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abstract: 'Objective
Design and build a strategy construction and evaluation software system
to help stakeholders to develop viable strategies to expand (and adapt)
the Chagas Platform healthcare model through the primary healthcare
system in Bolivia.
The software was built based on a ranking of medical Interventions and
Actions (needed to support Interventions'' implementation) needed for
comprehensive management of Chagas Disease in Bolivia. The ranking was
performed using a Multi Criteria Decision Analysis (MCDA) methodology
adapted to the WHO''s building blocks framework. Data regarding the
criteria and the rankings was obtained through surveys and interviews
with health care professionals working on Chagas disease. The Analytical
Hierarchy Process was used to construct the decision criteria weights.
Data Envelopment Analysis was used to identify the Interventions that
lay on the efficiency frontier of outcomes and the complexity of
associated Actions. These techniques were combined with integer
programing tools using the open-source software R to build a
decision-making tool to assess the outcomes and complexity of any
combination of Interventions and Actions. This model and tool were
applied to data concerning the care of Chagas disease in Bolivia
collected through surveys of experts. The tool works by loading the data
from each specific context.
The initial set of Interventions and Actions recommended after analysis
of the survey data was further refined through face-to-face interviews
with field experts in Bolivia, resulting in a strategy of 18
Interventions and 15 Actions. Within the WHO model the Leadership and
Governance building block came up as the one needing more support with
Actions such as the inclusion of Chagas into Annual Municipal
Operational Plans by appointing local and provincial coordinators.
This project established the suitability of the model for constructing
healthcare strategies. The model could be developed further resulting in
a decision-making tool for program managers in a wide range of
healthcare related issues, including neglected and/ or prevalent
diseases. The tool has the potential to be used at different stages of
decision making by diverse stakeholders in order to coordinate
activities needed to address a health problem.
Author summary
This manuscript presents a strategy construction tool to generate viable
strategies to expand the Chagas platforms for healthcare pilot through
the primary healthcare system in Bolivia. Relevance of this work resides
in the need for performing a rational planification to address Neglected
Diseases in low- and middle-income countries, by prioritizing
Interventions and Actions. After gathering and loading the data from
each specific context and problem, policy makers can use the tool for
construction or evaluation of strategies using the WHO Building Block
model. The main comparative advantage is that the model does not only
include the identification and evaluation of Interventions for the
comprehensive care of Chagas, but also includes the necessary activities
in the health system to support the large-scale implementation of them.
The tool has the potential to be used at different stages of decision
making to coordinate activities to address a health problem. The tool
could be adapted for its use in other neglected and/ or prevalent
diseases or in other locations.'
affiliation: 'Pinazo, MJ (Corresponding Author), Hosp Clin Univ Barcelona, Barcelona
Inst Global Hlth ISGlobal, Barcelona, Spain.
Pinazo, Maria-Jesus; Gascon, Joaquim, Hosp Clin Univ Barcelona, Barcelona Inst Global
Hlth ISGlobal, Barcelona, Spain.
Cidoncha, Ainize; Gopal, Gurram, IIT, Chicago, IL 60616 USA.
Cidoncha, Ainize, Univ Politecn Cataluna, Barcelona, Spain.
Moriana, Silvia, Chagas Dis Global Coalit, Barcelona, Spain.
Saravia, Ruth; Torrico, Faustino, Fdn CEADES, Cochabamba, Bolivia.'
article-number: e0009249
author: Pinazo, Maria-Jesus and Cidoncha, Ainize and Gopal, Gurram and Moriana, Silvia
and Saravia, Ruth and Torrico, Faustino and Gascon, Joaquim
- family: Pinazo
given: Maria-Jesus
- family: Cidoncha
given: Ainize
- family: Gopal
given: Gurram
- family: Moriana
given: Silvia
- family: Saravia
given: Ruth
- family: Torrico
given: Faustino
- family: Gascon
given: Joaquim
da: '2023-09-28'
doi: 10.1371/journal.pntd.0009249
files: []
issn: 1935-2735
language: English
month: MAR
number: '3'
number-of-cited-references: '18'
orcid-numbers: 'Gascon, Joaquim/0000-0002-5045-1585
Delgado, Maria Jesús Pinazo/0000-0002-4237-1075'
papis_id: 82ec225746c01a697d7572f17ea2ef8b
ref: Pinazo2021multicriteriadecisio
researcherid-numbers: 'Gascon, Joaquim/M-3598-2015
Delgado, Maria Jesús Pinazo/X-6093-2018'
times-cited: '3'
title: Multi-criteria decision analysis approach for strategy scale-up with application
to Chagas disease management in Bolivia
type: Article
unique-id: WOS:000634795100003
usage-count-last-180-days: '0'
usage-count-since-2013: '2'
volume: '15'
web-of-science-categories: Infectious Diseases; Parasitology; Tropical Medicine
year: '2021'