mirror of
synced 2024-12-22 07:58:08 +00:00
Version 0.2
This commit is contained in:
5 changed files with 249 additions and 129 deletions
@ -12,11 +12,39 @@ import md_link
import md_convert
import safe_path
import watchdog.events
import watchdog.observers
except ImportError:
def text_to_md(file_attrs):
File_attrs = collections.namedtuple('File_attrs', 'file_path folder_dir_path output_dir_path output_file')
A named tuple which functions use to pass input data - data of files to be processed
:param file_path: full absolute path to the file to process
:param folder_dir_path: full absolute path to directory where 'media' and 'attachment' directories are
:param output_dir_path: full absolute path to directory where resulting text file will be stored
:param output_file: empty for new standalone text file with mtime in the name,
'*no mtime*' for or new standalone text file without mtime in the name
or full absolute path to the text file which will be appended with a new entry
Note_attrs = collections.namedtuple('Note_attrs', 'input_file_path output_file_path text mtime title')
'''A named tuple which functions use to pass output data - data of notes to be written.
:param input_file_path: full absolute path to the file which was processed to this tuple
:param output_file_path: full absolute path to the output text file which should be written
:param text: content of the text file which should be written
:param mtime: modification time of input file as markdown headline to optionally prepend a text
:param title: title of a input file as markdown headline to optionally prepend a text'''
def text_to_md(file_attrs, topic_marker):
This will process specified text file getting its topics and replacing urls with favicons and titles where possible
:param file_attrs: File_attrs named tuple
:param topic_marker: symbol(s) which start the 'topic' word, if such word present in text, it will go to 'topic.md'
:return: list of Note_attrs named tuple
filename = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(file_attrs.file_path))[0]
@ -28,8 +56,8 @@ def text_to_md(file_attrs):
topics = re.findall(file_attrs.topic_marker + '(\w*)', text)
text = re.sub(file_attrs.topic_marker + '\w*[ ]?', '', text).strip()
topics = re.findall(topic_marker + '(\w*)', text)
text = re.sub(topic_marker + '\w*[ ]?', '', text).strip()
if re.match('^http[s]?://[^\s]*$', text):
is_bookmark = True
@ -70,6 +98,7 @@ def text_to_md(file_attrs):
return output
def html_to_md(file_attrs, pandoc_bin='pandoc', pandoc_ver=''):
This will move specified convert specified html file to markdown and move all in-line images to sub-folder at media directory
@ -89,6 +118,7 @@ def html_to_md(file_attrs, pandoc_bin='pandoc', pandoc_ver=''):
mtime='**{}** \n'.format(time.strftime('%x %a %X', mtime)),
def file_to_md(file_attrs, media_dir_name):
This will move specified file to media_dir_name and put note with a reference to that file instead
@ -121,45 +151,100 @@ def file_to_md(file_attrs, media_dir_name):
title='# {}\n'.format(file.title))
if __name__ == '__main__':
File_attrs = collections.namedtuple('File_attrs', 'file_path folder_dir_path output_dir_path topic_marker output_file')
def make_flat_list(mixed_list, target_item_type=tuple):
A named tuple which functions use to pass input data - data of files to be processed
:param file_path: full absolute path to the file to process
:param folder_dir_path: full absolute path to directory where 'media' and 'attachment' directories are
:param output_dir_path: full absolute path to directory where resulting text file will be stored
:param topic_marker: symbol(s) which start the 'topic' word (for text files)
:param output_file: empty for new standalone text file with mtime in the name,
'*no mtime*' for or new standalone text file without mtime in the name
or full absolute path to the text file which will be appended with a new entry
Make a list that has lists and 'target_item_type' as items flat, not recursive.
:param mixed_list: list to make flat
:param target_item_type: type of items in the flat list
:return: flat list of 'target_item_type'
flat_list = []
for object in mixed_list:
if type(object) == list:
for item in object:
if type(item) == target_item_type:
elif type(object) == target_item_type:
return flat_list
Note_attrs = collections.namedtuple('Note_attrs', 'input_file_path output_file_path text mtime title')
'''A named tuple which functions use to pass output data - data of notes to be written.
