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2023-09-28 14:46:10 +00:00
abstract: 'This paper is aimed at exploring the relationship of some
sociodemographic variables with the presence of depressive disorders
among a low-income urban sample. Different variables have consistently
been associated with such disorders, for instance, marital status, sex,
and socio-economic status.
As to marital Status, some studies show that married people have better
health conditions and feel more satisfied with their lives than their
unmarried counterparts. Similarly, it has been found that widowed or
divorced people present a number of psychological problems.
Low-income population is also at high risk of suffering depressive
symptoms, in this sense, some researchers have stated that the lack of
resources is associated with sadness, high stress levels, isolation,
uncertainty, and low access to health care and/or other Sources of
According to the Mexican National Survey on Mental Health conducted With
urban population over 18, the prevalence of depressive disorders is
higher among widowers and divorced individuals -both males and females-
than among their married counterparts. In addition, an association was
found between depression, low schooling and unemployment.
A survey undertaken in Mexico City yielded similar results though gender
differences were not explored; higher prevalences of depression were
found for those who reported having lost their Couple or marital break
LIP than for those who were married or single. Other groups that had
high depression prevalence were lower income individuals, and those with
less schooling.
Couple relationships and other socio-demographic variables play a key
role in the presence of depressive disorders. Thus, the present Study is
aimed at: a) analysing how marital status affects the presence of
depressive disorders in men and women; b) exploring the role of low
socio-economic level in the presence of depressive symptoms; c)
exploring which combination of sociodemographic variables better predict
the presence of depressive disorder in males and females.
Method: This research was carried Out in four low-income communities
located in southern Mexico City. The selected communities include
Topilejo, Isidro Fabela and San Pedro Martir within the Tlalpan
district, and the fourth community was Constituted by the neighbourhoods
of San Marcos and San Juan, in the Xochimilco district.
The research design was multistage; blocks were selected at the first
stage, dwelling segments, at second stage, and finally, ill the third
stage the interviewed individual was selected. After this procedure, the
Final sample consisted of 1156 interviewees, 49\% were males and 51\%,
The information was gathered through a household questionnaire that
explores the general characteristics of the people living in the same
dwelling Listed on the questionnaire, Such as relationship to the Family
head, age, sex, schooling and income. Some other aspects related to the
dwelling characteristics were also explored.
Diagnosis of depressive disorder was obtained through the diagnostic
interview CID] version 1.1, which assesses the presence of mental
disorders according to the criteria of the International Classification
of Diseases (ICD) and the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental
Disorders (DSM) of the American Psychiatric Association.
The selected interviewees participated volunatrily after the research
objectives were explained; in addition, the terms of confidentiality
were Particularly emphasized. Each interview lasted 90 minutes on
average. Data analysis were performed with the statistical program SPSS
v. 10 for Windows.
Results: The findings showed higher prevalence of depressive disorders
among females, among people that experienced loss or family rupture and
among those with lower econornic resources. Similarly, prevalence of
depression was higher for men (6.1\%) and women (18.3\%) who had lost
their Spouse than for their married Counterpart. As to differences
between married and single people, the prevalence of depressive
disorders in the group of men that had ever married was lower (4.9\%)
than the prevalence found in the group of married men (5.8\%). The
opposite was observed among females, since single women present more
depressive problems (13.2\%) than married women (5.3\%).
Results also showed how economic difficulties have an effect on the
presence of depressive disorders. However, differences between married
and single men with the lowest income were minimal.
Two logistic regression models show that, particularly among women, the
presence of depressive disorder is related to the lack of a couple,
economic disadvantages; for instance, low family income, belonging to a
large extended family and playing the social role of family head,,which
implies responsibility to a large extent.
Discussion: The findings of the present study are consistent with
previous research that report higher prevalence of depression among
females, People without a couple and those with less economic resources.
Different authors have confirmed that problems of economic nature are
consistently associated with depression problems. Lack of resources
leads to high stress levels, sadness, isolation, among other troubles.
This situation is more severe for females. Women play a number of social
roles that put them at higher risk of suffering mental disorders.
Nowadays, women still bear the responsibility of being wives, mothers,
educators and care providers for many people, and have become an
important part of the work force at the same time.
The deficiencies that female family heads Must face in different areas
not only increase the risk of suffering disorders such as depression and
poor quality Of life, but also jeopardize their children''s opportunities
in the future.
Dejarlais and colleagues suggest that in order to improve these women''s
oriental health it is necessary to take actions in two ways. On the one
hand, it is essential to deal with the factors related to the presence
of female distress; on the other, it is crucial to provide attention to
reduce the negative consequences.
In this way, any prevention or intervention program Must include, among
other elements, tools to expand women''s capabilities to have an income,
reinforce social Support networks, and to stimulate Social and community
participation in order to improve their cognitive and relational
resources as well as self-esteem.
In addition, women must have information about the pathological process
they undergo and attention Options at their disposal, but to make these
programs effective it is above all necessary to tailor them according to
women''s concerns and needs. This can only be possible if women act as
active collaborators.
Finally, to work on intervention and prevention programs for female
family heads encloses the possibility of breaking the cycle that
reproduces distress among their children.'
affiliation: 'Gorn, SB (Corresponding Author), Inst Nacl Psiquiatria Ramon Fuente,
Direcc Invest Epidemiol \& Psicosociales, Calz Mexico Xochimilco 101, Mexico City
14370, DF, Mexico.
Inst Nacl Psiquiatria Ramon Fuente, Direcc Invest Epidemiol \& Psicosociales, Mexico
City 14370, DF, Mexico.'
author: Gorn, SB and Sainz, MT and Icaza, MEMM
- family: Gorn
given: SB
- family: Sainz
given: MT
- family: Icaza
given: MEMM
da: '2023-09-28'
files: []
issn: 0185-3325
keywords: depressive disorders; poverty; marital status; Mexico; urban population
language: Spanish
month: DEC
number: '6'
number-of-cited-references: '19'
orcid-numbers: Tiburcio, Marcela/0000-0001-7548-7800
pages: 33-40
papis_id: 68ceced8e4ed00fa28aa900dec26fc0b
ref: Gorn2005demographicvariables
researcherid-numbers: Tiburcio, Marcela/J-4494-2015
times-cited: '5'
title: 'Demographic variables related to depression: Differences between males and
females living in low income urban-areas'
2023-10-01 08:15:07 +00:00
type: article
2023-09-28 14:46:10 +00:00
unique-id: WOS:000235250100005
usage-count-last-180-days: '1'
usage-count-since-2013: '16'
volume: '28'
web-of-science-categories: Psychiatry
year: '2005'