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Research Vietnam

  • focus on:
    • income inequality, based on bottom 40%, Gini coefficient, other inequality measures
    • focus on: Vietnam varation in incidence of catastrophic weather events (e.g. floodings) and unequal impact of these events on households

Literature unsorted

[ ] WorldBank2012

  • marked reduction in absolute poverty in country
    • rate of decline slowed somewhat since mid-2000s [@WorldBank2012; @VASS2006; @VASS2011]
    • some decline can be directly attributed to liberalization of markets instead of growth more generally [@McCaig2011; @Benjamin2004; @Edmonds2006]
  • inequality in Vietnam is largely intersectional between ethnicity, regional situation, and a strong rural-urban divide
    • persistent poverty severe among ethnic minorities [@Baulch2012]
  • focuses on consumption inequality

Descriptive statistical analysis ideas

  • real GDP per capita growth rate (see @Benjamin2017, fn.1)
  • distribution of GDP per capita (along ethnicity, rural, regional)
  • amount of ethnic minority in region (Ninh Binh)
    • overall (wikipedia ~98% Kinh)
    • versus especially rural


  • Should I work out a more explicit distinctive line between studies looking at welfare (consumption) and earnings (income) inequality, e.g. in an additional paragraph?
    • since income inequality outcomes tend to be larger than consumption inequalities in V