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2023-09-28 14:46:10 +00:00
abstract: 'Effective and full integration of people with disability into society is
deeply related to their integration into the labour market. The United
Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities adopted in
2006 triggered a change in the conception of disability towards a social
approach, especially in terms of their human rights and their
integration in society. One of the key elements of this integration is
the participation of persons with disabilities in the different spheres
of society with equal opportunities. In particular, their integration in
the labour market is a mayor challenge not only from the personal
development perspective, but also in terms of their autonomy and
Irrespective of the debate on the advantages and disadvantages of the
different strategies aimed at integrating persons with disability into
the labour market, further research is necessary on the factors that
encourage that integration and highlight entry into an ordinary labour
market, which should be the ultimate objective of integration policies
for persons with a disability.
The values shared by Social Economy enterprises generate a
differentiated behaviour in relation to their staff composition, the
work conditions, their productive specialisation and their geographical
location. This differentiated behaviour constitutes, at the same time,
an important contribution to social and territorial cohesion. In
particular, the contribution to social cohesion comprises the occupation
of groups with difficulties of access to employment, employment quality,
improvement in equal opportunities and the offer of social services.
The goal of this work is twofold. Firstly, to analyze the contribution
of Social Economy to social cohesion in terms of the employment of
people with disabilities and in particular the compliance with the quota
requirement. Secondly, to detect the enablers and barriers to work in
the design of labour policies for higher and better integration in
workplaces. This paper contributes to the literature by analyzing the
key aspects related to the perceptions, behaviour and culture of Social
Economy entities in relation to the integration of workers with
disabilities in their staffs, adding useful and relevant information for
the design and implementation of active labour policies.
In order to achieve these objectives, an ad-hoc survey has been designed
to analyze the compliance of quota legislation for people with
disabilities and conducted among Medium and Large Social Economy
entities (50 employees or more) in Spain. Quota legislation in Spain
establishes an obligation for companies with more than a certain number
of employees (50 or more) to employ a minimum percentage of people with
disabilities (2\%). The technical characteristics of the survey are as
i. The Universe of the survey is composed of all Social Economy entities
(except Special Employment Centres), located in Spain, from all economic
sectors with 50 or more employees. Universe size (according to the
National Statistics Institute of Spain and Social Economy statistics) is
composed by, approximately, 3.000 entities.
ii. Sampling used in this research is proportional, stratified by
economic sector, region and company size. Selection of interviewee units
is random. Sampling size is composed of 329 units, distributed to assure
representativeness by geographical region, sector and business size.
Sampling error is +/- 5\%. (Confidence level 95.5\% and probability
p=q=0.5 -2 sigma).
iii. Content of the survey refers to several topics such as:
identification data, business size, economic sector, employment size,
annual turnover; data about presence and job position of workers with
disabilities and information about integration process: how diversity,
especially related to people with disabilities, is incorporated into the
selection, hiring and promotion policies of the company.
Main results of the analyses show that the majority of Social Economy
entities are in compliance with the quota requirement (84.1\%). However,
there are some remarkable differences attending companies''
characteristics. Thus, the percentage of Social Economy entities
complying with the quota requirement is higher among large companies,
companies in social services and dependency sectors and, by geographical
area, among companies located in Andalusia or Catalonia. On the other
hand, medium-sized companies, industrial ones and Social Economy
entities located in Navarra or Basque Country show lower percentages of
compliance with the quota requirement.
This survey offers as well some qualitative information, divided into
two different sections. Firstly, the analysis is focused on some aspects
related to the perceptions, behaviour and culture of Social Economy
entities in relation to the integration of workers with disabilities in
their staffs. The aim of this section is to identify potential
differences between companies who are in compliance with the quota
requirement and those who do not. Some of the main results of this
section are:
i. Legal obligation and fiscal benefits are the main reason to hire
people with disabilities for both, companies that do and do not comply
with the quota requirement.
ii. Companies who comply with the quota requirement recruit personnel by
using employment agencies, acquaintances and relatives and online job
portals more frequently than those who do not comply with the quota
iii. Companies or entities who integrate inclusion and diversity
(gender, cultural, racial, socio-economic, etc.) in their programmes,
policies and regulations are those with a higher percentage of people
with disabilities in their staff.
iv. Previous experiences related to the presence of workers with
disabilities seem to be the main and more important boost for Social
Economy entities and companies.
v. The appointment of a colleague as a support-buddy is the most
important intervention to facilitate the integration of the worker with
disability in the company
vi. The majority of Social Economy entities do not find any difficulty
related to the integration process. However, companies in compliance
with the quota find more obstacles than those who do not. Among those
who have faced any obstacle, main barriers are related to the adaptation
to the job; emotional barriers and physical space/accommodations
Secondly, the analysis focuses on the main reasons and obstacles found
by those companies and entities that do not have any employees with
disabilities in their staff, aiming to get to know their reasons to not
hire this collective. The main two reasons why these companies declare
that they do not have any person with disability in their staff are the
lack of candidates with disabilities and the lack of matching between
the candidates and job positions available.
