Marty Oehme 747e9bc2f5
repo: Turn mail account files into templates
Since we have extracted changes into private repository, change the files
containing them into templates so they do not get overwritten by branch
2023-12-12 16:32:00 +01:00

100 lines
4.1 KiB

# BASE: A base system. Sets up a nice xdg (zsh) shell environment, utility scripts and
# a development environment based on git and nvim.
depends = ["shell", "git", "nvim", "scripts", "ssh", "terminal", "bootstrap"]
"bootstrap/" = "~/.config/sh/alias.d/"
"sh/" = { target = "~/NOWHERE", type = "symbolic", if = "false" }
sh = "~"
"git/" = { target = "~/NOWHERE", type = "symbolic", if = "false" }
git = "~"
"nvim/.config/nvim/spell/de.utf-8.add.spl" = { target = "~/.config/nvim/spell/de.utf-8.add.spl", type = "symbolic" }
"nvim/.config/nvim/spell/en.utf-8.add.spl" = { target = "~/.config/nvim/spell/en.utf-8.add.spl", type = "symbolic" }
nvim = "~"
"scripts/" = { target = "~/NOWHERE", type = "symbolic", if = "false" }
scripts = "~"
ssh = "~"
"terminal/.config/vifm" = "~/.config/vifm"
"terminal/.config/vifm/vifmrc" = { target = "~/.config/vifm/vifmrc", type = "symbolic" }
terminal = "~"
# LINUX: A linux machine, with systemd enabled, auto-mounting set up and a nice productivity suite.
depends = ["base", "disks", "pass", "office", "services", "social", "writing"]
"disks/" = { target = "~/NOWHERE", type = "symbolic", if = "false" }
disks = "~"
"pass/" = { target = "~/NOWHERE", type = "symbolic", if = "false" }
"pass/.local/share/pass-pick/assets/rofi-menu.gif" = { target = "~/NOWHERE", type = "symbolic", if = "false" }
pass = "~"
"office/" = { target = "~/NOWHERE", type = "symbolic", if = "false" }
"office/.config/glow/email.json" = { target = "~/.config/glow/email.json", type = "symbolic" }
"office/.config/isync/mbsyncrc" = { target = "~/.config/isync/mbsyncrc", type = "template" }
"office/.config/msmtp/config" = { target = "~/.config/msmtp/config", type = "template" }
"office/.config/neomutt/account" = { target = "~/.config/neomutt/account", type = "template" }
"office/.config/neomutt/" = { target = "~/.config/neomutt/", type = "template" }
"office/.config/neomutt/profile.private" = { target = "~/.config/neomutt/profile.private", type = "template" }
office = "~"
"services/" = { target = "~/NOWHERE", type = "symbolic", if = "false" }
services = "~"
social = "~"
"writing/" = { target = "~/NOWHERE", type = "symbolic", if = "false" }
"writing/.config/papis/papistui.yaml" = { target = "~/.config/papis/papistui.yaml", type = "symbolic" }
"writing/.config/sioyek/prefs_user.config" = { target = "~/.config/sioyek/prefs_user.config", type = "template", prepend = "# TEMPLATED BY DOTTER\n" }
writing = "~"
# WORKSTATION: A desktop machine, with wayland environment and display attached.
depends = ["linux", "desktop", "multimedia", "qutebrowser"]
"desktop/.config/flavours/templates" = { target = "~/.config/flavours/templates", type = "symbolic" }
"desktop/.config/waybar/config" = { target = "~/.config/waybar/config", type = "symbolic" }
"desktop/.config/mako/config" = { target = "~/.config/mako/config", type = "template", prepend = "# TEMPLATED BY DOTTER\n" }
"desktop/" = { target = "~/NOWHERE", type = "symbolic", if = "false" }
desktop = "~"
"multimedia/" = { target = "~/NOWHERE", type = "symbolic", if = "false" }
"multimedia/.config/mpv/scripts" = { target = "~/.config/mpv/scripts", type = "symbolic" }
"multimedia/.config/ncmpcpp/config" = { target = "~/.config/ncmpcpp/config", type = "symbolic" }
"multimedia/.config/mpv/fonts/uosc_icons.otf" = { target = "~/.config/mpv/fonts/uosc_icons.otf", type = "symbolic" }
"multimedia/.config/mpv/fonts/uosc_textures.ttf" = { target = "~/.config/mpv/fonts/uosc_textures.ttf", type = "symbolic" }
multimedia = "~"
"qutebrowser/config" = "~/.config/qutebrowser"
"qutebrowser/scripts" = "~/.local/bin"
"qutebrowser/data" = "~/.local/share/qutebrowser"
"bootstrap/system-packages" = { target = "/", type = "symbolic", owner = "root" }