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2023-09-28 14:46:10 +00:00
abstract: 'Background: Small private providers in low- and middle-income countries
(LMICs) are well positioned to fill gaps in services to low-income
populations using Social Health Insurance (SHI) schemes. However, we
know little about the practical challenges both private providers and
patients face in the context of SHI that may ultimately limit access to
quality services for low-income populations. In this paper, we pull
together data collected from private providers, patients, and SHI
officials in Kenya and Ghana to answer the question: does participation
in an SHI scheme affect private providers'' ability to serve poorer
patient populations with quality health services?
Methods: In-depth interviews were held with 204 providers over three
rounds of data collection (2013, 2015, 2017) in Kenya and Ghana. We also
conducted client exit interviews in 2013 and 2017 for a total of 106
patient interviews. Ten focus group discussions (FGDs) were conducted in
Kenya and Ghana respectively in 2013 for a total of 171 FGD
participants. A total of 13 in-depth interviews also were conducted with
officials from the Ghana National Health Insurance Agency (NHIA) and the
Kenya National Hospital Insurance Fund (NHIF) across four rounds of data
collection (2013, 2014, 2016, 2017). Provider interviews covered reasons
for (non) enrollment in the health insurance system, experiences with
the accreditation process, and benefits and challenges with the system.
Client exit interviews covered provider choice, clinic experience, and
SHI experience. FGDs covered the local healthcare landscape. Interviews
with SHI officials covered officials'' experiences working with private
providers, and the opportunities and challenges they faced both
accrediting providers and enrolling members. Transcripts were coded in
Atlas.ti using an open coding approach and analyzed thematically.
Results: Private providers and patients agreed that SHI schemes are
beneficial for reducing out-of-pocket costs to patients and many
providers felt they had to become SHI-accredited in order to keep their
facilities open. The SHI officials in both countries corroborated these
sentiments. However, due to misunderstanding of the system providers
tended to charge clients for services they felt were above and beyond
reimbursable expenses. Services were sometimes limited as well.
Significant delays in SHI reimbursement in Ghana exacerbated these
problems and compromised providers'' abilities to cover basic expenses
without charging patients. While patients recognized the potential
benefits of SHI coverage and many sought it out, a number of patients
reported allowing their enrollment to lapse for cost reasons or because
they felt the coverage was useless when they were still asked to pay for
services out-of-pocket at the health facility.
Conclusions: Our data point to several major barriers to SHI access and
effectiveness for low-income populations in Ghana and in Kenya, in
addition to opportunities to better engage private providers to serve
these populations. We recommend using fee-for-service payments based on
Diagnosis Related Group rather than a capitation payment system, as well
as building more monitoring and accountability mechanisms into the SHI
systems in order to reduce requests for informal out-of-pocket payments
from patients while also ensuring quality of care. However, particularly
in Ghana, these reforms should be accompanied by financial reform within
the SHI system so that small private providers can be adequately funded
through government financing.'
affiliation: 'Suchman, L (Corresponding Author), Univ Calif San Francisco, Inst Global
Hlth Sci, San Francisco, CA 94143 USA.
Suchman, Lauren, Univ Calif San Francisco, Inst Global Hlth Sci, San Francisco,
CA 94143 USA.'
article-number: '179'
author: Suchman, Lauren
- family: Suchman
given: Lauren
da: '2023-09-28'
doi: 10.1186/s12939-018-0893-y
eissn: 1475-9276
files: []
keywords: 'Social health insurance; Healthcare access; Private providers;
Low-income; Kenya; Ghana'
language: English
month: DEC 5
number-of-cited-references: '72'
orcid-numbers: Suchman, Lauren/0000-0002-3684-0314
papis_id: a3002bce2095943b11c223004c3bd585
ref: Suchman2018accreditingprivate
times-cited: '9'
title: 'Accrediting private providers with National Health Insurance to better serve
low-income populations in Kenya and Ghana: a qualitative study'
2023-10-01 08:15:07 +00:00
type: article
2023-09-28 14:46:10 +00:00
unique-id: WOS:000452324900001
usage-count-last-180-days: '1'
usage-count-since-2013: '4'
volume: '17'
web-of-science-categories: Public, Environmental \& Occupational Health
year: '2018'