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2023-09-28 14:46:10 +00:00
abstract: 'Background: Pressing issues, like financial concerns, may outweigh the
importance people attach to health. This study tested whether health,
compared to other life domains, was considered more important by people
in high versus low socioeconomic positions, with future focus and
financial strain as potential explanatory factors.
Methods: A cross-sectional survey was conducted in 2019 among N=1,330
Dutch adults. Participants rated the importance of two health-related
domains (not being ill, living a long life) and seven other life domains
(e.g., work, family) on a five-point scale. A latent class analysis
grouped participants in classes with similar patterns of importance
ratings. Differences in class membership according to socioeconomic
position (indicated by income and education) were examined using
structural equation modelling, with future focus and financial strain as
Results: Three classes were identified, which were defined as:
neutralists, who found all domains neutral or unimportant (3.5\% of the
sample); hedonists, who found most domains important except living a
long life, work, and religion (36.2\%); and maximalists, who found
nearly all domains important, including both health domains (60.3\%). Of
the neutralists, 38\% considered not being ill important, and 30\%
considered living a long life important. For hedonists, this was 92\%
and 39\%, respectively, and for maximalists this was 99\% and 87\%,
respectively. Compared to belonging to the maximalists class, a low
income predicted belonging to the neutralists, and a higher educational
level and unemployment predicted belonging to the hedonists. No
mediation pathways via future focus or financial strain were found.
Conclusions: Lower income groups were less likely to consider not being
ill important. Those without paid employment and those with a higher
educational level were less likely to consider living a long life
important. Neither future focus nor financial strain explained these
inequalities. Future research should investigate socioeconomic
differences in conceptualisations of health, and if inequalities in the
perceived importance of health are associated with inequalities in
health. To support individuals dealing with challenging circumstances in
daily life, health-promoting interventions could align to the life
domains perceived important to reach their target group and to prevent
widening socioeconomic health inequalities.'
affiliation: 'Verra, SE (Corresponding Author), Univ Utrecht, Dept Interdisciplinary
Social Sci, Padualaan 14, NL-3584 CH Utrecht, Netherlands.
Verra, Sanne E.; Mudd, Andrea L.; de Wit, John; Kamphuis, Carlijn B. M., Univ Utrecht,
Dept Interdisciplinary Social Sci, Padualaan 14, NL-3584 CH Utrecht, Netherlands.
Poelman, Maartje P.; de Vet, Emely; van Rongen, Sofie, Wageningen Univ \& Res, Chair
Grp Consumpt \& Hlth Lifestyles, Hollandseweg 1, NL-6706 KN Wageningen, Netherlands.'
article-number: '86'
author: Verra, Sanne E. and Poelman, Maartje P. and Mudd, Andrea L. and de Vet, Emely
and van Rongen, Sofie and de Wit, John and Kamphuis, Carlijn B. M.
- family: Verra
given: Sanne E.
- family: Poelman
given: Maartje P.
- family: Mudd
given: Andrea L.
- family: de Vet
given: Emely
- family: van Rongen
given: Sofie
- family: de Wit
given: John
- family: Kamphuis
given: Carlijn B. M.
da: '2023-09-28'
doi: 10.1186/s12889-022-12508-2
eissn: 1471-2458
files: []
language: English
month: JAN 13
number: '1'
number-of-cited-references: '42'
orcid-numbers: 'De Vet, Emely/0000-0002-4452-2367
Verra, Sanne/0000-0003-4963-0153'
papis_id: d4ea94ee4d404f746d75caf74fa0838d
ref: Verra2022whatsimportant
researcherid-numbers: 'De Vet, Emely/B-4896-2014
times-cited: '2'
title: What's important to you? Socioeconomic inequalities in the perceived importance
of health compared to other life domains
2023-10-01 08:15:07 +00:00
type: article
2023-09-28 14:46:10 +00:00
unique-id: WOS:000742366700005
usage-count-last-180-days: '1'
usage-count-since-2013: '3'
volume: '22'
web-of-science-categories: Public, Environmental \& Occupational Health
year: '2022'