:param input_file_path: full absolute path to the file which was processed to this tuple
:param output_file_path: full absolute path to the output text file which should be written
:param text: content of the text file which should be written
:param mtime: modification time of input file as markdown headline to optionally prepend a text
:param title: title of a input file as markdown headline to optionally prepend a text'''
def process_by_ext(file_attrs):
This will run different functions to process specified File_attrs tuple based on file extension
:param file_attrs: File_attrs named tuple
:return: Note_attrs named tuple
# print(file_attrs.file_path)
if file_attrs.file_path.endswith('.txt') or not os.path.splitext(file_attrs.file_path)[1]:
return text_to_md(file_attrs)
elif args.pandoc_bin and args.pandoc_ver and file_attrs.file_path.endswith(('.htm', '.html')):
return html_to_md(file_attrs, args.pandoc_bin, args.pandoc_ver)
elif file_attrs.file_path.endswith(('.jpg', '.png', '.gif')):
return file_to_md(file_attrs, 'media')
def process_by_path(file_path):
Checks if the file is valid for processing and returns File_attrs tuple depending on its path
:param file_path: Absolute file path
:return: File_attrs named tuple
if file_path.endswith(('.md', 'notes.sqlite')) \
or file_path.startswith((folder_dir + os.sep + 'media', folder_dir + os.sep + 'attachments')) \
or os.sep + '.' in file_path[len(folder_dir):] \
or '_files' + os.sep in file_path[len(folder_dir):]:
if file_path[:len(inbox_dir)] == inbox_dir:
if os.path.dirname(file_path) == inbox_dir:
return File_attrs(file_path=file_path, folder_dir_path=folder_dir,
output_dir_path=inbox_dir, output_file='')
return file_to_md(file_attrs, 'attachments')
return File_attrs(file_path=file_path, folder_dir_path=folder_dir,
output_file=os.path.dirname(file_path)[len(inbox_dir)+1:].replace(os.sep, ' - ') + '.md')
return File_attrs(file_path=file_path, folder_dir_path=folder_dir,
output_dir_path=os.path.dirname(file_path), output_file='*no mtime*')
def process_by_ext(file_attrs):
This will run different functions to process specified File_attrs tuple based on file extension
:param file_attrs: File_attrs named tuple
:return: Note_attrs named tuple
if file_attrs.file_path.endswith('.txt') or not os.path.splitext(file_attrs.file_path)[1]:
return text_to_md(file_attrs, args.topic_marker)
elif args.pandoc_bin and args.pandoc_ver and file_attrs.file_path.endswith(('.htm', '.html')):
return html_to_md(file_attrs, args.pandoc_bin, args.pandoc_ver)
elif file_attrs.file_path.endswith(('.jpg', '.png', '.gif')):
return file_to_md(file_attrs, 'media')
return file_to_md(file_attrs, 'attachments')
def write_note_and_delete(note_attrs): # TODO Test
Create or append existing note files based on Note_attrs tuples data, then delete the source file
:param note_attrs: Note_attrs named tuple
if os.path.isfile(note_attrs.output_file_path):
if os.path.dirname(note_attrs.output_file_path) == inbox_dir:
note_file_path = note_attrs.output_file_path
with open(note_file_path, 'r') as source:
content = note_attrs.mtime + note_attrs.text + '\n\n' + source.read()
i = 1
while os.path.isfile(os.path.splitext(note_attrs.output_file_path)[0] + '_' + str(i) + '.md'):
i += 1
note_file_path = os.path.splitext(note_attrs.output_file_path)[0] + '_' + str(i) + '.md'
content = note_attrs.mtime + note_attrs.text
note_file_path = note_attrs.output_file_path
if note_attrs.title:
content = note_attrs.title + note_attrs.text
content = note_attrs.mtime + note_attrs.text
with open(note_file_path, 'w') as output:
if os.path.isfile(note_file_path):
except OSError:
if __name__ == '__main__':
arg_parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='A script to turn everything in the inbox directory to markdown notes.')
