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[x] Cali2014 - trade increase and wage inequality
- analyzes district-level disaggregation of exposure to trade boom in 1990s to find districts that were more exposed had 2.8% lower wage premiums relative to less-exposed districts
- so, overall premiums rose but less so for trade-exposed districts
- intensification of domestic trade and increase in average education were associated with increased wage premiums
- thus, less additional inequality due to opening trade markets, but more due to increased domestic trade and increasing education differences
[x] Datzberger2018 - education does not reach poor
- looks at education sector through opposition of assimilative/transformative approaches:
- Uganda education sector focuses strongly on assimilation-based agenda:
- increased access to education and retention
- improved quality of education
- employment generation through education
- little impact of assimilative approaches
- assimilative = change at grassroots level, through educating society at large
- highly dependent on transformative approaches: systemic level, government institutions at local,national,global levels
- Uganda education sector focuses strongly on assimilation-based agenda:
- explanations:
- assimilative approach = mainstream approach of human capital building at individual level
- transformative approach = deeper change of oppressive structures to liberate individuals toward self-expression (political, social, etc)
[x] WorldBank2022 - Learning poverty measure
- looks at Learning Poverty Indicator formed of 'Schooling Deprived' (out-of-school) children and 'Learning Deprived' (below minimum proficiency) children
- results:
- 82% of children in Uganda at late primary age not proficient in reading (adjusted for out-of-school children) (Learning Poverty)
- 81% of children do not achieve minimum proficiency level in reading at end of primary school (Learning Deprivation)
- 4% of primary school-aged children not enrolled in school (Schooling Deprivation)
- does not disaggregate rural/location-based, can not disaggregate gender (missing data in Uganda, except schooling deprivation 5.8%boys, 2.9%girls) etc.