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abstract: 'Background: The role of socio-cultural factors in influencing access to
HIV/AIDS treatment, care and support is increasingly recognized by
researchers, international donors and policy makers. Although many of
them have been identified through qualitative studies, the evidence
gathered by quantitative studies has not been systematically analysed.
To fill this knowledge gap, we did a systematic review of quantitative
studies comparing surveys done in high and low income countries to
assess the extent to which socio-cultural determinants of access,
identified through qualitative studies, have been addressed in
epidemiological survey studies.
Methods: Ten electronic databases were searched (Cinahl, EMBASE, ISI Web
of Science, IBSS, JSTOR, MedLine, Psyinfo, Psyindex and Cochrane). Two
independent reviewers selected eligible publications based on the
inclusion/exclusion criteria. Meta-analysis was used to synthesize data
comparing studies between low and high income countries.
Results: Thirty-four studies were included in the final review, 21
(62\%) done in high income countries and 13 (38\%) in low income
countries. In low income settings, epidemiological research on access to
HIV/AIDS services focused on socio-economic and health system factors
while in high income countries the focus was on medical and psychosocial
factors. These differences depict the perceived different barriers in
the two regions. Common factors between the two regions were also found
to affect HIV testing, including stigma, high risk sexual behaviours
such as multiple sexual partners and not using condoms, and alcohol
abuse. On the other hand, having experienced previous illness or other
health conditions and good family communication was associated with
adherence to ART uptake. Due to insufficient consistent data, a
meta-analysis was only possible on adherence to treatment.
Conclusions: This review offers evidence of the current challenges for
interdisciplinary work in epidemiology and public health. Quantitative
studies did not systematically address in their surveys important
factors identified in qualitative studies as playing a critical role on
the access to HIV/AIDS services. The evidences suggest that the problem
lies in the exclusion of the qualitative information during the
questionnaire design. With the changing face of the epidemic, we need a
new and improved research strategy that integrates the results of
qualitative studies into quantitative surveys.'
affiliation: 'Merten, S (Corresponding Author), Swiss Trop \& Publ Hlth Inst, Dept
Epidemiol \& Publ Hlth, Basel, Switzerland.
Gari, Sara; Martin-Hilber, Adriane; Merten, Sonja, Swiss Trop \& Publ Hlth Inst,
Dept Epidemiol \& Publ Hlth, Basel, Switzerland.
Gari, Sara; Martin-Hilber, Adriane; Merten, Sonja, Univ Basel, Basel, Switzerland.
Doig-Acuna, Camilo, CUNY, Sophie Davis Sch Biomed Educ, New York, NY 10021 USA.
Smail, Tino, Particip GmBH, Freiburg, Germany.
Malungo, Jacob R. S., Univ Zambia, Dept Populat Studies, Lusaka, Zambia.'
article-number: '198'
author: Gari, Sara and Doig-Acuna, Camilo and Smail, Tino and Malungo, Jacob R. S.
and Martin-Hilber, Adriane and Merten, Sonja
- family: Gari
given: Sara
- family: Doig-Acuna
given: Camilo
- family: Smail
given: Tino
- family: Malungo
given: Jacob R. S.
- family: Martin-Hilber
given: Adriane
- family: Merten
given: Sonja
da: '2023-09-28'
doi: 10.1186/1472-6963-13-198
eissn: 1472-6963
files: []
keywords: 'Socio-cultural barriers; Access; Adherence; HIV/AIDS; Antiretroviral
therapy; Survey study; Systematic review'
language: English
month: MAY 28
number-of-cited-references: '45'
orcid-numbers: Merten, Sonja/0000-0003-4115-106X
papis_id: 190b3833072a2660f4e98b3e9cdae440
ref: Gari2013accesshivaids
- review
times-cited: '62'
title: 'Access to HIV/AIDS care: a systematic review of socio-cultural determinants
in low and high income countries'
type: Review
unique-id: WOS:000320050100001
usage-count-last-180-days: '0'
usage-count-since-2013: '32'
volume: '13'
web-of-science-categories: Health Care Sciences \& Services
year: '2013'