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abstract: 'The Italian welfare state is characterised by a preference for income
transfers over transfers in kind and the marginal role of policies aimed
directly at supporting the family. Despite the growing participation of
women in the labour market, the Italian welfare system still assumes the
family, with its unbalanced gender division of housework and its
intergenerational solidarity, to be the primary provider of protection
and support. As a result, in Italy in 2019 only 26.9\% of children under
3 years of age were enrolled in formal childcare, which is below the
European average. In this context, births from at least one foreign
parent had increased over time, and foreign national children accounted
for 14.0\% of all children aged 0-3 in 2019. Despite this, migrants are
still seen as `suppliers'' rather than citizens who, as parents, are
potential consumers of childcare services. Aspects related to the use of
childcare by migrants and differences compared to natives in Italy are
currently understudied. We use the 2012 Birth Sample Survey by the
Italian National Institute of Statistics to fill this gap. Mothers were
interviewed about 18-21 months after having given birth: information on
sociodemographic characteristics of both parents was collected,
including their use of childcare services, their reasons for not using
them, their unmet need for childcare services, and the lack of access to
the job market due to care work. Our study aims to understand childcare
patterns among migrants and the differences between them and those of
the native-born population. We found that Italian mothers use informal
care more than migrants. Unlike the evidence from other international
studies, our results show that migrant mothers use daycare for children
aged 0-3 more than native-born mothers. However, we found that the
migrants who had arrived as children show patterns more similar to
natives. This finding might be associated with a better knowledge of the
system and a more extensive network (including grandparents) in Italy.
Similarly, we found that migrant mothers who co-parent with an Italian
father use more informal care and experience lower logistical barriers
to accessing daycare. In addition, we observed that obstacles to
children''s enrolment resulting in an unmet need for daycare are also
related to migrant background.'
affiliation: 'Mussino, E (Corresponding Author), Stockholm Univ, Sociol Inst, Demog
Avdelningen, Demog Unit SUDA, S-10691 Stockholm, Sweden.
Mussino, Eleonora, Stockholm Univ, Sociol Inst, Demog Avdelningen, Demog Unit SUDA,
S-10691 Stockholm, Sweden.
Ortensi, Livia Elisa, Univ Bologna, Dept Stat Sci Paolo Fortunati Alma Mater Studiorum,
Via Belle Arti 41, Bologna, Italy.'
article-number: '16'
author: Mussino, Eleonora and Ortensi, Livia Elisa
- family: Mussino
given: Eleonora
- family: Ortensi
given: Livia Elisa
da: '2023-09-28'
doi: 10.1186/s41118-023-00197-7
eissn: 2035-5556
files: []
journal: GENUS
keywords: Informal childcare; Daycare; Italy; Migrants
language: English
month: JUN 19
number: '1'
number-of-cited-references: '88'
orcid-numbers: Mussino, Eleonora/0000-0002-5311-4277
papis_id: 1c3635b2b7509076a3b8a664ee72b7db
ref: Mussino2023childcareitaly
times-cited: '0'
title: 'Childcare in Italy among migrants and natives: who uses which type and why?'
type: Article
unique-id: WOS:001008667000001
usage-count-last-180-days: '1'
usage-count-since-2013: '1'
volume: '79'
web-of-science-categories: Demography
year: '2023'