arg_parser.add_argument('-i', '--inbox', action='store', dest='inbox_dir', required=True,
help="Full absolute path to the inbox directory to organize")
@ -173,77 +258,88 @@ if __name__ == '__main__':
help="Command/path to run pandoc")
arg_parser.add_argument('-pv', '--pandoc-ver', action='store', dest='pandoc_ver', required=False,
help="Installed pandoc version")
arg_parser.add_argument('-w', '--watch', action='store_true', dest='watch_fs', required=False,
help="Watch and process new files as they appear after initial scan")
args = arg_parser.parse_args()
inbox_dir = args.inbox_dir
folder_dir = args.folder_dir
topic_marker = args.topic_marker
os.makedirs(inbox_dir, exist_ok=True)
os.makedirs(folder_dir + os.sep + 'media', exist_ok=True)
os.makedirs(folder_dir + os.sep + 'attachments', exist_ok=True)
# Prepare a list of File_attrs tuples for process_by_ext function, based on file location, older files first
file_list = []
if args.scan_folder:
for subfolder, dirs, files in os.walk(folder_dir):
for file_path in sorted([subfolder + os.sep + file for file in files], key=os.path.getmtime):
if os.path.isfile(file_path) \
and not file_path.endswith(('.md', 'notes.sqlite')) \
and not file_path.startswith((inbox_dir, folder_dir + os.sep + 'media', folder_dir + os.sep + 'attachments')) \
and os.sep + '.' not in file_path.replace(folder_dir, '') \
and '_files' + os.sep not in file_path.replace(folder_dir, ''):
file_list.append([File_attrs(file_path=file_path, folder_dir_path=folder_dir, output_dir_path=os.path.dirname(file_path),
topic_marker=topic_marker, output_file='*no mtime*')])
scan_path = folder_dir
scan_path = inbox_dir
for file_path in sorted([inbox_dir + os.sep + path for path in os.listdir(inbox_dir)], key=os.path.getmtime):
if os.path.isdir(file_path) \
and not os.path.basename(file_path).startswith('.') \
and not file_path.endswith('_files'):
for sub_file in sorted([file_path + os.sep + path for path in os.listdir(file_path)], key=os.path.getmtime):
if not sub_file.endswith('.md') \
and not os.path.basename(sub_file).startswith('.'):
file_list.append([File_attrs(file_path=sub_file, folder_dir_path=folder_dir, output_dir_path=inbox_dir,
topic_marker=topic_marker, output_file=os.path.basename(file_path) + '.md')])
if os.path.isfile(file_path) \
and not file_path.endswith('.md') \
and not os.path.basename(file_path).startswith('.'):
file_list.append([File_attrs(file_path=file_path, folder_dir_path=folder_dir, output_dir_path=inbox_dir,
topic_marker=topic_marker, output_file='')])
file_list = []
for dir, subdirs, files in os.walk(scan_path):
for file_path in sorted([dir + os.sep + file for file in files], key=os.path.getmtime):
file_attrs = process_by_path(file_path)
if file_attrs:
# Run process_by_ext for each File_attrs tuple putting resulting Note_attrs tuples to write_list
write_list = multiprocessing.dummy.Pool(100).starmap(process_by_ext, file_list)
# Due to text_to_md outputs list of Note_attrs tuples, this should turn write_list to a flat list
flat_write_list = []
for object in write_list:
if type(object) == list:
for item in object:
if type(item) == Note_attrs:
elif type(object) == Note_attrs:
flat_write_list = make_flat_list(write_list, Note_attrs)
# Create or append existing text files based on Note_attrs tuples data
for note_attrs in flat_write_list:
if args.watch_fs:
with open(note_attrs.output_file_path, 'r') as source:
content = note_attrs.mtime + note_attrs.text + '\n\n' + source.read()
except OSError:
if note_attrs.title:
content = note_attrs.title + note_attrs.text
content = note_attrs.mtime + note_attrs.text
import watchdog.events
import watchdog.observers
except ImportError:
print("Can't find Watchdog module. Watching for changes won't work.")
