Marty Oehme bc046d02df
nvim: Switch to lua-based setup
nvim: Restructure lua config directory

Restructured lua setting files, so that plugin settings are in clearly
labelled as such files, and the base files are just there --- the base

This should also lay the ground work for modularizing plugins, so that
we can enable/disable plugin groups as we need them.


nvim: Remove ale linter and formatter

Removed ale from plugins.
Linting is being taken care of by lsp and treesitter plugins and
formatting by formatter.nvim.

Added all filetypes ale took care of to formatting on save.


nvim: Replace wiki.vim with zettelkasten.nvim

Removed lerlvag's `wiki.vim` from plugin list.
Though I love it and loved using it, by now it clutters up the list and
the basic functionality I need it provided by zettelkasten.nvim.
(That being linking, following links, and quickly opening a central file).

I may still come back to it at some point, but for now I am happy with
the new setup.


nvim: Add toggleterm and lazygit integration

Added toggleterm plugin, integrating a very quick access to the neovim
terminal (`<leader>=` mapping).

Additionally, added a command to quickly call up a lazygit floating
windows with the same plugin. `<leader>G` will open a git management
window in which you can stage, remove, commit, push, pull and more.


nvim: Replace surround, sneak; Add treesitter, dial

Replaced vim-sneak with lightspeed lua plugin, which accomplishes
similar to the same goal, with a little more flexibility (can also be
used to replicate other vim plugins like e.g. easymotion).
For now I am using it as a straight replacement, with the same fF/tT
functionality stretching over multiple lines, and quick sS 2-letter
jumps to any location ahead/back.
The highlighting is noticeably more stable and faster. For now it is set
to always highlight the next 5 occurences of a letter, wherever they
are. Lastly, it does not -- so the lightspeed author -- change the
buffer in any way which is what happened with sneak (due to vimscript
limitations) and which can and did confuse things like treesitter and
the lsp integration.

Replaced vim-surround with a lua-equivalent surround.nvim. This one I am
less sure about, the lua pluging, while working, still carries some bugs
and does not seem as thoroughly tested. It still has problems with
surrounding stuff with e.g. `*` and does not deal well with some
quotation situations. I will try to keep using it and perhaps find the
time to contribute to some of the issues instead of going back at first
however, purely since I am a much bigger fan of the plugin existing in

Replaced vim-peekaboo with registers, another switch to a lua plugin,
which also functions slightly differently however. I much prefer the lua
plugins display of register contents which simply appear as a dropdown,
compe-like, and I can either paste with the correct symbol choice as
always, or by scrolling through it as if it is an autocomplete choice.

Added dial.nvim which slightly extends the functionality of ^a and ^x
number in-/decreases. It should barely be noticeable in normal operation
but now the combination can be used to change dates, alphabet
characters, hex codes and some more. Most prominently, I am using it for
date manipulation.

Added a couple of treesitter related plugins:
treesitter-context shows the context the cursor is currently in if the
beginning of this context goes off-screen, e.g. the function beginning
or current class being edited. Works for nested contexts.
treesitter-textsubjects allows selecting units of codes by going up the
tree branches. So, first you select an argument, then the whole argument
chain, then the function definition, then the whole function, then the
containing class, and so on. It is quite natural, however, I have so far
only made it work for visual selection, so not as a motion target.
Still, very useful - works with `v.` and can be repeated with `.`.
Lastly, ts-context-commentstring improves the correct selection of
commenting type for commenting plugins (i.e. my `gcc` mapping), by
making use of treesitter where available. Can even do multi-language
files like vue, react, or tsx modules with html, css and javascript


nvim: Add code formatter

Added code formatter in lua, right now supporting python, cpp,
javascript, lua, rust.
More can very easily be added.

I am not sure if this plugin supports the formatting of code within
snippets in another file format (lukas-reineke/format.nvim does support
this, but seems not-maintained).


nvim: Add tmux, snippet completion

Added (for real this time) tmux adjacent buffer completion.

Added vsnip completion through compe: Invoke a completion (shown in
compe with snippet preview) through <cr> or <space-cr> and then use
<tab> and <s-tab> to go back and forth through the completable positions
for the respective snippet.

Many default snippets included through the community repository of


nvim: Improve compe completion, Add outline view

Added outline view to neovim, similar to the well-known vista.vim
plugin. Can be opened (and closed again) with <leader>o mapping, simply
mnemonic for 'outline'.

Added unicode symbols (invoked with '\') and tmux adjacent buffers
to compe completion sources.


nvim: Add zen writing mode in lua

Switched from goyo to TrueZen.nvim in looking for a lua replacement of
zen writing modes. The F11 shortcut remains the same, additionally using
F10 shortcut to enter a less drastic minimal mode.


nvim: Switch keymaps to lua format

Using cartographer to make setting keymaps easy.


nvim: Add tmux Navigator lua replacement


nvim: Add autopairs, zen writing lua plugins

Switch goyo and autopairs to make use of lua plugins.

Moved most of the plugin setup code from a custom and manually updated
array being called from init.lua, to their respective plugin
installations in plugins.lua (so, wherever the plugin is installed also
contains the call of the configuration code).

This should hopefully reduce duplication a little and may prepare for
the lua plugin setups to end up in plugins directory of neovim.


nvim: Add lua statusline, base16, async grep

Added galaxyline in an initial iteration which is probably overloaded
but integrates well with the also moved over to lua base16 colorschemes.
For now, it is possible to, at any point, simply call the `:lua
B16theme('themename')` command to change the colorscheme of both neovim
itself and the galaxyline with it.

The statusline, as of now, includes the activated mode (of course), the
filename being edited, the edit state (whether changed from last save,
or read-only), the current git branch if any, as well as the amount of
added, modified, and deleted lines from current git commit. On the right
hand side it contains the lsp status (if connected), the amount of
errors and warnings in current file, the filetype currently recognized
for the file, as well as the usual cursor position in the window.

Added some small other things, including an asynchronous fuzzy-backed
full-text search through telescope, which should hopefully make
full-text searching much more responsive than before; updated the
version of indentline to the correct one; and disabled some unused vim
built-in plugins.
2021-07-27 10:12:33 +02:00

42 lines
1.4 KiB

-- much of this config comes from
-- - with much gratitude
local augroup = require("helpers.augroup")
local api = vim.api
-- Highlight whatever is being yanked
'TextYankPost', '*',
'silent! lua require"vim.highlight".on_yank{timeout=500}'
}, 'highlightyanks')
-- Compile on plugin edits
augroup({{'BufWritePost', 'plugins.lua', 'PackerCompile'}}, 'compilepackages')
-- Special setting for editing gopass files - make sure nothing leaks outside the directories it is supposed to
'BufNewFile,BufRead', '/dev/shm/gopass.*',
'setlocal noswapfile nobackup noundofile nowritebackup viminfo='
}, {
'BufNewFile,BufRead', '/dev/shm/pass.?*/?*.txt',
'setlocal noswapfile nobackup noundofile nowritebackup viminfo='
}, {
'BufNewFile,BufRead', '$TMPDIR/pass.?*/?*.txt',
'setlocal noswapfile nobackup noundofile nowritebackup viminfo='
}, {
'BufNewFile,BufRead', '/tmp/pass.?*/?*.txt',
'setlocal noswapfile nobackup noundofile nowritebackup viminfo='
}, 'passnoleak')
-- fixing neovim opening up at same moment as alacritty (see
augroup({{'VimEnter', '*', 'silent exec "!kill -s SIGWINCH $PPID"'}}, 'fixsize')
api.nvim_exec('runtime abbrev.vim', false)