Thus, results from this research highlight some key aspects that are
important to bear in mind. Firstly, values shared by Social Economy
entities do generate a differentiated behavior in relation to their
staff composition that contributes to the social cohesion. Secondly, the
implementation of instruments and active policies have a positive impact
over the integration of persons with disabilities in the ordinary labour
market; quota policies and fiscal incentives are named as the main
facilitators. In this sense, compliance with quota legislation is not a
dichotomous decision for Social Economy entities but a gradual and
continuous process that starts when hiring the first worker with
disability in their staffs. Thus, previous experiences related to the
presence of workers with disabilities seem to be the main boost for
Social Economy entities and companies. In third term, an inclusive
business culture that appreciates and accepts diversity (not only
related to disabilities) displays characteristics of general awareness
and inclusion of workers with disabilities in Social Economy entities.
The inclusion of specific measures related to disability in the
diversity policies is a challenge that firms, including Social Economy
ones, still has to confront.
Finally, the study and dissemination of best practices among employers
is also important to surpass stereotypes and prejudices, contributing to
the integration of people with disabilities into the ordinary labour
market. As we have seen through this study, Social Economy companies and
entities that have hired people with disabilities would recommend it to
other ones. And this does not only have a positive effect in terms of
equity and ethical reasons, but it can also have a great impact on the
image connected to the Corporate Social Responsibility of the Social
Economy, also in terms of benefits related to more diverse workplaces.
Further research is needed in terms of the design of policies to foster
deeper integration of persons with disabilities into ordinary labour
market. As observed in the results, the matching process between
candidates and job positions shows some weaknesses and the existence of
workers with disabilities is one of the main facilitator to increase the
number of these workers in firms. Besides design and implementation of
active policies towards the integration of workers with disabilities,
especial attention must be given to the business culture regarding
disability. The study of enablers and obstacles in all kind of firms
might show different results from the ones obtained in this paper as it
would include small firms, which have no quota requirements, and
entities outside Social Economy, in which social cohesion might not be
among their principles.'
affiliation: 'Sanchez, RS (Corresponding Author), Univ Rey Juan Carlos, Fac Ciencias
Jurid \& Sociales, Madrid, Spain.
Santero Sanchez, Rosa; Castro Nunez, Belev, Univ Rey Juan Carlos, Fac Ciencias Jurid
\& Sociales, Madrid, Spain.
Martinez Martin, Ma Isabel; Guillo Rodriguez, Nuria, Abay Analistas Econ, Madrid,
author: Santero Sanchez, Rosa and Castro Nunez, Belev and Martinez Martin, Ma Isabel
and Guillo Rodriguez, Nuria
author-email: ''
- family: Santero Sanchez
given: Rosa
- family: Castro Nunez
given: Belev
- family: Martinez Martin
given: Ma Isabel
- family: Guillo Rodriguez
given: Nuria
da: '2023-09-28'
eissn: 1989-6816
files: []
issn: 0213-8093
keywords: Employment; Social Economy; disability management; quotas
keywords-plus: PEOPLE
language: Spanish
month: DEC
number-of-cited-references: '27'
orcid-numbers: 'Castro Nunez, Rosa Belen/0000-0002-9098-0748
Santero, Rosa/0000-0002-1071-4280'
pages: 29-59
papis_id: 3487d3c4fd3b03dddcbe45459907cad7
ref: Santerosanchez2016socialeconomy
researcherid-numbers: 'castro, rosa/ABE-7063-2022
times-cited: '0'
title: Social Economy and disability. Enablers and obstacles in the integration of
workers with disabilities in the Social Economy entities
2023-10-01 08:15:07 +00:00
type: article
2023-09-28 14:46:10 +00:00
unique-id: WOS:000399878000002
usage-count-last-180-days: '0'
usage-count-since-2013: '35'
volume: '88'
web-of-science-categories: Economics
year: '2016'