with open(note_attrs.output_file_path, 'w') as output:
if os.path.isfile(note_attrs.output_file_path):
except OSError:
class FsEventHandler(watchdog.events.FileSystemEventHandler):
def on_any_event(self, event):
if event.is_directory:
elif event.event_type == 'created':
file_path = event.src_path
elif event.event_type == 'moved':
file_path = event.dest_path
if platform.system() == 'Linux':
os.system('notify-send "-a" "Inbox script" "Your inbox is organized"') # TODO maybe change to gi.repository: Notify
file_attrs = process_by_path(file_path)
if file_attrs:
# Wait for all the web page resources saved/synced
if file_path.endswith(('.htm', '.html')): time.sleep(2)
obj_to_write = process_by_ext(file_attrs)
if type(obj_to_write) == list:
for note_attrs in obj_to_write:
event_handler = FsEventHandler()
observer = watchdog.observers.Observer()
observer.schedule(event_handler, scan_path, recursive=True)
while True:
# if platform.system() == 'Linux':
# os.system('notify-send "-a" "Inbox script" "Your inbox is organized"') # TODO maybe change to gi.repository: Notify
@ -9,6 +9,7 @@ Script {
return ''
/// TODO Change to platform dependant defaults without checking
function setDefaultPyCommand() {
if (script.getPersistentVariable('MdNT/pyCommand', '') == '') {
script.setPersistentVariable('MdNT/pyCommand', checkPyCommand())
@ -19,10 +20,10 @@ Script {
property string scriptDirPath
property string inboxFolder
property bool scanFolder
property bool watchFS
property string tagMarker
property string pyCommand
property string pandocCommand
property string pandocVersion
property variant settingsVariables: [
@ -37,16 +38,25 @@ Script {
'identifier': 'scanFolder',
'name': 'Scan whole folder rather than only Inbox folder',
'description': 'If true the script will convert any non-".md" file in folder to note. \n' +
'description': 'If true the script will convert any non-".md" file in folder to note.\n' +
'"Sub-folder to single note" and modification times in note titles will still be only for Inbox.',
'type': 'boolean',
'default': 'false',
'identifier': 'watchFS',
'name': 'Continuously watch for new files and process them as they appear',
'description': 'If true the script will continuously watch inbox/folder (depending on above setting)\n' +
'for new files and process them as soon as they appear.\n' +
'The script will start working on load, no toolbar button will appear.',
'type': 'boolean',
'default': 'false',
'identifier': 'tagMarker',
'name': 'Tag word marker',
'description': 'A symbol or group of symbols which start a "topic" word for ".txt" notes. \n' +
'For example a txt note with "@tag" word will go to "tag.md" note',
'description': 'A symbol or string of symbols which start a "topic" word for ".txt" notes. \n' +
'For example, if set to "@", a ".txt" file with "@tag" word will go to "tag.md" note',
'type': 'string',
'default': '@',
@ -66,10 +76,33 @@ Script {
function runInbox() {
var pyScriptPath = scriptDirPath + script.dirSeparator() + 'inbox.py'
var inboxPath = script.currentNoteFolderPath() + script.dirSeparator() + inboxFolder
var args = [pyScriptPath,
'--inbox', inboxPath,
'--folder', script.currentNoteFolderPath(),
'--marker', tagMarker]
if (scanFolder == true) {
if (watchFS == true) {
if (pandocVersion != '') {
args.push('--pandoc-bin', pandocCommand,
'--pandoc-ver', pandocVersion)
script.startDetachedProcess(pyCommand, args)
script.log('Processing inbox...')
