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2023-09-28 14:46:10 +00:00
abstract: 'It is clear that in the transition out of the COVID-19 crisis in
Colombia there will be great need for formal job creation. One source
that has been widely discussed in policy circles is strengthening
linkages of Colombian firms with Global Value Chains (GVCs). Another
source that has received recent attention, and deservedly so, is digital
infrastructure development (DID)-which can boost telework and virtual
human capital accumulation. Reduction in poverty and inequality through
more and better formal employment is an important aspect of a jobs and
economic transformation (JET) agenda. In this paper, we explore-through
a computable general equilibrium model (CGE) and a microsimulation
framework-to what extent reforms of the type envisioned in the JET
agenda and which could generate GVC linkages, as well as through DID,
for Colombia, and we project their impact on poverty and inequality up
to 2030. Our findings show limited impact of the three types of policy
changes considered for GVCs-namely (i) fall in barriers for seamless
business logistics, (ii) reductions in tariffs, and (iii) lower barriers
to foreign direct investment (FDI). The impact of DID on inequality is
also moot. There is however a modest impact on poverty reduction in the
combined policy of digital infrastructure with a boost in skilled labor.
This finding can be linked to different factors. First, there are
relatively few direct jobs created to benefit households with low levels
of human capital. Second, there might be indirect job creation through
backward linkages to local suppliers by firms linked to GVCs, but this
effect would be a general equilibrium effect that our CGE model with a
partial equilibrium microsimulation distributional module does not fully
capture. Third, the positioning of Colombian firms to latch onto GVCs,
and also generate demand for local intermediate inputs and services, is
not optimal. Fourth, DID may generate more general labor market
opportunities through telework and virtual learning expansions but could
also induce larger wage gaps as the skill premium rises so that the net
effect on inequality is ambiguous.'
affiliation: 'Kugler, MD (Corresponding Author), George Mason Univ, Schar Sch Policy
\& Govt, Ctr Microecon Policy Res CMEPR, Arlington, VA 22201 USA.
del Carpio, Ximena; Cuesta, Jose A., World Bank, Washington, DC 20433 USA.
Kugler, Maurice D., George Mason Univ, Schar Sch Policy \& Govt, Ctr Microecon Policy
Res CMEPR, Arlington, VA 22201 USA.
Hernandez, Gustavo; Piraquive, Gabriel, Santafe Bogota, Div Estudios Especiales,
Dept Nacl Planeac, Bogota, Colombia.'
article-number: '43'
author: del Carpio, Ximena and Cuesta, Jose A. and Kugler, Maurice D. and Hernandez,
Gustavo and Piraquive, Gabriel
author-email: ''
- family: del Carpio
given: Ximena
- family: Cuesta
given: Jose A.
- family: Kugler
given: Maurice D.
- family: Hernandez
given: Gustavo
- family: Piraquive
given: Gabriel
da: '2023-09-28'
doi: 10.3390/jrfm15020043
eissn: 1911-8074
files: []
issn: 1911-8066
keywords: 'COVID-19 pandemic; aggregate supply and demand shocks; income fall;
poverty; inequality; JET; GVCs; productivity; formal employment; wages;
CGE; microsimulations'
language: English
month: FEB
number: '2'
number-of-cited-references: '60'
orcid-numbers: Kugler, Maurice/0000-0002-1977-5274
papis_id: 8c2822c56f983eb0352daa9b4b9326d4
ref: Delcarpio2022whateffects
times-cited: '4'
title: What Effects Could Global Value Chain and Digital Infrastructure Development
Policies Have on Poverty and Inequality after COVID-19?
2023-10-01 08:15:07 +00:00
type: article
2023-09-28 14:46:10 +00:00
unique-id: WOS:000769714300001
usage-count-last-180-days: '4'
usage-count-since-2013: '14'
volume: '15'
web-of-science-categories: Business, Finance
year: '2022'