Marty Oehme dcde027a67
dotter: Simplify local setups
Everything that is in the repo should be listed in the global.toml
file. The local.toml file then picks the stuff to actually
write. For systemwide packages, a systemwide.toml (local) file
is used instead.
2023-10-03 13:19:48 +02:00

84 lines
2.1 KiB

depends = ["shell", "git", "nvim", "scripts", "ssh", "terminal"]
depends = [
depends = ["linux", "desktop", "multimedia", "qutebrowser"]
"sh/" = { target = "~/", type = "symbolic", if = "false" }
sh = "~"
"desktop/.config/flavours/templates" = { target = "~/.config/flavours/templates", type = "symbolic" }
"desktop/.config/waybar/config" = { target = "~/.config/waybar/config", type = "symbolic" }
"desktop/" = { target = "~/", type = "symbolic", if = "false" }
desktop = "~"
"disks/" = { target = "~/", type = "symbolic", if = "false" }
disks = "~"
"git/" = { target = "~/", type = "symbolic", if = "false" }
git = "~"
"multimedia/" = { target = "~/", type = "symbolic", if = "false" }
"multimedia/.config/mpv/scripts" = { target = "~/.config/mpv/scripts", type = "symbolic" }
"multimedia/.config/ncmpcpp/config" = { target = "~/.config/ncmpcpp/config", type = "symbolic" }
multimedia = "~"
nvim = "~"
"office/" = { target = "~/", type = "symbolic", if = "false" }
"office/.config/glow/email.json" = { target = "~/.config/glow/email.json", type = "symbolic" }
office = "~"
"pass/" = { target = "~/", type = "symbolic", if = "false" }
pass = "~"
qutebrowser = "~"
"scripts/" = { target = "~/", type = "symbolic", if = "false" }
scripts = "~"
"services/" = { target = "~/", type = "symbolic", if = "false" }
services = "~"
social = "~"
ssh = "~"
"terminal/.config/vifm" = { target = "~/.config/vifm", type = "symbolic" }
terminal = "~"
"writing/" = { target = "~/", type = "symbolic", if = "false" }
writing = "~"
"bootstrap/system-packages" = { target = "/", type = "symbolic", owner = "root" }