function init() {
pandocVersion = script.getPersistentVariable('MdNT/pandocVersion', '')
/// Check if set pyCommand can run Python 3
if (script.getPersistentVariable('MdNT/pyCommand', '') != pyCommand) {
@ -84,30 +117,36 @@ Script {
/// Get the version of pandoc
if (script.getPersistentVariable('MdNT/pandocCommand', '') != pandocCommand) {
var pandocCheck = script.startSynchronousProcess(pandocCommand, '-v', '').toString().split('\n')[0]
if (pandocCheck.indexOf('pandoc') != '-1') {
script.setPersistentVariable('MdNT/pandocCommand', pandocCommand)
script.setPersistentVariable('MdNT/pandocVersion', pandocCheck.slice(7))
pandocVersion = pandocCheck.slice(7)
else {
script.setPersistentVariable('MdNT/pandocCommand', '')
script.setPersistentVariable('MdNT/pandocCommand', '')
/// Issues alerts
if (script.getPersistentVariable('MdNT/pandocCommand', '') == '') {
script.informationMessageBox('The command/path for pandoc in the script settings is not valid\n' +
'Converting web pages will be disabled.',
script.informationMessageBox('The command/path for pandoc in the script settings is not valid.\n' +
'Converting web pages to notes will be disabled.',
'Inbox script')
script.setPersistentVariable('MdNT/pandocCommand', pandocCommand)
script.setPersistentVariable('MdNT/pandocVersion', '')
pandocVersion = ''
else {
pandocVersion = script.getPersistentVariable('MdNT/pandocVersion', '')
if (script.getPersistentVariable('MdNT/pyCommand', '') == '') {
script.informationMessageBox('The command/path for Python 3 interpreter in the script settings is not valid\n' +
script.informationMessageBox('The command/path for Python 3 interpreter in the script settings is not valid.\n' +
'Please set the correct command/path.',
'Inbox script')
else if (watchFS == true) {
else {
script.registerCustomAction('inbox', 'Process inbox folder', 'Inbox', 'mail-receive.svg')
@ -116,25 +155,7 @@ Script {
function customActionInvoked(action) {
if (action == 'inbox') {
var pyScriptPath = scriptDirPath + script.dirSeparator() + 'inbox.py'
var inboxPath = script.currentNoteFolderPath() + script.dirSeparator() + inboxFolder
var args = [pyScriptPath,
'--inbox', inboxPath,
'--folder', script.currentNoteFolderPath(),
'--marker', tagMarker]
if (scanFolder == true) {
if (pandocVersion != '') {
args.push('--pandoc-bin', pandocCommand,
'--pandoc-ver', pandocVersion)
script.startDetachedProcess(pyCommand, args)
script.log('Processing inbox...')
@ -5,9 +5,7 @@
"resources": ["inbox.py", "md_link.py", "md_convert.py", "safe_path.py"],
"authors": ["@Maboroshy"],
"platforms": ["linux", "macos", "windows"],
"version": "0.1.1",
"version": "0.2.0",
"minAppVersion": "17.05.8",
"description" : "Inbox is a complex script to organize data added from different devices and applications.\n\n<b>It's currently at beta stage, so using it for unrecoverable data is discouraged.</b>\n\nThe script processes files in inbox folder you set or whole note folder (depending on settings) as follows:\n- The script turns all .txt files and files with no extension to .md note with modification time in the file name.\n- If there's a word that starts with a '@' (configurable) in file text, content of that file will be added to .md note named like that word. The content of .txt file with '@tag' in text will be added to 'tag.md' file.\n- Every URL in text file will be converted to markdown link, with web page favicon and title if possible.\n- Any web page, saved as .htm file with '_files' folder, will be converted to .md note.\n- Any image file placed to inbox folder will be moved to media folder. The script will put .md note with the in-line image instead.\n- Any other file placed to inbox folder will be moved to attachments folder. The script will put .md note with a link to the file instead. On Linux the file icon will be put before link.\n- (Inbox folder only) Text/link of file placed to sub-folder of inbox folder will be added to .md note named like the sub-folder. Everything put to 'topic' sub-folder will be added to 'topic.md' file.\n- (Linux only) The script will put thumbnail for .pdf file as a link to it.\n- (Linux only) The script will replace large in-line images with a smaller ones as a link to original ones.\n\n <a href=\"https://github.com/qownnotes/scripts/blob/master/inbox/workflow.md\">Workflow examples</a>
<b>Dependencies:</b>\n<a href=\"https://www.python.org/downloads/\">Python 3.3+ Interpreter</a>;\n<a href=\"http://pandoc.org/installing.html\">Pandoc</a>;\n(Linux only, pdf thumbnails) ghostscript;\n(Linux only, image thumbnails) imagemagick;\n(Linux only, file icons) python-gobject.\n\n<b>Usage:</b>\nRun the script by toolbar button or menu item."
