Added new quickselect mode to quickly open a displayed url. Changed original quickselect to use leader-f mapping (instead of shift+f) and made new mode callable through the shift+f version. from: Delegated scroll mode invocation to leader-b, as in original setup.
127 lines
4.7 KiB
127 lines
4.7 KiB
local wezterm = require('wezterm')
local act = wezterm.action
local keys = {
{ key = 'O', mods = 'CTRL', action = act.ShowDebugOverlay },
{ key = '[', mods = 'CTRL', action = act.ScrollToPrompt(-1) },
{ key = ']', mods = 'CTRL', action = act.ScrollToPrompt(1) },
{ -- vertical pane
key = '\\',
mods = 'LEADER',
action = act.SplitHorizontal { domain = 'CurrentPaneDomain' }
}, { -- horizontal pane
key = '-',
mods = 'LEADER',
action = act.SplitVertical { domain = 'CurrentPaneDomain' }
}, -- pane movement keys
key = 'h',
mods = 'CTRL',
action = act.EmitEvent 'ActivatePaneDirection-left'
key = 'j',
mods = 'CTRL',
action = act.EmitEvent 'ActivatePaneDirection-down'
key = 'k',
mods = 'CTRL',
action = act.EmitEvent 'ActivatePaneDirection-up'
}, {
key = 'l',
mods = 'CTRL',
action = act.EmitEvent 'ActivatePaneDirection-right'
}, { key = 'z', mods = 'LEADER', action = act.TogglePaneZoomState },
{ key = ' ', mods = 'LEADER', action = act.RotatePanes 'Clockwise' },
{ key = 'q', mods = 'LEADER', action = act.PaneSelect { mode = 'Activate' } },
key = 'Q',
mods = 'LEADER',
action = act.PaneSelect { mode = 'SwapWithActive' }
}, { key = 'c', mods = 'LEADER', action = act.SpawnTab 'CurrentPaneDomain' },
{ key = ',', mods = 'LEADER', action = act.MoveTabRelative(-1) },
{ key = '.', mods = 'LEADER', action = act.MoveTabRelative(1) }, -- workspace selection
key = 's',
mods = 'LEADER',
action = act.ShowLauncherArgs { flags = 'FUZZY|WORKSPACES' }
}, { key = 't', mods = 'LEADER', action = act.ShowTabNavigator },
{ key = '[', mods = 'LEADER', action = act.ActivateCopyMode }, {
key = 'r',
mods = 'LEADER',
action = act.ActivateKeyTable {
name = 'resize_pane',
one_shot = false,
timeout_milliseconds = 2000,
replace_current = true
}, { key = 'f', mods = 'LEADER', action = act.QuickSelect }, {
key = 'F',
mods = 'LEADER',
action = wezterm.action.QuickSelectArgs {
patterns = { "https?://\\S+" },
action = wezterm.action_callback(
function(window, pane)
local url = window:get_selection_text_for_pane(pane)
wezterm.log_info("opening: " .. url)
}, {
key = '/',
mods = 'LEADER',
action = act.Search('CurrentSelectionOrEmptyString')
}, {
key = 'b',
mods = 'LEADER',
action = act.ActivateKeyTable {
name = 'scroll_mode',
one_shot = false,
replace_current = true,
timeout_milliseconds = 15000
}, { key = 'e', mods = 'LEADER', action = act.EmitEvent 'edit-scrollback' },
key = 'l',
mods = 'LEADER',
action = act.EmitEvent 'ActivatePaneDirection-Right'
}, { key = 'a', mods = 'CTRL|ALT', action = act.EmitEvent 'toggle-leader' }
-- Leader + number to activate that tab
for i = 1, 8 do
table.insert(keys, {
key = tostring(i),
mods = 'LEADER',
action = act.ActivateTab(i - 1)
-- key table sub modes
local key_tables = {
-- mode to change size of any panes
resize_pane = {
{ key = 'h', action = act.AdjustPaneSize { 'Left', 1 } },
{ key = 'l', action = act.AdjustPaneSize { 'Right', 1 } },
{ key = 'k', action = act.AdjustPaneSize { 'Up', 1 } },
{ key = 'j', action = act.AdjustPaneSize { 'Down', 1 } },
{ key = 'H', action = act.AdjustPaneSize { 'Left', 10 } },
{ key = 'L', action = act.AdjustPaneSize { 'Right', 10 } },
{ key = 'K', action = act.AdjustPaneSize { 'Up', 10 } },
{ key = 'J', action = act.AdjustPaneSize { 'Down', 10 } },
{ key = 'Escape', action = 'PopKeyTable' }
scroll_mode = {
{ key = 'y', mods = 'CTRL', action = act.ScrollByLine(-1) },
{ key = 'e', mods = 'CTRL', action = act.ScrollByLine(1) },
{ key = 'f', mods = 'CTRL', action = act.ScrollByPage(1) },
{ key = 'b', mods = 'CTRL', action = act.ScrollByPage(-1) },
{ key = 'd', mods = 'CTRL', action = act.ScrollByPage(0.5) },
{ key = 'u', mods = 'CTRL', action = act.ScrollByPage(-0.5) },
{ key = 'g', mods = 'CTRL', action = act.ScrollToTop },
{ key = 'G', mods = 'CTRL', action = act.ScrollToBottom },
{ key = 'Escape', action = 'PopKeyTable' }
return { keys = keys, key_tables = key_tables }