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2023-09-28 14:46:10 +00:00
abstract: 'The Group of 20 (G20) was launched as a leaders'' forum in the midst of
the 2008 financial crisis and quickly agreed to undertake coordinated
economic stimulus efforts. While those early measures helped stabilize
the global economy, the negative impacts of the crisis on employment
continued to mount through 2009. The leaders turned their attention to
labour market issues; labour and employment ministers met in 2010 and
thereafter. However, the G20 and a number of other countries erroneously
reversed the stimulus approach beginning in Toronto in 2010, leading to
weak recovery, entrenchment of unemployment and stagnation of wages.
Labour ministers increasingly advocated more robust labour market
policies, but were resisted by finance ministers. The leaders themselves
agreed to increasingly strong statements on wages, inequality and social
issues but most G20 countries did not implement them. When the political
backlash against globalization emerged in 2016 the G20 was seen by many
as part of the out-of-touch elite that failed to address the
difficulties and economic anxiety suffered by many G20 member
households. The G20 should adjust course by implementing, in a
coordinated manner, policies that can increase employment and incomes
and reverse growing inequality. This paper lays out two practical
examples of such policies. The first is a coordinated increase in
minimum wages across the G20 to provide direct support to low-wage
workers, restart overall wage growth and increase demand. If implemented
by the entire G20 this would provide a serious stimulus to global
demand, which still remains weak, and avoid competitive undercutting
among G20 members. The second is a coordinated increase in financing for
programmes to help those who have lost as a result of globalization.
Losers often suffer very harsh economic effects and few G20 countries
compensate them adequately. A well-advertised, coordinated effort
including policies such as these could demonstrate the relevance of the
G20 to populations that have benefited little from the group''s efforts
to date.'
affiliation: 'Polaski, S (Corresponding Author), ILO, Policy, 2 Rue Poissy, F-75005
Paris, France.
Polaski, S (Corresponding Author), ILO Sherpa G20, 2 Rue Poissy, F-75005 Paris,
Polaski, S., ILO, Policy, 2 Rue Poissy, F-75005 Paris, France.
Polaski, S., ILO Sherpa G20, 2 Rue Poissy, F-75005 Paris, France.'
author: Polaski, S.
- family: Polaski
given: S.
da: '2023-09-28'
doi: 10.17323/1996-7845-2018-02-09
files: []
issn: 1996-7845
keywords: 'G20; international policy coordination; economic impacts of
globalization; wages and incomes; international political economy'
language: English
number: '2'
number-of-cited-references: '10'
pages: 125-135
papis_id: f0bb0d4c25c133242ceba8c87ae6e8a8
ref: Polaski2018g20spromise
times-cited: '1'
title: 'The G20''s Promise to Create More and Better Jobs: Missed Opportunities and
a Way Forward'
type: Article
unique-id: WOS:000443211000007
usage-count-last-180-days: '0'
usage-count-since-2013: '2'
volume: '13'
web-of-science-categories: International Relations
year: '2018'