"description" : "Inbox is a complex script to organize data added from different devices and applications.\n\n<b>It's currently at beta stage, so using it for unrecoverable data is discouraged.</b>\n\nThe script processes files in inbox folder you set or whole note folder (depending on settings) as follows:\n- The script turns all .txt files and files with no extension to .md notes with modification time in the file name.\n- If there's a word that starts with a '@' (configurable) in .txt file, content of that file will be added to .md note named like that word. The content of .txt file with '@topic' in text will be added to 'topic.md' file. Outside of inbox folder the text won't be added to note but will become a new standalone note.\n- Every URL in text file will be converted to markdown link, with web page favicon and title if possible.\n- Any web page, saved as .htm file with '_files' folder, will be converted to .md note.\n- Any image file placed to inbox folder will be moved to media folder. The script will put .md note with the in-line image instead.\n- Any other file placed to inbox folder will be moved to attachments folder. The script will put .md note with a link to the file instead. On Linux the file icon will be put before link.\n- (Inbox folder only) Text/link of file placed to sub-folder of inbox folder will be added to .md note named like the sub-folder. Everything put to 'topic' sub-folder will be added to 'topic.md' file. Topic words won't work in these sub-folders.\n- (Linux only) The script will put thumbnail for .pdf file as a link to it.\n- (Linux only) The script will replace large in-line image with a smaller one as a link to original.\n\n <a href=\"https://github.com/qownnotes/scripts/blob/master/inbox/workflow.md\">Workflow examples</a>\n\n<b>Dependencies:</b>\n<a href=\"https://www.python.org/downloads/\">Python 3.3+ Interpreter</a>;\n(optional, continuous watch mode)<a href=\"http://pythonhosted.org/watchdog/installation.html\">Watchdog module</a>;\n(optional, web page to note)<a href=\"http://pandoc.org/installing.html\">Pandoc</a>;\n(optional, Linux only, pdf thumbnails) ghostscript;\n(optional, Linux only, image thumbnails) imagemagick;\n(optional, Linux only, file icons) python-gobject.\n\n<b>Usage:</b>\nRun the script by toolbar button or menu item. Or, if set to 'continuous watch' mode, it will run itself on load."
@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ def html_text(html_text, pandoc_bin='pandoc', pandoc_ver='1.19.1'):
# Remove firefox reader mode panel if there's one
html_text = re.sub('<ul id="reader-toolbar" class="toolbar">.*</li></ul></ul>', '', html_text, flags=re.DOTALL)
html_text = re.sub('<ul id="reader-toolbar" class="toolbar">.*</li></ul></ul>', '', html_text, flags=re.DOTALL) ## TODO Maybe use html.parser
pandoc_pipe = subprocess.Popen(pandoc_args, stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
@ -66,4 +66,4 @@ def saved_html(html_path, folder_dir_path, pandoc_bin='pandoc', pandoc_ver='1.19
shutil.rmtree(os.path.splitext(html_path)[0] + '_files', True)
return md_text
return md_text
@ -61,9 +61,14 @@ class URL:
html_text = urllib.request.urlopen(self.url).read().decode('utf-8') # TODO encodings other that utf-8, https fails on early Python 3 versions
except (urllib.error.HTTPError, urllib.error.URLError, UnicodeDecodeError):
return ''
title = ''
return re.search('<title.*?>(.+?)</title>', html_text, re.IGNORECASE | re.DOTALL).group(1)
title = re.search('<title.*?>(.+?)</title>', html_text, re.IGNORECASE | re.DOTALL).group(1)
if title:
return title
return self.url.split('//')[-1].split('/')[0]
def md(self):
Reference in a new issue