronic decision support systems). Most eHealth studies have
reported positive impacts. Although most pediatric eHealth studies were
conducted in high-income countries, many eHealth design strategies can
be adapted and modified to fit LMIC contexts. Most user-engagement
strategies identified from high-income countries are also relevant for
populations in LMICs. Conclusions: This review synthesizes patterns of
eHealth use across a spectrum of individual/family and system level of
eHealth interventions that can be applied to promote child mental health
and strengthen mental health service systems. This review also
summarizes critical lessons to guide future eHealth design and delivery
models in LMICs. However, more research in testing combinations of
eHealth strategies in LMICs is needed.'
affiliation: 'Huang, KY (Corresponding Author), NYU, Sch Med, Dept Populat Hlth, New
York, NY 10016 USA.
Huang, Keng-Yen; Cheng, Sabrina; Gouley, Kathleen Kiely; Mann, Devin; Schoenthaler,
Antoinette; Chokshi, Sara; Mendelsohn, Alan, NYU, Sch Med, Dept Populat Hlth, New
York, NY 10016 USA.
Lee, Douglas, New York Inst Technol, Coll Osteopath Med, New York, NY USA.
Nakigudde, Janet, Makerere Univ, Dept Psychiat, Kampala, Uganda.
Kisakye, Elizabeth Nsamba, Minist Educ \& Sports, Kampala, Uganda.
Tusiime, Christine, Butabika Hosp, Kampala, Uganda.'
article-number: '806'
author: Huang, Keng-Yen and Lee, Douglas and Nakigudde, Janet and Cheng, Sabrina and
Gouley, Kathleen Kiely and Mann, Devin and Schoenthaler, Antoinette and Chokshi,
Sara and Kisakye, Elizabeth Nsamba and Tusiime, Christine and Mendelsohn, Alan
- family: Huang
given: Keng-Yen
- family: Lee
given: Douglas
- family: Nakigudde
given: Janet
- family: Cheng
given: Sabrina
- family: Gouley
given: Kathleen Kiely
- family: Mann
given: Devin
- family: Schoenthaler
given: Antoinette
- family: Chokshi
given: Sara
- family: Kisakye
given: Elizabeth Nsamba
- family: Tusiime
given: Christine
- family: Mendelsohn
given: Alan
da: '2023-09-28'
doi: 10.3389/fpsyt.2019.00806
files: []
issn: 1664-0640
keywords: 'mHealth; eHealth; pediatric; behavioral health; parenting; framework;
health service; low-and-middle-income country'
language: English
month: NOV 13
number-of-cited-references: '81'
orcid-numbers: 'Kiely Gouley, Kathleen/0000-0001-6828-5549
Huang, Keng-Yen/0000-0003-3245-7614
Schoenthaler, Antoinette/0000-0003-4905-5136
Mann, Devin/0000-0002-2099-0852'
papis_id: 44f340e85793dcf38603f0bc16f15d6e
ref: Huang2019usetechnology
- review
times-cited: '7'
title: 'Use of Technology to Promote Child Behavioral Health in the Context of Pediatric
Care: A Scoping Review and Applications to Low- and Middle-Income Countries'
type: Review
unique-id: WOS:000501237600001
usage-count-last-180-days: '2'
usage-count-since-2013: '10'
volume: '10'
web-of-science-categories: Psychiatry
year: '2019'