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2023-09-28 14:46:10 +00:00
abstract: 'Purpose: Compared to groups with other disabilities, people with a
severe mental illness face the greatest stigma and barriers to
employment opportunities. This study contributes to the understanding of
the relationship between workplace social support and work productivity
in people with severe mental illness working in Social Enterprises by
taking into account the mediating role of self-stigma and job tenure
self-efficacy. Method: A total of 170 individuals with a severe mental
disorder employed in a Social Enterprise filled out questionnaires
assessing personal and work-related variables at Phase-1 (baseline) and
Phase-2 (6-month follow-up). Process modeling was used to test for
serial mediation. Results: In the Social Enterprise workplace, social
support yields better perceptions of work productivity through lower
levels of internalized stigma and higher confidence in facing
job-related problems. When testing serial multiple mediations, the
specific indirect effect of high workplace social support on work
productivity through both low internalized stigma and high job tenure
self-efficacy was significant with a point estimate of 1.01 (95\% CI =
0.42, 2.28). Conclusions: Continued work in this area can provide
guidance for organizations in the open labor market addressing the
challenges posed by the work integration of people with severe mental
affiliation: 'Villotti, P (Corresponding Author), Univ Sherbrooke, Ctr Rech Hop Charles
LeMoyne, 150 Pl Charles Le Moyne, Longueuil, PQ J4K 0A8, Canada.
Villotti, Patrizia, Univ Sherbrooke, Ctr Rech Hop Charles LeMoyne, 150 Pl Charles
Le Moyne, Longueuil, PQ J4K 0A8, Canada.
Villotti, Patrizia; Corbiere, Marc; Lecomte, Tania, Univ Sante Mentale Montreal,
Ctr Rech Inst, Montreal, PQ, Canada.
Corbiere, Marc, Univ Quebec Montreal, Dept Educ Career Counselling, Montreal, PQ,
Dewa, Carolyn S., Univ Calif Davis, Dept Psychiat \& Behav Sci, Davis, CA 95616
Fraccaroli, Franco, Univ Trento, Dept Psychol \& Cognit Sci, Rovereto, Italy.
Sultan-Taieb, Helene, Univ Quebec Montreal, Ecole Sci Gest, Dept Org \& Ressources
Humaines, Montreal, PQ, Canada.
Zaniboni, Sara, Univ Bologna, Dept Psychol, Bologna, Italy.
Lecomte, Tania, Univ Montreal, Dept Psychol, Montreal, PQ, Canada.'
author: Villotti, Patrizia and Corbiere, Marc and Dewa, Carolyn S. and Fraccaroli,
Franco and Sultan-Taieb, Helene and Zaniboni, Sara and Lecomte, Tania
- family: Villotti
given: Patrizia
- family: Corbiere
given: Marc
- family: Dewa
given: Carolyn S.
- family: Fraccaroli
given: Franco
- family: Sultan-Taieb
given: Helene
- family: Zaniboni
given: Sara
- family: Lecomte
given: Tania
da: '2023-09-28'
doi: 10.1080/09638288.2017.1377294
eissn: 1464-5165
files: []
issn: 0963-8288
keywords: 'Severe mental illness; social enterprise; self-stigma; social support;
work productivity'
language: English
month: DEC 18
number: '26'
number-of-cited-references: '66'
orcid-numbers: Dewa, Carolyn/0000-0001-5647-3905
pages: 3113-3119
papis_id: 5ef9212d96fabffcc610d0626bd58179
ref: Villotti2018serialmediation
times-cited: '15'
title: 'A serial mediation model of workplace social support on work productivity:
the role of self-stigma and job tenure self-efficacy in people with severe mental
type: Article
unique-id: WOS:000450817200003
usage-count-last-180-days: '3'
usage-count-since-2013: '54'
volume: '40'
web-of-science-categories: Rehabilitation
year: '2018'