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2023-09-28 14:46:10 +00:00
abstract: 'Background Lack of access to and use of water, sanitation and hygiene
(WASH) cause 1.6 million deaths every year, of which 1.2 million are due
to gastrointestinal illnesses like diarrhoea and acute respiratory
infections like pneumonia. Poor WASH access and use also diminish
nutrition and educational attainment, and cause danger and stress for
vulnerable populations, especially for women and girls. The hardest hit
regions are sub-Saharan Africa and South Asia. Sustainable Development
Goal (SDG) 6 calls for the end of open defecation, and universal access
to safely managed water and sanitation facilities, and basic hand
hygiene, by 2030. WASH access and use also underpin progress in other
areas such as SDG1 poverty targets, SDG3 health and SDG4 education
targets. Meeting the SDG equity agenda to ``leave none behind{''''} will
require WASH providers prioritise the hardest to reach including those
living remotely and people who are disadvantaged. Objectives Decision
makers need access to high-quality evidence on what works in WASH
promotion in different contexts, and for different groups of people, to
reach the most disadvantaged populations and thereby achieve universal
targets. The WASH evidence map is envisioned as a tool for commissioners
and researchers to identify existing studies to fill synthesis gaps, as
well as helping to prioritise new studies where there are gaps in
knowledge. It also supports policymakers and practitioners to navigate
the evidence base, including presenting critically appraised findings
from existing systematic reviews. Methods This evidence map presents
impact evaluations and systematic reviews from the WASH sector,
organised according to the types of intervention mechanisms, WASH
technologies promoted, and outcomes measured. It is based on a framework
of intervention mechanisms (e.g., behaviour change triggering or
microloans) and outcomes along the causal pathway, specifically
behavioural outcomes (e.g., handwashing and food hygiene practices),
ill-health outcomes (e.g., diarrhoeal morbidity and mortality),
nutrition and socioeconomic outcomes (e.g., school absenteeism and
household income). The map also provides filters to examine the evidence
for a particular WASH technology (e.g., latrines), place of use (e.g.,
home, school or health facility), location (e.g., global region,
country, rural and urban) and group (e.g., people living with
disability). Systematic searches for published and unpublished
literature and trial registries were conducted of studies in low- and
middle-income countries (LMICs). Searches were conducted in March 2018,
and searches for completed trials were done in May 2020. Coding of
information for the map was done by two authors working independently.
Impact evaluations were critically appraised according to methods of
conduct and reporting. Systematic reviews were critically appraised
using a new approach to assess theory-based, mixed-methods evidence
synthesis. Results There has been an enormous growth in impact
evaluations and systematic reviews of WASH interventions since the
International Year of Sanitation, 2008. There are now at least 367
completed or ongoing rigorous impact evaluations in LMICs, nearly
three-quarters of which have been conducted since 2008, plus 43
systematic reviews. Studies have been done in 83 LMICs, with a high
concentration in Bangladesh, India, and Kenya. WASH sector programming
has increasingly shifted in focus from what technology to supply (e.g.
, a handwashing station or child''s potty), to the best way in which to
do so to promote demand. Research also covers a broader set of
intervention mechanisms. For example, there has been increased interest
in behaviour change communication using psychosocial ``triggering{''''},
such as social marketing and community-led total sanitation. These
studies report primarily on behavioural outcomes. With the advent of
large-scale funding, in particular by the Bill \& Melinda Gates
Foundation, there has been a substantial increase in the number of
studies on sanitation technologies, particularly latrines. Sustaining
behaviour is fundamental for sustaining health and other quality of life
improvements. However, few studies have been done of intervention
mechanisms for, or measuring outcomes on sustained adoption of latrines
to stop open defaecation. There has also been some increase in the
number of studies looking at outcomes and interventions that
disproportionately affect women and girls, who quite literally carry
most of the burden of poor water and sanitation access. However, most
studies do not report sex disaggregated outcomes, let alone integrate
gender analysis into their framework. Other vulnerable populations are
even less addressed; no studies eligible for inclusion in the map were
done of interventions targeting, or reporting on outcomes for, people
living with disabilities. We were only able to find a single controlled
evaluation of WASH interventions in a health care facility, in spite of
the importance of WASH in health facilities in global policy debates.
The quality of impact evaluations has improved, such as the use of
controlled designs as standard, attention to addressing reporting
biases, and adequate cluster sample size. However, there remain
important concerns about quality of reporting. The quality and
usefulness of systematic reviews for policy is also improving, which
draw clearer distinctions between intervention mechanisms and synthesise
the evidence on outcomes along the causal pathway. Adopting
mixed-methods approaches also provides information for programmes on
barriers and enablers affecting implementation. Conclusion Ensuring
everyone has access to appropriate water, sanitation, and hygiene
facilities is one of the most fundamental of challenges for poverty
elimination. Researchers and funders need to consider carefully where
there is the need for new primary evidence, and new syntheses of that
evidence. This study suggests the following priority areas: Impact
evaluations incorporating understudied outcomes, such as sustainability
and slippage, of WASH provision in understudied places of use, such as
health care facilities, and of interventions targeting, or presenting
disaggregated data for, vulnerable populations, particularly over the
life-course and for people living with a disability; Improved reporting
in impact evaluations, including presentation of participant flow
diagrams; and Synthesis studies and updates in areas with sufficient
existing and planned impact evaluations, such as for diarrhoea
mortality, ARIs, WASH in schools and decentralisation. These studies
will preferably be conducted as mixed-methods systematic reviews that
are able to answer questions about programme targeting, implementation,
effectiveness and cost-effectiveness, and compare alternative
intervention mechanisms to achieve and sustain outcomes in particular
contexts, preferably using network meta-analysis.'
affiliation: 'Waddington, HS (Corresponding Author), London Int Dev Ctr, London Sch
Hyg \& Trop Med, Environm Hlth Grp, 20 Bloomsbury Sq, London WC1A 2NS, England.
Chirgwin, Hannah, London Int Dev Ctr, Int Initiat Impact Evaluat 3ie, London, England.
Cairncross, Sandy, London Sch Hyg \& Trop Med, London, England.
Zehra, Dua, UCL, London, England.
Waddington, Hugh Sharma, London Int Dev Ctr, London Sch Hyg \& Trop Med \& Int Initiat
Impact Ev, London, England.'
article-number: e21194
author: Chirgwin, Hannah and Cairncross, Sandy and Zehra, Dua and Waddington, Hugh
- family: Chirgwin
given: Hannah
- family: Cairncross
given: Sandy
- family: Zehra
given: Dua
- family: Waddington
given: Hugh Sharma
da: '2023-09-28'
doi: 10.1002/cl2.1194
eissn: 1891-1803
files: []
language: English
month: DEC
number: '4'
number-of-cited-references: '887'
orcid-numbers: Sharma Waddington, Hugh/0000-0003-3859-3342
papis_id: 6b9c17a583f40c13f97b820b4bfbf584
ref: Chirgwin2021interventionspromoti
researcherid-numbers: Sharma Waddington, Hugh/CAF-8169-2022
times-cited: '9'
title: 'Interventions promoting uptake of water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) technologies
in low- and middle-income countries: An evidence and gap map of effectiveness studies'
2023-10-01 08:15:07 +00:00
type: article
2023-09-28 14:46:10 +00:00
unique-id: WOS:000731087200002
usage-count-last-180-days: '7'
usage-count-since-2013: '40'
volume: '17'
web-of-science-categories: Social Sciences, Interdisciplinary
year: '2021'