Marty Oehme 333e2580f0
git: Add personal git server substitutions
Added automatic aliasing for my own git server pushing and pulling.
2021-12-15 17:38:10 +01:00

57 lines
2.3 KiB

email =
name = Marty Oehme
signingkey = B7538B8F50A1C800
defaultBranch = main
ignore = "!gitignore -f"
pushmerge = "push -o merge_request.merge_when_pipeline_succeeds" # see # merge-when-pipeline-succeeds-alias
last = "diff HEAD~ HEAD"
pushall = "!git remote | xargs -I R git push R" # push to all connected remotes
gpgsign = true # sign commits as me
verbose = true # Always show diff when preparing commit message
prune = true # remove references to non-existent remote branches
rebase = true # always rebase on pulling, obviates merge commits
colorMoved = zebra # also color stuff that has simply been moved, in a classy zebra-color
diff = dsf | less --tabs=4 -RFXS --pattern '(^(Date|added|deleted|modified): |^diff --git )'
meta = "9"
frag = "magenta bold"
commit = "yellow bold"
old = "red bold"
new = "green bold"
whitespace = "red reverse"
oldNormal = "red bold"
oldHighlight = "red bold 52"
newNormal = "green bold"
newHighlight = "green bold 22"
autostash = true
autoSquash = true
# Make use of git urls for git{lab,hub}, but only do so for pushing
# since pulling will create troubles with some applications
[url ""]
pushInsteadOf = ""
pushInsteadOf = ""
pushInsteadOf = "gh:"
[url ""]
pushInsteadOf = ""
pushInsteadOf = ""
[url ""]
pushInsteadOf = ""
pushInsteadOf = ""
pushInsteadOf = ""
pullInsteadOf = ""
[filter "lfs"]
clean = git-lfs clean -- %f
smudge = git-lfs smudge -- %f
process = git-lfs filter-process
required = true