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2023-09-28 14:46:10 +00:00
abstract: 'Numerous renewable energy electrification programs that have been
implemented in developing countries over the past decade have met with
relatively limited success. Much of the effort that has been invested in
attempting to understand the causes of lack of success has focused on
the identification of barriers. This narrow focus on only barriers,
however, fails to consider other important factors that may contribute
to the success or lack of success of programs. An email survey was used
to obtain the views of those with responsibility for the implementation
of solar PV home system programs in Asia and the Pacific region on their
programs. The purpose of the survey was to better understand the factors
that implementing agencies consider to be important in the designing and
implementation of SHS programs. The survey results indicated that
program objectives tend to be couched in very broad and administrative
terms rather than in terms of the outcomes for system users, weakening
the ability to make meaningful assessments of program success. Although
best practice program guidelines were infrequently used, even where
program implementers were aware of their existence, even more
fundamental problems were found to beset some programs. Adequate funding
support and the use of appropriate financing mechanisms were considered
to be the most critical factors for program success and a variety of
financing mechanisms were used, including micro-credit and a novel
mechanism which indicated a maturation of program design. System
maintenance and monitoring were considered important by most program
implementers, although training was reported to be provided to both
technicians and system users in a minority of cases and some program
implementers expressed concerns over the timeliness of program
monitoring and maintenance where this had been outsourced. Unit system
cost varied from US\$7.20/Wp to US\$14.58/Wp between programs and was
determined by factors such as remoteness, number of system program users
and reliance on imported equipment. The program outcomes commonly
regarded to be achieved were increased gender equity, increased social
activities, increased access to information and increased working hours.
The majority of program implementers, however, did not regard their
programs as having resulted in increased employment or household income.
Factors seen as instrumental in limiting program success were lack of
adequate government policy and funding support, lack of involvement of
local communities in program design, and a lack of in-house technical
know-how, and a lack of availability of components in locations
proximate to users. The main conclusions from results of the survey are
that the reasons behind program success or lack of success are complex,
but that program success could be improved in many instances by
following best practice guidelines, specifying program objectives in
terms of outcomes for users, ensuring that adequate funding and policy
support is available and that program implementers have adequate
training in program management. The results were used to develop a
comprehensive set of criteria that could be applied in the development
of future programs. (C) 2009 International Energy Initiative. Published
by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.'
affiliation: 'Urmee, T (Corresponding Author), Murdoch Univ, RISE, Murdoch Dr, Murdoch,
WA 6150, Australia.
Urmee, Tania; Harries, David, Murdoch Univ, RISE, Murdoch, WA 6150, Australia.'
author: Urmee, Tania and Harries, David
author-email: ''
- family: Urmee
given: Tania
- family: Harries
given: David
da: '2023-09-28'
doi: 10.1016/j.esd.2009.01.002
files: []
issn: 0973-0826
keywords: 'Solar home systems (SHS); PV; Success factors; Program implementers;
Barriers; Success indicators'
language: English
month: MAR
number: '1'
number-of-cited-references: '9'
orcid-numbers: Urmee, Tania/0000-0002-4385-9734
pages: 24-32
papis_id: 06b4f97cd974a9150fbc3ee378b7ab3a
ref: Urmee2009surveysolar
researcherid-numbers: 'Harries, David/AEQ-0198-2022
times-cited: '37'
title: A survey of solar PV program implementers in Asia and the Pacific regions
type: Article
unique-id: WOS:000208130400004
usage-count-last-180-days: '0'
usage-count-since-2013: '8'
volume: '13'
web-of-science-categories: Green \& Sustainable Science \& Technology; Energy \& Fuels
year: '2009'