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2023-09-28 14:46:10 +00:00
abstract: 'Background
The majority of HIV infection among children occurs through
mother-to-child transmission. HIV exposed infants are recommended to
have virological testing at birth or 4-6 weeks of age but challenges
with centralized laboratory-based testing in Myanmar result in low
testing rates and delays in result communication and treatment
initiation. Decentralized point-of-care (POC) testing when integrated in
prevention of mother-to-child transmission of HIV (PMTCT) services, can
be an alternative to increase coverage of early infant diagnosis (EID)
and timely engagement in HIV treatment and care.
This paper aims to explore experiences of caregivers of HIV-exposed
infants enrolled in the PMTCT program in Myanmar and the perceived
acceptability of point-of-care EID testing compared to conventional
centralised laboratory-based testing.
This is a sub-study of the cluster randomised controlled stepped-wedge
trial (Trial registration number: ACTRN12616000734460) that assessed the
impact of near POC EID testing using Xpert HIV-1 Qual assay in four
public hospitals in Myanmar. Caregivers of infants who were enrolled in
the intervention phase of the main study, had been tested with both
Xpert and standard of care tests and had received the results were
eligible for this qualitative study. Semi-structured interviews were
conducted with 23 caregivers. Interviews were audio recorded,
transcribed verbatim and translated into English. Thematic data analysis
was undertaken using NVivo 12 Software (QSR International).
The majority of caregivers were satisfied with the quality of care
provided by PMTCT services. However, they encountered social and
financial access barriers to attend the PMTCT clinic regularly. Mothers
had concerns about community stigma from the disclosure of their HIV
status and the potential consequences for their infants. While medical
care at the PMTCT clinics was free, caregivers sometimes experienced
financial difficulties associated with out-of-pocket expenses for
childbirth and transportation. Some caregivers had to choose not to
attend work (impacting their income) or the adult antiretroviral clinic
in order to attend the paediatric PMTCT clinic appointment. The
acceptability of the Xpert testing process was high among the caregiver
participants and more than half received the Xpert result on the same
day as testing. Short turnaround time of the near POC EID testing
enabled the caregivers to find out their infants'' HIV status quicker,
thereby shortening the stressful waiting time for results.
Our study identified important access challenges facing caregivers of
HIV exposed infants and high acceptability of near POC EID testing.
Improving the retention rate in the PMTCT and EID programs necessitates
careful attention of program managers and policy makers to these
challenges, and POC EID represents a potential solution.'
affiliation: 'Luchters, S (Corresponding Author), Burnet Inst, Melbourne, Vic, Australia.
Luchters, S (Corresponding Author), Monash Univ, Sch Publ Hlth \& Prevent Med, Melbourne,
Vic, Australia.
Luchters, S (Corresponding Author), Aga Khan Univ, Dept Populat Hlth, Nairobi, Kenya.
Luchters, S (Corresponding Author), Univ Ghent, Int Ctr Reprod Hlth ICRH, Dept Publ
Hlth \& Primary Care, Ghent, Belgium.
Yee, Win Lei; Than, Kyu Kyu; Htay, Hla, Burnet Inst, Yangon, Myanmar.
Mohamed, Yasmin; Luchters, Stanley, Burnet Inst, Melbourne, Vic, Australia.
Mohamed, Yasmin; Luchters, Stanley, Monash Univ, Sch Publ Hlth \& Prevent Med, Melbourne,
Vic, Australia.
Tin, Htay Htay; Thein, Win; Kyaw, Latt Latt; Yee, Win Win; Aye, Moe Myat, Minist
Hlth \& Sports, Natl Hlth Lab, Yangon, Myanmar.
Badman, Steven G.; Vallely, Andrew J.; Kelly-Hanku, Angela, UNSW Sydney, Kirby Inst
Infect \& Immun Soc, Sydney, NSW, Australia.
Vallely, Andrew J.; Kelly-Hanku, Angela, Papua New Guinea Inst Med Res, Sexual \&
Reprod Hlth Unit, Goroka, Papua N Guinea.
Luchters, Stanley, Aga Khan Univ, Dept Populat Hlth, Nairobi, Kenya.
Luchters, Stanley, Univ Ghent, Int Ctr Reprod Hlth ICRH, Dept Publ Hlth \& Primary
Care, Ghent, Belgium.'
article-number: e0241245
author: Yee, Win Lei and Than, Kyu Kyu and Mohamed, Yasmin and Htay, Hla and Tin,
Htay Htay and Thein, Win and Kyaw, Latt Latt and Yee, Win Win and Aye, Moe Myat
and Badman, Steven G. and Vallely, Andrew J. and Luchters, Stanley and Kelly-Hanku,
Angela and Grp, AAMI Study
- family: Yee
given: Win Lei
- family: Than
given: Kyu Kyu
- family: Mohamed
given: Yasmin
- family: Htay
given: Hla
- family: Tin
given: Htay Htay
- family: Thein
given: Win
- family: Kyaw
given: Latt Latt
- family: Yee
given: Win Win
- family: Aye
given: Moe Myat
- family: Badman
given: Steven G.
- family: Vallely
given: Andrew J.
- family: Luchters
given: Stanley
- family: Kelly-Hanku
given: Angela
- family: Grp
given: AAMI Study
da: '2023-09-28'
doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0241245
files: []
issn: 1932-6203
journal: PLOS ONE
language: English
month: OCT 30
number: '10'
number-of-cited-references: '35'
orcid-numbers: 'Vallely, Andrew/0000-0003-1558-4822
Htay, Hla/0000-0003-1274-961X
Anderson, David/0000-0002-9969-3905
Luchters, Stanley/0000-0001-5235-5629
Kelly-Hanku, Angela/0000-0003-0152-2954
Yee, Win Lei/0000-0002-6387-9396'
papis_id: a154d061ab33f87e6bbefc559c17dc79
ref: Yee2020caregiverexperience
times-cited: '2'
title: 'Caregiver experience and perceived acceptability of a novel near point-of-care
early infant HIV diagnostic test among caregivers enrolled in the PMTCT program,
Myanmar: A qualitative study'
type: Article
unique-id: WOS:000588368900012
usage-count-last-180-days: '1'
usage-count-since-2013: '3'
volume: '15'
web-of-science-categories: Multidisciplinary Sciences
year: '2020'