Simple wrapper for xdg-open functionality. Simply refers to xdg-open except if there exists mimeo on the system which it will refer to instead. So, a simple preference modificator for mimeo over xdg-open since that is my preference too. Also gave it a short name so I can do open whenever I want and don't have to tax my left hand with tying xdg.
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# Where the pubs repository files (bibtex, metadata, notes) are located
pubsdir = ~/documents/library
# Where the documents files are located (default: $(pubsdir)/doc/)
docsdir = ~/documents/library/doc
# Specify if a document should be copied or moved in the docdir, or only
# linked when adding a publication.
doc_add = copy
# the command to use when opening document files
open_cmd = open
# which editor to use when editing bibtex files.
# if using a graphical editor, use the --wait or --block option, i.e.:
# "atom --wait"
# "kate --block"
# If set to an empty string (default) pubs uses the value of the environment
# variable $EDITOR.
edit_cmd = ""
# Which default extension to use when creating a note file.
note_extension = md
# How many authors to display when displaying a citation. If there are more
# authors, only the first author is diplayed followed by 'et al.'.
max_authors = 3
# If true debug mode is on which means exceptions are not catched and
# the full python stack is printed.
debug = False
# If true the citekey is normalized using the 'citekey_format' on adding new publications.
normalize_citekey = False
# String specifying how to format the citekey. All strings of
# the form '{substitution:modifier}' and '{substitution}' will
# be substituted with their appropriate values. The following
# substitutions are used:
# author_last_name: last name of the first author
# year: year of publication
# short_title: first word of the title (excluding words such as "the", "an", ...)
# modifiers:
# l: converts the text to lowercase
# u: converts the text to uppercase
# examples:
# {author_last_name:l}{year} generates 'yang2020'
# {author_last_name}{year}{short_title} generates 'Yang2020Towards'
# {author_last_name:l}{year}{short_title:l} generates 'yang2020towards'
# {author_last_name:u}{year} generates 'YANG2020'
citekey_format = {author_last_name}{year}
# which bibliographic fields to exclude from bibtex files. By default, none.
# Please note that excluding critical fields such as `title` or `author`
# will break many commands of pubs.
exclude_bibtex_fields = ,
# Enable bold formatting, if the terminal supports it.
bold = True
# Enable italics, if the terminal supports it.
italics = True
# Enable colors, if the terminal supports it.
color = True
# Here you can define the color theme used by pubs, if enabled in the
# 'formating' section. Predefined theme are available at:
# Available colors are: 'black', 'red', 'green', 'yellow', 'blue', 'purple',
# 'cyan', and 'grey'. Bold colors are available by prefixing 'b' in front of
# the color name ('bblack', 'bred', etc.), italic colors by prefixing 'i',
# and bold italic by prefixing 'bi'. Finally, 'bold', 'italic' and
# 'bolditalic' can be used to apply formatting without changing the color.
# For no color, use an empty string ''
# messages
ok = green
warning = yellow
error = red
# ui elements
filepath = bold
citekey = purple
tag = cyan
# bibliographic fields
author = bold
title = ""
publisher = ""
year = bold
volume = bold
pages = ""
# Comma-separated list of the plugins to load.
# Currently pubs comes with built-in plugins alias and git.
active = alias,git
# new subcommands can be defined, e.g.:
# print = open --with lp
# evince = open --with evince
# shell commands can also be defined, by prefixing them with a bang `!`, e.g:
# count = !pubs list -k | wc -l
# aliases can also be defined with descriptions using the following configobj
# subsectioning. NOTE: any aliases defined this way should come after all other
# aliases, otherwise simple aliases will be ignored.
# [[[count]]]
# command = !pubs list -k | wc -l
# description = lists number of pubs in repo
# new subcommands can be defined, e.g.:
# print = open --with lp
# evince = open --with evince
# shell commands can also be defined, by prefixing them with a bang `!`, e.g:
# count = !pubs list -k | wc -l
# aliases can also be defined with descriptions using the following configobj
# subsectioning. NOTE: any aliases defined this way should come after all other
# aliases, otherwise simple aliases will be ignored.
# [[[count]]]
# command = !pubs list -k | wc -l
# description = lists number of pubs in repo
# To use commas in the description, wrap them in a "" string. For example:
# description = "lists number of pubs in repo, greets the user afterward"
# The git plugin will commit changes to the repository in a git repository
# created at the root of the pubs directory. All detected changes will be
# commited every time a change is made by a pubs command.
# The plugin also propose the `pubs git` subcommand, to directly send git
# commands to the pubs repository. Therefore, `pubs git status` is equivalent
# to `git -C <pubsdir> status`, with the `-C` flag instructing
# to invoke git as if the current directory was <pubsdir>. Note that a
# limitation of the subcommand is that you cannot use git commands with the
# `-c` option (pubs will interpret it first.)
# if False, will display git output when automatic commit are made.
# Invocation of `pubs git` will always have output displayed.
quiet = True
# if True, git will not automatically commit changes
manual = False
# if True, color will be conserved from git output (this add `-c color:always`
# to the git invocation).
force_color = True
# The version of this configuration file. Do not edit.
version = 0.9.0