2019-12-29 23:12:13 +01:00

47 lines
1.8 KiB

" set up fzf-bibtex
let g:fzf_bibtex_cache = '~/.cache/'
let g:fzf_bibtex_sources = g:pandoc#biblio#bibs
" prepare bibtex_ls function to look for bib files in cwd/parent/subdirs,
" attach the standard bibtex source file
" return the command with standard cache directory filled
function! s:bibtex_ls(...)
let bibfiles = (
\ globpath('.', '*.bib', v:true, v:true) +
\ globpath('..', '*.bib', v:true, v:true) +
\ globpath('*/', '*.bib', v:true, v:true)
\ )
let bibfiles = join(bibfiles, ' ')
let source_cmd = 'bibtex-ls -cache ' . g:fzf_bibtex_cache . ' ' .bibfiles . ' ' . join(g:fzf_bibtex_sources)
return source_cmd
" insert citation from normal mode at cursor (with brackets)
function! s:bibtex_cite_sink(lines)
let r=system("bibtex-cite ", a:lines)
execute ':normal! i[' . r . ']'
command! -bang -nargs=* CiteRef call fzf#run(fzf#wrap({
\ 'source': <sid>bibtex_ls(<q-args>),
\ 'sink*': function('<sid>bibtex_cite_sink'),
\ 'up': '25%',
\ 'options': '--ansi --multi --prompt "Cite> "'
\ }))
" insert citation from insert mode at cursor (no brackets inserted)
function! s:bibtex_cite_sink_insert(lines)
let r=system("bibtex-cite ", a:lines)
execute ':normal! i' . r
call feedkeys('a', 'n')
" insert markdown formatted reference
function! s:bibtex_markdown_sink(lines)
let r=system("bibtex-markdown -cache " . g:fzf_bibtex_cache . ' ' . join(g:fzf_bibtex_sources), a:lines)
echo join(a:lines, '; ')
execute ':normal! i' . r
command! -bang -nargs=* CiteMarkdown call fzf#run(fzf#wrap({
\ 'source': <sid>bibtex_ls(),
\ 'sink*': function('<sid>bibtex_markdown_sink'),
\ 'up': '25%',
\ 'options': '--ansi --multi --prompt "Markdown> "'
\ }))