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Resume git, api, sql, mysql, crawling, nation-building, mba, remote, parsing
Master of Science Graduate, currently located in Germany
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Mobile: +49 177 377 4949
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I graduated from the EU-funded European Master of Global Studies programme in September 2021 with a focus on global processes of spatialization, nation-building and narrative ideologies.

Since then I helped produce a variety of development research literature, with a focus on labor market policies, their effects on poverty and collective organization, and multi-dimensional inequality reduction.

I have developed a broad range of skills in data acquisition, organization and analysis, manuscript editing and reference management, as well as first insights into event management, teaching assistance, content creation and website management. The range of my academic work has spanned development studies, tourism studies, social protection, American studies and security studies.

Aside from academic work I am interested in and an active proponent of free and open software production and creating the conditions for an open and barrier-free science production.

Professional Experience

Research Assistant, UNU-WIDER (2022)

Niño-Zarazúa, M., & Morabito, C. (forthcoming). Assessing the potential distributional impacts of development interventions. UNU-WIDER.

  • Collected, processed, and cleaned 4 datasets, including UNU-WIDER-WIID and OECD-CRS DAC
  • Conducted descriptive analysis of inequality trends and drivers in 4 countries
  • Produced basic time-series visualizations and descriptive analysis of development aid contributions and their distribution

Consultant, Social Protection, Productivity and Formalization Nexus Review (2022)

Torm, N. (forthcoming). The Social Protection, Productivity and Formalization Nexus among low- and middle- income countries: A Scoping Review of the Literature. International Labour Office.

  • Managed data acquisition, organization, and maintenance for analysis from a pool of over 1500 review candidates
  • Conducted qualitative analysis and organization of 41 individual review sources
  • Performed basic quantitative analysis of dataset characteristics

Consultant, Active Labour Market Policies Review in Asia and the Pacific (2022)

Niño-Zarazúa, M., & Torm, N. (2022). Active Labour Market Policies in Asia and the Pacific: A review of the literature. Roskilde Universitet. SECO Working Paper Series Vol. 2022 No. 4

  • Managed data acquisition, organization, and maintenance for analysis from a pool of over 700 review candidates
  • Conducted qualitative description and organization of 106 individual review sources

Research Assistant, Roskilde University (2021)

Riisgaard, L. (2020). Worker Organisation and Social Protection amongst Informal Petty Traders in Tanzania. Roskilde Universitet. CAE Working Paper No. 2020:4

  • Conducted data preparation and filtering from provided STATA dataset
  • Copy edited manuscript for legibility, conciseness, and clarity
  • Managed references and adhered to specified academic style guides

Editorial Assistant, SPIWORK Project, Roskilde University (2021)

  • Structured and edited individual chapters of a scientific anthology
  • Managed references and adhered to specified academic style guides
  • Prepared book structure, title, and appendix according to publisher's specifications

Academic Assistant, Institute of American Studies, University of Leipzig (2018--2019).

  • Digitized and optimized teaching and research materials
  • Maintained and prepared internal institute content management system (SHRIMP)
  • Optimized optical character recognition and artifact-free image processing

Student Assistant, Professor Crister S. Garrett, University of Leipzig (2017--2019).

  • Digitized and prepared selected working material
  • Acquired and managed necessary references and research for further study

Event and Teaching Assistant, Trans Atlantic Summer School Cultures of Security (2018)

  • Prepared, organized, and implemented schedule for teaching and events
  • Provided administrative support for international faculty
  • Mentored and supported international participants on-site and follow-up

Content Management, Bachelor Plus Alumni System, University of Leipzig (2017--2018).

  • Co-created and structured content in Wordpress content management system
  • Created API interface to interact with Twitter, Facebook, and an internal event stream
  • Designed basic HTML and CSS pages


Master Thesis
Re-Evaluating Nature's Gifts: Economic and Experiential Value Productions in Namibia's Ecotourism
Used a theoretical basis of power analyze the mechanisms of consensus shaping the production of ecotourism space. Utilizing critical discourse analysis on the case study of Namibia, it explored various means of value production between economic and experiential values in tourism.
University of Leipzig, Germany

European Master of Global Studies, MA; 2021.

Roskilde University, Denmark

Global Studies, MSc; 2021.

University of Leipzig, Germany

American Studies, BA; 2018.


Digital toolset

Version control software (git)

Office Suite (Excel, Word, Access)
Authoring software (LaTeX, pandoc)
Data science (Python Pandas, SciPy, Plotly)
Data management (Web scraping, SQL)

German (native), English (fluent), French (basic)